We're a bunch of elitist liberals, and socialists around here. We believe government has answers, and don't mind paying for them. We think way more harm's been done to America by the lack of government regulation than the other way around.
That said, (and 'that said' having been said) we gotta agree with the snarling, libertarian, puke Dori Monson (KIRO m-f, 12-3p) that the Draconian new regs passed by the Legislature and before Governor Gregoire about lead in toys is a very bad idea.
It could kill or severely maim Archie McPhee, the iconic Ballard toy store, and mail order house. This is the one-stop shopping for inflatable toast, the Nancy Pearl action figure, Devil Ducks, Miracle Eyes of Jesus; Windup Hopping Lederhosen; Corn dog Air Fresheners; Watermelon Flavored Sigmund Freud Head Lollipops; Ceramic Smoking Babies; and our personal favorite this year, the Gummy Haggis.
According to the Wall Street Journal,
The bill would reduce the allowable level of lead in toys and other goods to 90 parts per million -- and possibly as low as 40 parts per million, the recommended limit of the American Academy of Pediatrics, and far below the current federal standard of 600 parts per million. It would also set tough limits on cadmium, a metal used in paints and plastics, and on plastic-softening chemicals called phthalates that have been linked to childhood developmental problems, in some studies.
(That last segue between the words "Gummy Haggis" and The Wall Street Journal was perhaps one of the most improbable in our lengthy writing career. Made us feel strange, like there was a slice of baloney in our shoe).
Big Toys has been riled. (There's a price to be paid if you mess with Big Toys)
Companies like Hasbro, and Mattel have met with the Governor and drawn
a line in the sand. Mattel says that half its Fischer-Price
products for preschoolers would be barred from the state if this dog of a law is passed.
A McPhee spokesman said the annual testing of each product alone would preclude selling many, many of their products.
This bill was introduced and shepherded through the session by our old friend, Rep. Mary Lou Dickerson, a Seattle Northender who has apparently forsook her roots.
We're trying to be as mad as Dori, here -- and think about it: bachelorette
parties would have no place except the Erotic Bakery in Wallingford to
find adult giftlets; a hole would be left in the Gift Universe that
Hallmark could never fill.
(Scientists say that childhood development is overrated. Besides, can't
America spare the odd child who may lose a few watts from eating a Yodeling Pickle? Besides, a kid who'd do that probably might need to be culled from the herd...)
We gotta tell you Governor, signing this bill is political suicide. Our sacred right to buy a pair of the World's Largest Underpants or rubber teeth must be preserved. This is our culture. And it's at least as important as the silly and imported opera; or the bread & circuses of Nascar.
Preserve our freedoms: call the Governor and tell her to save Archie!
Who cares about Archie. Think of the kids. And think of who will profit the most from all the Washingtonians who will flock to Oregon to buy the toys banned with this legislation. I thought Gregoire wanted Washington to lead the way in fighting Gorebal Warming.
"To whom much is given, much is expected."
Posted by: nevets | March 26, 2008 at 04:51 PM
isn't our to-do list big enough without this kind of crap?
Posted by: mark | March 26, 2008 at 05:06 PM
I have a Nancy Pearl Action Figure on my desk...I also bought a Mr.T voice box that is great for making crank calls "Hey Fool!"
Posted by: sparky | March 26, 2008 at 05:16 PM
We already have to leave the state to buy big ticket items and booze. Must the really drive us to Oregon or Nevada for toys?
If I wanted a Nanny, I would buy one.
(hire one, anyway)
Have not read the law as of yet. Hope that on-line purchase is still possible.
Posted by: chucks | March 26, 2008 at 05:22 PM
How is your Mom doing? Hope she is feeling better.
Posted by: PugetSound | March 26, 2008 at 06:23 PM
she is doing much better, thanks. She came home from the hospital on Monday and is recouperating here before she goes home.
Thanks for asking.
Posted by: sparky | March 26, 2008 at 06:59 PM
Hood and Monson agree, and a cold bitter rain outside comes in sidewise.....
amd tbtl is awesome...
Posted by: Wild Bill | March 26, 2008 at 08:08 PM
sideways, too, urp
Posted by: Wild Bill | March 26, 2008 at 08:11 PM
Nice satire, Michael. (???)
You guys never tire of parading your stupidity before the entire world. NOW had a very interesting program on it Friday night. Europe has already banned pthalates. They sorta believe in prevention.
There are two assembly lines in China. One for the insipid American market and one for everybody else. Costs differ little. Except, in Europe little boys are going to have normal penises.
But, as I said earlier to Steven, it is one way to eradicate the planet of stupid people. How can one argue with that?
Posted by: joanie hussein for obama | March 26, 2008 at 09:45 PM
As long as I have my Mrs Clinton 'nut-cracker', I'm happy. :)
Posted by: Duffman | March 27, 2008 at 07:30 AM