~~ What's in the water in Seattle...? There's something going on in the Pacific Northwest that I can't explain, that I don't think any of us can explain. ... they're so politically correct, gone so far around the bend, Bill, that even the Muslims think they're crazy." ~~ Laura Ingraham to Bill O'Reilly, June 24.
~~ Michael Medved is strangely silent about "celebrity bastard babies" when it comes to Laura Ingraham's recent adoption of a 3-year old girl from Guatemala. Usually, when a celebrity who's single and decides to adopt or have children, the Wizard of Politics and Culture goes off on a tirade about the righteousness of bi-gendered, bi-parental parenting, by golly. But not, apparently, if the celebrity is a hot-looking, blonde, single woman who happens to be a religious, conservative talk host with a law degree. ~~ Edgar "Choch" Manaña, media critic
There is no cure for the common scold apparently, so after a 20 days of radio silence in a contract dispute, Laura Ingraham (KKOL m-f, 6-9a) will return today, June 30.
Didn't seem that long, unfortunately -- what with her new weekdaily, Just In...with Laura Ingraham (Fox News m-f, 2p PST) which, as our pals over at NewsHounds have said FNC made unabashedly right-wing in order to balance Sean Hannity.
But seriously, folks... Laura took the place of John Gibson who was fired in April and exiled to the Devil's Island that is his radio show's tiny market share.
Laura's new show, which we watch because we're very ill and have a pathological need to do it so you won't have to, is even more appalling than you'd imagine.
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