Big Pants claimed Monday that Barack Obama was not an African, but an Arab.
The two are not mutually exclusive of course, and Obama is a native-born American, but nonetheless, the Big Fat Liar said: "Do you know he has not one shred of African-American blood?" .[..] "He's Arab. You know, he's from Africa. He's from Arab parts of Africa. ... [H]e's not African-American. The last thing that he is is African-American."
This, of course, is an outright lie from the party who doesn''t, they say, play the race card.
They doesn't have to: they've got the Rushbo.
It's hard to imagine which a racist might deem more hate-worthy, a black African or an A-rab, Rush's blarting over the radio to 13.5 million listeners, gives them both options to choose from.
The race-baiting lie hides beneath, and piles onto other nasty Republican black-op campaign memes: that Obama is not an American; that he's hiding his past despite his forthright autobiography ("I inhaled, that was the point."); and years of dogged vetting by the media and other interested parties.
We can hear the dittohead "political discussions" echoing 'cross the fruited plain:
Dittohead A: Everybody knows Obama's a nigger- it's plain to see...
Dittohead B: No, Rush said he's a towel-head!
Dittohead C: Wait a minute, I thought Rush said he was a Mooslim...
Dittohead A: If Rush says so: He must be all three! A towel-head Mooslim nigger!
Dittohead B: And he still claims he's an American???
Rush is not the first to repeat this on the radie-yo. Blonde sneer merchant and wingnut sex object, Monica Crowley was guest hosting the Laura Ingraham Show last summer when a caller claimed that Obama is "not really African-American. He's Arab. Forty-three percent Arab, 6 percent African negro, and half white. And that is the biggest fraud being perpetrated on us all." (there's a percentage point unaccounted for here which will surely become a fevered conspiratorial talk radio topic.)
(photo: Monica Crowley)
Crowley, well-known as a "series of tubes," told the radio listeners, "I haven't done the research, I can't verify this but..." (Her ignorance not stopping her, she continued) "according to this genealogy ... according to this guy Kenneth Lamb, Barack Obama is not black African, he is Arab African."
Kenneth E. Lamb is a member of the oxymoronic religious right-wing "intelligentsia," a Pentacostal theologian from Pensacola whose bottom-feeding blog gives cover to conservative media operatives like Rush and Crowley.
(photo: Lamb of Christ)
It started February 14 in his blog when he claimed that "Sen. Obama is actually Arab-American" and that "Mr. Obama is not legally African-American." Lamb cited no research or government documents, but invited readers seeking "proof" of his claims to "[r]esearch the Kenyan records for yourself," adding: "You will find that his father was officially classified as 'Arab African' by the Kenyan government."
Mainstream media debunked that lie long ago, but tools like Limbaugh and Crowley don't require facts to make their insinuations.
Here's some simple Google-'em up research thanks to the Booman Tribune:
Here is the ethnic composition of Kenya, where Barack Obama's father came from (according to the CIA): Kikuyu 22%, Luhya 14%, Luo 13%, Kalenjin 12%, Kamba 11%, Kisii 6%, Meru 6%, other African 15%, non-African (Asian, European, and Arab) 1%
Barack Obama Sr. was a member of the Luo tribe. They are not Arab. In fact, the vast majority of them are not even Muslim.
The Luo traditionally believed in an afterlife and a supreme creator, whom they called Nyasaye, and had a strong ancestor cult. Today most Kenya Luo are Christians, and a small number are Muslim.
In fact Barack Obama Sr. would not have been even nominally Muslim if his father (Barack's grandfather) had not converted.
His father, Onyango Obama (c. 1895-1979, buried at Alego),[1] belonged to the Luo tribe and was born Onyango, son of Obama (buried at Kendu Bay, Kenya) and wife Nyaoke, in one of their villages. Before working as a cook for missionaries in Nairobi, Onyango had travelled widely, enlisting with the name Onyango Obama in the British colonial forces during World War I and visiting Europe, India, and Zanzibar, where he converted from Christianity to Islam.
By all accounts, Barack Obama Sr. did not follow in his father's footsteps as an observant Muslim.
I have concluded that the whole nation has gone insane. Also, the whole economy is going tits up because rather than fix anything all anyone wants to do is blame others.
God in Heaven needs to get down here quickly and establish this promised kingdom of his.
Otherwise, just pass me the kool-aid.
Posted by: Ryder | September 23, 2008 at 04:27 PM
Omg...a picture of the Missing Link.
Cant wait for Tommy's explanation on this one.
Posted by: sparky | September 23, 2008 at 04:28 PM
So Jug Ears Hussain is a member of the Luo tribe. Bet that helps clear it all up.
Pretty sure that this is all cleared up now. The press says so.
At least he will be re-elected to the Senate in a couple of years because the people of Illinois will not care what tribe he is a member of.
I fully expect him to renounce his tribe before this gets out of control.
Posted by: chucks | September 23, 2008 at 05:08 PM
Anyone who would believe this or any other bullshit coming down from Lush Rimjob deserves Palin/Mccain. Ooops-- I said that about Rush and Bush Cheney. Look what happened.
Please America, vote for Barack Obama. You don't deserve another 4 or 8 years of Republican rule sold to you by pigs like rush.
Posted by: HCC | September 23, 2008 at 05:18 PM
"Rush's blarting over the radio to 13.5 million listeners, gives them both options to choose from."
Every word Rush blarts isn't heard by 13.5 million listeners.
13.5 million people supposedly listen to at least five minutes of Rush's blarting in the course of a week, but the number listening at any one time is far lower. I listen to him for about five minutes per week, but that's all I can take.
Posted by: Dennis | September 23, 2008 at 06:37 PM
Check out the results of the Pelosi/Reid Congress. The not so mighty 110th:
"Not only did Democrats fail to achieve their broad policy goals, they failed on almost every specific goal they set in 2006. They failed to stop funding the Iraq war, they failed to impeach George Bush, and they surrendered on energy policy. Their only policy goal achieved — an increase in the minimum wage — came in a war-funding bill."
But they did do one important thing: Repeal of the 25 year old Oil Drill Ban off the Coast. The Dems got tired of hearing from their constituents about the $4 a gallon gas. So the Repubs and the American People got a victory. And not that 'Iraq war is lost' crap from Sen Maj Leader Reid.
Posted by: Puget Sound | September 23, 2008 at 06:49 PM
mc cain still has to pull it off, after this week it looks inconceivable.
Posted by: ex republican | September 23, 2008 at 07:43 PM
hey, as david boze said today it really has been more like 'obama's race to lose'
too bad obama didn't choose hillary.
Posted by: Puget Sound | September 23, 2008 at 07:50 PM
Correctomundo PutS - If articles like this keep coming out, Obama will have to resort to even sleezier ads.
Check this out;
People need to see that Obama is really an extremist, but his ace in the hole is a problematic economy. There are factors beyond our control. Until the perfect financial storm is resolved (hopefully with a long term fix, which doesn't mean a $700 billion check), uncertainty can be thrown into the mix.
Posted by: KS | September 23, 2008 at 08:46 PM
The World Tribune? You mean the rag that is published by one of the founders of the Moonie Times? Whose Advisory Board consists of Fox News analysts?
That is where you get your information from? Jesus Christ, that explains a lot.
Posted by: Ben | September 23, 2008 at 09:31 PM
lol that or wingnut daily.
Posted by: ex republican | September 23, 2008 at 09:47 PM
Ben, Did you read the article from World Tribune or did you just make an ASSumption ? Does the truth bother you about your candidate Obama-messiah ? It should because he actions are showing him to be more like Beezlebub or the Scarecrow all the time.
Posted by: KS | September 23, 2008 at 10:02 PM
should read:
It should because his actions are showing him to be more like Beezlebub or the Scarecrow all the time.
Posted by: KS | September 23, 2008 at 10:03 PM
So long as you libs keep the muzzle off of Randi, Rush can say what he damned well pleases. There's a lot more factual truth to his program, and a lot more psychotic ranting from her. Sez a lot about you, that you appreciate her so much.
Posted by: pieman | September 23, 2008 at 10:22 PM
Michael, you overhead a conversation between chucks and tommy? Did they know you were listening?
Chucks, you gonna talk like that in front of your wealthy great-grandkids one day? Really, since you're so into civil discourse, that's what you're going to teach them?
Civility? Imagine, you actually used that word. Do you really know what it means?
Oh, Michael. This column speaks for itself.
BTW, Ryder. You're a rethuglican yourself. If you were on the side of righteousness, you'd want more than a quick fix. You want justice.
Posted by: joanie | September 23, 2008 at 11:05 PM
If anybody watched Paulson today before Congress, there's wild desperation in his eyes. That man walked away from Goldman Sachs with $38 million.
Now he wants me to bail out his company.
What next?
Hey, chucks, you've got some easy extra cash on hand. Why don't you bail him out?
Posted by: joanie | September 23, 2008 at 11:21 PM
I wonder how much of his $38 million is in stock?
Posted by: joanie | September 23, 2008 at 11:24 PM
Wow, Obama's road keeps getting rougher with Biden's antics and now Bill’s apparent love of Todd.
Posted by: Duffman | September 24, 2008 at 10:58 AM
And it seems their Bridges aren't any better. Oh My Toto...I don't think we're in Wasilla any more.
Posted by: Duffman | September 24, 2008 at 11:34 AM
some DWI stuff. Duff, can you break this post down and make rational sense out of it. She's all over the line.
Joanie sez
"Michael, you overhead a conversation between chucks and tommy? Did they know you were listening?
Chucks, you gonna talk like that in front of your wealthy great-grandkids one day? Really, since you're so into civil discourse, that's what you're going to teach them?
Civility? Imagine, you actually used that word. Do you really know what it means?
Oh, Michael. This column speaks for itself.
BTW, Ryder. You're a rethuglican yourself. If you were on the side of righteousness, you'd want more than a quick fix. You want justice.
Posted by: joanie | September 23, 2008 at 11:05 PM"
Posted by: Puget Sound | September 24, 2008 at 11:39 AM
DUHH!! Thought I had it figured out with the time (I was thinking 23:39), but then realized it was in the I'm really starting to feel for those kids.
Posted by: Duffman | September 24, 2008 at 11:43 AM
Now, if I am not mistaken these are not I am confused here. It appears that this Daily Kos Article -since removed- is pretty damn full of DeThuglican tactics.
"September 22, 2008
Shock: Daily Kos Diary Asking Readers to Send Video to Ten Friends Each Now Disappeared As Well
Viral attacks are where it's at in 2008. Emails, blogs, online news sources. Content flows upstream in today's media environment.
We can be the gun.
Indeed, if Barack can't or won't do the dirty work, then we have to do it for him. No excuses. No more hand-wringing.
Let's get to work.
How, you ask? Simple.
It's all about finding really damaging stuff--news stories, YouTubes, informative blog posts. And then circulating those with the intent of having them work their way up the media stream. Email it to your friends. Email it to any journalists whose email you have. Post it in diaries or blog comments.
Example, here is a devastating YouTube on Sarah Strangelove:
[The Palin smear video was inserted here]
You should email this to ten people. Or ten bloggers. Or both. Spread it far, spread it wide.
If you would like to do this on a regular basis, I've set up a couple of Google Groups to help out with that process.
One group, [group's name] is a gathering point for potentially damaging stories about the enemy. Folks who belong to that one can post whatever stories they find anonymously. Just post a link or create a page, and others will take it from there.
That brings me to the other group, [other group's name]. This group is the actual action group--the one where the most damaging stories collected by folks at the VMP. It's real simple. You log in or get an email alert, you copy and paste, and you email it to various folks--either friends and family or content-based websites like blogs and online news sources.
I am more than happy to add folks to either group or both. Just email me at:
[redacted e-mail]
and let me know which you'd like to join.
Let's go out and expose these bastards for what they are.
To the barricades.
Note: If you don't believe in scorched-earth politics, no one is forcing you to join this effort, of course. We all contribute in our own way."
Posted by: Puget Sound | September 24, 2008 at 02:28 PM
If you are erroneous on the facts of an issue, it can create an unsteady repercussion, predominantly on occasion when you take a course of action based on deceiving information. The positives and negatives of cash advances, and what the future holds for the business often can suffer from this. Some politicians from both parties are making an effort to pass legislation that would confine or take away from your capability to get a payday loan. Sadly, some of these politicians have accomplished passing their legislation. Some politicians have even gone as far as banning the industry all together. Many of these laws are based on the supposition that payday lenders are run by the same principles as illegal loan sharks. Please don’t be mislead by the facts, and inform yourself, family, and friends on the right to financial liberty.
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Posted by: Payday Loan Advocate | September 24, 2008 at 11:40 PM
Funny! The only answer sputs engendered to his very long post was spam! I love it. Exactly what he deserved.
Posted by: joanie | September 25, 2008 at 12:05 AM
No's actually complimentary; you see no one thinks they can refute it. CPP3 tried going up against Puts many moons ago and look what happened - yes, he was handed his.....well you know how it goes...
Posted by: Duffman | September 25, 2008 at 05:32 AM
Karel is just a silly faggot, a mincing bitch queen with no political sense at all. He's been on the air all weekend ranting against Congress voting for the emergency bailout bill. What a moron
Posted by: Tommy's sick of Karel | September 28, 2008 at 09:24 PM
And HE has a radio show, and you DON'T! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
Posted by: Hidden | September 28, 2008 at 09:59 PM
It is actually 50% white, 43.75 Arabic, and 6.25 African. I think they just left off the decimal or fraction part so they wouldn't confuse the liberals with difficult math.
Posted by: Paul | September 28, 2008 at 10:01 PM
Leaving off decimal points is confusing? Just like Wall Street is really a charitable institution...
Seems to me, the kind of math that leaves off decimals is the kind of math that led to this mess we're in on Wall Street. If that was to confuse liberals, was it worth it?
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