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December 14, 2007



This man has the ethics of a tom cat. Can't he be divested of this while he's running for president?


Congrats (again) Bla'M:
Orbusnofacts - AKA: Dori & Frankie's nightly talking points - picked it up:

"BLATHERWATCH HYPERVENTILATES: "Romney buys clear channel... A Mormon Murdoch?..."

Question: Is "Hyperventilates" greater-than, less-than, or equal-to "unhinged"?

Ragnar Danneskjold

Mormon Murdoch? You sir, are a hate-filled, anti-religious bigot


AH, this explains Hugh Hewitt's mindless cheerleading for the liberal Republican in Name Only from MA.

Raise your hand for Gorbal Warming, Mitt. ROFL.

blathering michael

great hearing from you, Mercy. Orb should know that I'm unhinged, not hyperventilative, and he should also know a good CHA-CHING when he sees one...


Rather than Murdoch, perhaps Romney should be compared to Silvio Berlusconi...


Yes, I really like his pasta sauce!


SCARY STORY! Even my Air America shows didn't cover this news - so far as I know, and I listen 10 hours a day LoL. Good scoop. If you post a citation that would be great. THANKS!


What are you so afraid of? you still have ABC/NBC/CBS/MSNBC/CNBC/PBS/CNN and The Mainstream Print Media to disgorge your liberal tripe to the world and be the Preferred Mouthpieces for the Democrat Party, their supporters (i.e. Sierra Club), Al-Qaida and other Anti-American terrorist groups.

In other words: if you don't want to listen to any Pro-Republican/Conservative radio stations, DON'T LISTEN TO THEM! just because they exist (which is enough to drive you Liberals nutso anyway) doesn't mean you're "forced" to partake of what they present...

blathering michael

Tim: note citations.
PromptJock: fuck you.


Here is some history behind this merger. Notice it started over a year ago and that it does not involve all of clear channels radio or TV stations. And since Romney doesn't even work for Bain Capital anymore why would this be news worthy anyway. Thought you had a scoop there didn't you B'lam.


And B'lam, is that Romney being portrayed as "The King" in those burger king commercials. And everytime we buy something at "Toys "r" Us" now will we get a reciept with "Vote for Romney" on it.

Bill's Mom

THIS is a story? They were "hyper-ventilating" about this on Air America boards LAST YEAR! And then they took a breath and found out it was bogus information. Romney's been out of Bain Capital for some time. So, you Blatherer, are reporting as "news" something that even the Air America folks knew was old news - and incorrect news - a year ago. NICE JOB! This really IS one worthless blog. I'm out.

Ye Believers

Good point, Michael, about Cheney and Halliburton, which after making a ton of money off Cheney's phony war, did the patriotic thing and moved operations to Dubai to avoid the taxes and corporate rules of America the Beautiful and a subsidiary to The Cayman Islands where it can do business with Iran.

No reason we shouldn't trust the slippery Mr. Romney to keep our our communications fair & balanced, eh?

Bill's Dad

Romney won't be elected because the christians hate the mormons. Case closed.
Once again, liberals will gain from conservatives bigotry.

howie in seattle

When I first saw this, I assumed it was one of your outrageous satires. Guess not.

howie in seattle

When I first saw this, I assumed it was one of your outrageous satires. Guess not.


(Michael) are a hate-filled, anti-religious bigot

meaning emotionally-sensitive and rational? (put in a less offensive, hateful manner)

Well, Romney could have a debate and invite just himself...nah, that would be too much like the Democrats.

The favorite of the true progressive wasn't allowed to speak in Iowa, was he? The best of the pack was left behind.

And Randi Rhodes interviewed Bill "underdog" Richardson yesterday but he suddenly couldn't hear her when asked why he put up with treating Dennis that way and she didn't have the balls to repeat the question then spent the next hour congratulation herself on her targeted questioning of Richardson.

Rhodes sometimes irritates the living sh** out of me. I think she's getting too big for her britches.

Go to Wexler wants hearings and join the throngs of people who are demanding that hearings to impeach Cheney be held. Every liberal that reads this blog MUST go to wexlerwantshearings.com. YOU JUST MUST!


Ok Joanie, I went there, now please tell me this is not just some gimmick to get my money. And what is the evidence they have that he commited a crime. No where on that site does it say specifically that he committed a crime. Only allegations of abuse of power. Clinton lied to a grand jury. Lied to all of America on prime time television. Why would Clinton have to lie about such an act. That is why he was impeached, to find out the reason he lied.

Now Joanie, why not show Wexler what you have said to us many of times here, to quit comparing this Admimistration to Clinton. You can do so by by ignoring his crusade against Bush.


"Every liberal that reads this blog MUST go to wexlerwantshearings.com. YOU JUST MUST!"

Joanie, you forgot to finish this with

"Give, Give, Give til you can't give no more".


"Every liberal that reads this blog MUST go to wexlerwantshearings.com. YOU JUST MUST!"

Joanie, you forgot to finish this with

"Give, Give, Give til you can't give no more".


There's an anti-Mormon sentiment clearly evident here. Many are carping about the new ownership of KIRO that is Mormon.

Interesting that the Des Moines Register and Boston Herald both endorsed McCain for the Iowa and New Hampshire primaries. I am leaning for McCain right now, as I am not that comfortable with any of the others.

I'd say that the Republican candidate would have a tougher time against Obama than against Sen Clinton. People are more captivated by him - he is more upbeat and he has some of that Bill Clinton charisma. If he wins Iowa and finishes strong in New Hampshire, that possibility becomes real.


I'm openly anti-mormon.




Exactly, Steven. You get it. That's exactly why we want hearings. To find out if he committed a crime. Isn't that the American way? You know "liberty and justice for all?

You afraid of what you might find out? Hmm?


If there is evidence against Cheney as the link suggest, then why did Wexler not speciffically say what it is instead of ramble about the policys of this Administration. This is nothing more than a witch hunt that is more politically motivated than about criminal acts by a person.


This isn't worthy of even you, Steven. It is a stupid response. You have no desire for the justice for which you supposedly fought? I think you must be a paper soldier. Any self-respecting real soldier would say bring it on.

If evidence is so easy to find and "just know," why did we spend millions and millions overpaying Kenneth Starr to find nothing on Bill Clinton? Oh, I forgot. That was the right. Okay when you deep thinkers on the right want it.

Oh, and lying about sex is so much worse than lying about war, abuse of power, profiteering and whatever else he's done.

But you really don't want to know, do you? Afraid? What a hypocrite you are.


BTW, I only added my name to the list. I didn't send money or informtion. He's a Florida congressman. No need to have my information. So what's all your hysteria about contributing?

All we want is justice. Try to keep some sanity in your replies, Steven.


It just occurred to me that you don't want justice. You are sad, Steven. Really sad.


Other blogs are saying that Bain has not purchased Clear Channel, only that they have an offer in progress. They also say that IF the transaction actually took place, that CC's management team would stay in place. Finally, the stories say that Bain is NOT "Romney's company", only that he is a retired stockholder.

Based on this information, if true, it would seem that this blog's post could be best described as "wildly inaccurate".



What other blogs are you referring to?


Today's http://radioequalizer.blogspot.com/ has a story on it, with several links to back up what they're posting about.


ah yes, the Radio Fertilizer. ...


Just the opposite Joanie, I do want to know. Tell me what he did, not that they'll get Cindy Sheehan and the rest of Code Pink here for hearings and go from there. What are the abuses, what are the crimes. You don't know either or you would have came up with something specific. Lying about going to war, should Hillary be impeached for voting for going to war, or everyone else who voted to go to Iraq, ignorance is no excuse right. Again, it is just like Salem in the 1600's. I would think that after that amount of time, you liberals would have learned something. And if I recall, it was the Republicans who said bring on the hearings, show your proof, but your Pelosi and crew are keeping it buried.


Oh, and if you want to bring up Haliburton, how about Hillary and her work for Walmart, you know, all those women that were passed on getting promoted and the overtime bit going on now, and all the little shops that had to close because they were under pricing them, their fight to keep unions out. Only fair to blame that on her right, since she was on Walmarts board for six years and probably voted for some of these policies.


"why did we spend millions and millions overpaying Kenneth Starr to find nothing on Bill Clinton?"

And wasn't it Starr who found that Clinton lied and obstructed justice by saying he did not have sexual relations with Monica (even when he did) which led to his impeachment. And why now do you want to spend millions more on an investigation that would also find nothing. Would it be revenge?


Wexler's site now has 85,500 plus people who are signing on to his Wexlerwantshearings.org site. Yesterday it was 55,000. Went up 15 in the last five minutes.

No contributions necessary. Just sign up. Good liberals have an obligation to sign - no conditions.

Also, I just went to firedoglake which links Dodd's campaign website and donated $50 and thanked him for standing up against giving immunity to the telecoms. Damn all Democrats who give in and give them immunity.


I didn't bring up Haliburton.

And Walmart isn't representing us in wartime nor profiteering off our boys and girls in uniform. WTF would we have hearings about regarding Walmart anyway?

You're a dolt, steven.

You were willing to pay Starr for a lie about sex but unwilling to pay someone to find out if someone lied about war, covert CIA agents, etc?

Whoa...give me some time to ponder the meaning of all this, Steven. It is so profound. You may have a point after all...nah.


Joanie, Reid shelved the FISA bill until January. So we still have our work cut out for us.

I signed Wexler's petition last week!

jim anchower

nevets sounds like the kind of person all for something like an investigation of the other side, but his own party? ohhhh noooo, can't have that. uh uhn.


Hola amigo Anchower, Izzatchoo? really?


Knew about the shelving and that's why I donated. I wanted him to know that I'm not going to let him off the hook just because it's a non-issue right now. He better be willing to go to the mat again in January. I messaged that I'd vote for Paul and get rid of all of them if they didn't start standing on some principles. We'll see.

I hope LOTS OF PEOPLE do the Wexler thing - I did it last week, also, and was disappointed at the numbers. But getting better! Just a small action but says so much.


Oh Joanie, you and I will be out of a job if ron Paul wins...he wants to eliminate all public schools and anything that requires government funding of any and all kinds. That would include the FEMA help Washington is getting for the flooding.

He has the right idea on the war, but other than that he is batshit crazy.


Isn't that what our so-called Congress is expected to do? Check some of his excesses? I think having him in charge would put some fear into the Dems and they'd be doing their jobs - finally.

Do ever listen to Randi online at noon - live? I do when I'm home. I'm actually glad KPTK plays her later or I wouldn't be able to listen. But, I prefer her live. I get so tempted to call...but she can be murder if you don't measure up!


Back to Paul: we've got to shake up the Dems. They're as corrupted and covering their own asses to the point that they are worthless as well.

If we showed them that we don't have a pack mentality and don't feel forced to vote Dem - that we really can abandon them if they don't do their jobs - we might get some better people in there who will do the job.

Somebody on Seder just said that maybe we need a lot of people willing to run for just one term. Just one term so that they are in to do a good job and gone again.

Mike Malloy was just saying that Leahy went against Chris Dodd - Malloy: "I hate Democrats."

That's becoming more and more common. Something has got to be done.

Nobody owes Democrats a living. The Republicans are useless at solving their party's problems and corruption. But, Dems can be different. We can be willing to lose in the short run but gain in the long run by not accepting the status quo.

Conservative radio supports the corruption of its party. Liberal radio demands more and better from its own. I'm proud of that.


Conservative radio, for those at the shopping mall with the glazed over, dull eye look. They should just get it over with and hire a dominatrix to piss on them.


Bill Bennett did.


yikes what to do when KIRO goes to walLl to wall xmas carols in a week or so? I'm not worried! I've got an archive of 30 hours of Frank Shiers reform math shows over the past 18 months, and i will be in bliss as i play the tapes back to back. you may have silver bells, and white christmas-poohah and pettifogery! I have Frank Shiers' nasal drone and joly chuckles about reform math! hours and hours, oh joy oh rapture, oh frabjous day !!!


yikes what to do when KIRO goes to walLl to wall xmas carols in a week or so? I'm not worried! I've got an archive of 30 hours of Frank Shiers reform math shows over the past 18 months, and i will be in bliss as i play the tapes back to back. you may have silver bells, and white christmas-poohah and pettifogery! I have Frank Shiers' nasal drone and joly chuckles about reform math! hours and hours, oh joy oh rapture, oh frabjous day !!!


yikes what to do when KIRO goes to walLl to wall xmas carols in a week or so? I'm not worried! I've got an archive of 30 hours of Frank Shiers reform math shows over the past 18 months, and i will be in bliss as i play the tapes back to back. you may have silver bells, and white christmas-poohah and pettifogery! I have Frank Shiers' nasal drone and joly chuckles about reform math! hours and hours, oh joy oh rapture, oh frabjous day !!!

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