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« Made for talk radio: spitzer's penis trumps the news | Main | Friday Oddems: OMG!! WTF?? LOL!! the old meniscus, a new case of toilet paper; the spitzer ho-down; $30 dollar hookers; entercom slolly-gusters; DJ no job; dog boots of the stars; bob ney gets an honest job »

March 12, 2008



holy shit...here I cant sleep so I turn on my computer and Im greeted by THAT face!!!
That is the scariest thing I have ever seen..other than those horrid naked pictures of her which I refuse to click on!!!!! Bad enough a neurotic whining dog is keeping me awake and now this......!!!!!

Fat Thom

Whoa! The old Dr. Laura nudie pics!

That's some serious 70s hairy bush she's got going there.


Laura Schlessinger is the most attractive 60 year old woman I have ever seen. How does she maintain such a girlish figure? Laura sez, "It is a wife's obligation to give her husband as much sex as he wants whenever he wants it."

Those are the most beautiful words ever spoken by a woman. I love Dr. Laura.


Dr (that's a laugh) Laura is so out of whack with reality I believe her callers are the therapy she needs just to maintain.
In this particular case, to me Silda (Gov Sitzer's wife) is more attractive than the call-girl. She does appear to be lacking in the bust area and some men are very much in need of that and I notice that 'Kristen' (call-girl) is obviously very endowed in that way.
Probably as simple as that! And, it wouldn't surprise me to find out that this kind of behaviour (on his part) was known about and 'tolerated' (on her part) for the sake of 'the family'. I believe some marriages are 'maintained' for the sake of the 'appearance of normalcy' within our society. I think Mr & Mrs Clinton may have a similar 'business arrangement' in that way. Does that detract from their ability to perform in their respective professions? No, unless they break the law...period! I think we (& Dr Laura) may be 'enlightened' to find that there is much of this type of 'marriage relationship' happening in our current society. Is it wrong or right...judge not; but if you break the law all bets are off. :)


Why would the today show even have her on? She has no idea what she's talking about.

Just saw a picture of the call girl. Wow.


That's quite a comment for a woman who swiped other women's husbands twice, and whose kid got kicked out of college and is reportedly having problems in the military (the only entity who would take him) for his sociopathic tendencies.


Dr. Laura is just a bitter old battleaxe, reminds me of Geraldine Ferraro.

Mike Barer

Laura is not even a licenced Psychiatrist, she's a fake and a shock artist. She knew that what she said would get a headline. She is really a very dangerous woman.


Dr. Duffman weighs in that if only Mrs. Spitzer had had big boobs, all would have been well.

Dr. Laura has a PhD in Physiology. Just like my college PE teacher.


If that's all you took from what I said, I would feel a concern for the children you teach. :)

Dr Laura's Merkin

Maybe duffy is advising the Clinton campaign?


abob: Once she was through with you, Dr. Laura would eat off your face like a hyena.


Dr. Laura is a fraud alright, but the entire industry of psychiatry and psychology is full of fraud, both soft-fraud, wherein the practitioner is at least semi-well-meanining, and hard fraud, wherein the practitioner is an outright scammer.

Religion and Psychiatry/psychology have a lot in common.


I have never heard Dr Laura give psychiatric advice. On her radio show and in her bestselling books, her approach to dealing with problems is always from a moral perspective of right or wrong.


Maybe it was boob size, but more likely it was BJs v. no BJs. Lots of wives refuse to give them, so husbands go elsewhere to get them.


Nobody can dispute the truth of what Dr. Laura said. "If a husband does not get what he wants from his wife he will look for it elsewhere"


...but abob, as someone said, it's obviously not what he wants...since he pays her to leave. :)


So that must mean when women cheat, its because the dick at home is too small or limp? How enlightening.


"A hard man is good to find" _Mae West


Coiler, were you that whining dog keeping Sparky awake? You da man.


I think that when I get home tonight, I will explain to my wife why she needs to serve up the good stuff on demand. Better put out or the family budget may get diverted to her replacement hooker.
Think I will take bets on how many, if any teeth that I might still have by this time tomorrow. Pretty sure that they will be all over the neighborhood.
Definitely not a lib verses conservative issue though. Probably more resembles a stupid vs not issue. NY Governor stupid, me not quite so.


Oh that would have been nice if it was coiler who had been keeping me awake. I am told he is very handsome.

Unfortunately it was the puppy with poo issues who had soiled himself and would not come out from under the bed and whined until almost 2 am. Long haired puppies are a pain sometimes.


hah..chucks, that's funny...amazing, isn't it that they still think they wont get caught..


Dr. Laura has two things working against her - she is outspoken and conservative. In the eyes of the MSM (and this blog) she is seen as at the very least - a wack job and evil.

Fact of the matter is that Dr. Drew Pinsky, who most people (including myself) respect made similar comments on "Larry King Live" last night.

Don't count on the print media and YouTube to give her any breaks. The will not play the entire context of the conversation, which would sound more reasonable than her outlandish quotes - which jumped the shark, because they would rather have her look like the wack-job or evil conservative that they believe her to be. I can only listen to her in small doses - her tact seems similar to Ann Coulter, another darling of the media, who I distance myself from - because of some of her unbelievable quotes.


evil, no.
wackjob, 100%
Also an opportunist, who loves to tell people how to live their lives, but whose own family structures are ...lacking.


Dr Laura has been nationally syndicated for 14 years. Radio talk is a cuthroat industry with a 90% attrition rate. Laura has 8.5 million listeners. Anybody who achieves her level of success for as long as she has deserves tremendous respect.


Not really, definitely not 'tremendous.' Michael Savage has about that many listeners. For that matter CBS evening news has about that many viewers. Did Dan 'forged but accurate' Rather deserve respect just for having 8 million viewers?

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