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December 10, 2007



Ah, way to demonize and stereotype any and all people that don't agree with your point of view. Thank you for demonstrating some of the true hallmarks of good, open-minded and oh-so tolerant Seattle liberals.


So the truth is considered demonizing, close minded and intolerant now? This blog article seems fair albeit unflattering. You're the one who is demonizing Seattle liberals.


So,let me see if I understand you correctly. You believe that we should live in a country ruled by a single political party. I think there is a name for that type of goverment-TOTALITARIAN. I guess after that we should all only have one religious belief as well. Will you be the one dictating that choice too? And I thought it was the conservatives that were the fascist. Thanks for showing your true colors.


"ruled " by one political party? hahaahahaa No one is being ruled by anyone. The people had a cahnce to vote for Republican cnadidates. Your guys were just too stupid or sick and wrong to get elected. Tough luck. If it was the other way around you would be crowing about how wise our voters are and not a peep about one-party rule. Hypocrite. Hypoctite.

Fred Thompson

I'm feeling pretty tired now, think I'll go home.

Fred Thompson

I'm feeling pretty tired now, think I'll go home.


The R's were happy enough when they controlled all the branches of government, but they didn't have the ability to govern.


I'm definately not promoting a single party government. I could like the Republican party if they became more socialy liberal and less theocratic. I won't vote for an Republican at the moment, not even on the local level, because the party as a whole is too radically conservative for me to want to lend it any kind of endorsement whatsoever.


I wholeheartedly agree, OP...next thing you know, those conservatives will be bringing out a line of, oh I dont know, Hillary nutcrackers,,,


Well once again some folks want to thow out "the baby with the bathwater". Tom008,I happen to be one of those people that both parties want to impress you know one of those-independent voters! I do not vote for a party I vote for a person regardless of party. However I have grave doubts about anyone that tells me that they are the only ones with the answers to all the questions,and that the other guy is always wrong. In fact I will tell you straight up that is total BS! This nation has been very well served by some republicans and just as well served by some democrats. It also has been poorly served by members of both parties. When you think that one person or party are the only ones with the "right ideals" you show yourself to be either a fool or worse yet a tyrant. I hope that good republicans continue to get elected in this country,just as I hope that good democrats are the same.



Well said.


In his continueing crusade as self-appointed watchdog for the middle class tacpayer, Dori is goign after Governor Gregoire for her several flyovers over the flood rea, which Monson says is too expensive The more Dori continues with this taxpayer's crusader schtick, the more he reminds of, and sounds like, Floyd R. Turbo, 100% American, the character Johnny Carson used to play in one of his regular skite. Turbo would give guest "Joe sixpack" commentaries at the local television station, dressed up in a plaid hunting coat and a big fleece-lined plaid hunting cap with earflaps.


I'm not exactly sure how it all works but I think if you donate to one Republican and they are deemed to have enough funds to win a given race than somehow those funds will find their way to Republicans in closer races who need the money more, so when you combine that with the party allegiances, you can't realy vote for a particular Republican without benefiting the entire party as a whole.

It's for that reason that I think independant voters have weak values. What set of values do you believe in and which do you not? If you are pro-life but decide to donate to a Dem candidate in one particular race, how can you put money in the hands of person who you know will eventualy hand it off to a pro-choice cause?


So the truth is considered demonizing, close minded and intolerant now? This blog article seems fair albeit unflattering. You're the one who is demonizing Seattle liberals.

Thank you for perfectly demonstrating my point, Andrew. Really, I couldn't have said it better myself: Of course it "seems fair" to you, it bashes every GOP candidate to your liking.

Statements like "The guy's got more baggage than Bergman's" and "it's a wonder he could stay in bed long enough to sire all those kids" while very funny I admit, would be seen, if we reversed the scenario, as what they are: ad hominem attacks. It's clever writing, no doubt. But it's ONLY that.

In short, it's OK if Bill Clinton gets a blow and shoots a load onto the blue dress of a White House intern (among other well-known extramarital excursions) and embarrasses and humiliates the First Lady yet again, but Guiliani can't be married three times, the last being the most controversial for it being an "extramarital affair" that started after at least 4 years of well-known strain between he and his second wife. But I thought it didn't matter what the President (mayor) did in his private life? It's his business, right? Or is only our business when it's a conservative? The moral double standard and hypocrisy are glaring.

I wonder just how clever Mr. Hood can be if asked to perform the same exercise on Democratic candidates. I doubt he's up to THAT challenge.


ANDREW! "I won't vote for an Republican at the moment, not even on the local level"

Are you kidding me?
Have you been paying attention to how this State, King County and the City of Seattle are being run under Democrat leadership? I can't understand anyone putting good sense aside in fear of the Republican party when our area has been screaming for change for the last 20+ years. Please tell me how our local government would be worse off after getting rid of the tax & spenders...

What ever happened to the new 520 bridge & viaduct we were going to get from the nickel gas tax?? Or the 9 cent gas tax?? Don't get me started.


brian, maybe they should run as independants or libertarians instead of aligning themselves with the religious pandering evil Republican party. I am still very very bitter about the numerous things the adminsitration has done to harm bipartisanship in the past six or seven years and feel very uncomfortable about showing any support for them whatsoever.


OP, I know those attacks seem below the belt but they realy aren't given that they are asking to represent the Religious Right on election day, and past elections have proven that such dirty details won't inevitably go unoticed. The claim that Fred Thompson takes extra naps and looks funny will be pointed out by many bumper stickers if he gets the nomination. You might as well prepare now for what is sure to come.


"Hillary nutcrackers"



I thought Senator Clinton was the nutcracker in the race...


I didn't think I'd say this a year ago, but McCain may be about as good as it gets. The reason...we need a president who is respected by both parties. Even though he has made some gaffs since Bush was in office - who hasn't ? he would be respected on both sides (as Bla'm says) - it is tough to say that about any of the others. It is sad that McCain did not take out Bush in 2000.

On the left side - Obama may also be respected on both sides, especially with Oprah campaigning for him. The rap on him is not enough experience - or is just because he is younger than all of the rest and dares to think outside the box ? Hillary, sure as hell is not respected and would create continued polarization between the two parties. She has derived much of her campaign strategy from the Nixon playbook (well documented in "The Truth about Hillary" by Edward Klein). When it gets down to it noone sticks out - although the "Nutcracker" has more blind ambition in addition to being the best poser.


I didn't think I'd say this a year ago, but McCain may be about as good as it gets. The reason...we need a president who is respected by both parties. Even though he has made some gaffs since Bush was in office - who hasn't ? he would be respected on both sides (as Bla'm says) - it is tough to say that about any of the others. It is sad that McCain did not take out Bush in 2000.

On the left side - Obama may also be respected on both sides, especially with Oprah campaigning for him. The rap on him is not enough experience - or is just because he is younger than all of the rest and dares to think outside the box ? Hillary, sure as hell is not respected and would create continued polarization between the two parties. She has derived much of her campaign strategy from the Nixon playbook (well documented in "The Truth about Hillary" by Edward Klein). When it gets down to it noone sticks out - although the "Nutcracker" has more blind ambition in addition to being the best poser.


Please excuse the double post - again.

Paul Supporter

Laugh it up all you want at Ron Paul and his supporters.

No one else has such dedicated folks behind them. How many cHillery stickers have YOU seen? LOL. The "leading candidates" can't even get 5,000 people to overwhelm Paul for a post debate poll. LOL again!

Come October 08, smart (R)s and (D)s will be trying to convince the Paul people to sellout and vote for a warmonger (R)or (D). And they will fail.

Paul has won something already:

He's given a vision of a US at peace to the young.

And you've not heard the last of it.


Ron Paul is a lunatic and doesn't have a chance in Hell of becoming president. I'm glad to hear that Hillary is not respected because I don't respect her. Obama is not presidential material. We DO NOT need another creationist, ANTI-CARBON DATING, ANTI-SCIENCE moron like Bush in the WhiteHouse, so that rules out Huckabee. Juliani is too mean, BUT COULD POSSIBLY BE TOLERATED. Edwards or McCain look like the best two out of the lot. Yes, if McCain could have taken out Bush, just think, but Bush was able to derail him in South Carolina by a vicious Rove operation that spread lies , about him having a biracial child out of wedlock or some such crap that pandered to the racists.


It's interesting to see responses of bung-ed up Right Wingers on this thread. Have any of you heard of humor? You sound like a bunch of crotchety gasbags.

We've seen your broken record a few times in this thread: blame Clinton and change the subject.

With respect to the Clinton/Ghouliani comparison, you are aware that Rudy is trying to pander to a right wing religious base, right? See the difference? Like it or not it pisses of a significant part of the Republican base that he is basically a liberal in many social aspects and is an adulterer (something you guys all diss Clinton for). You'd have to be a hypocrite for hating Clinton but giving Rudy a pass...this is about YOU not liberals.

Why do you guys cry so much when somebody satirically mocks candidates with statements like "behold the vile left?" You think there aren't far worse things being said on right wing blogs? How droll.


The Drudgereport says the DNC sees Huckabee as "easy kill" and are not criticising him at all hoping he will make it to the general election.

They all see like easy kill to me with the exception of John McCain. It's like a painter's pallet of unelectability.


Dave is talking about the State Ferries, another example of our fantastic leadership dropping the ball and ignoring the warning signs that these boats needed replacement years ago. Any of you remember Bryan Suits breaking the story of the Steel Electric ferries back about 4 or 6 months ago? I guess he was just a little smarter than our Governor. It's also quite the coincidence that Suits was let go one day before the state announced they were pulling the ferries from service. Something is fishy here and that's not just seagull dung you're smelling.

National Enquirer news

It's true, Suits was fired by a cabal organized/black ops vis a vis Ferry System and the Governor who is busy finding more nuts to crunch.


Now you’re talking.

Gov Chris ignored the ferries so she could justifiably use the “emergency” clause to raise taxes for it. Then she’ll tack on the whole RTA at the last minute & shove it through the next session. The voters will pay for denying her tax increase, Whaaahahaha!


All aboard the WorldNetDaily Party Boat!

Let's see: So Farah will run a wingnut conspiracy contest on the promenade deck... Liddy will bug passenger phones.... and Corsi will ride alongside in his swiftboat.

Duffman: sounds like your Shangri-la! Imagine getting to talk to your WND brethren about the evil UN tax

Mike Barer

KS I did not read the Hilary book, but Edward Klein is the "Walter Scott" who answers Middle America's fan mail on the inside of Parade Magazine. He is no doubt a tried and true Conservative.
That being said, I would not put anything past Hilary in her quest for the White House.
I would like to see Patrick Kennedy throw his hat in.


" but Edward Klein is the "Walter Scott" who answers Middle America's fan mail on the inside of Parade Magazine. He is no doubt a tried and true Conservative."

The back cover of the book states: "Edward Klein is the author of The Kennedy Curse, Farewell Jackie and several other New York Times bestsellers. He is also the former foreign editor of Newsweek and former editor in chief of the New York Times Magazine. He is a frequent contributor to Parade Magazine and Vanity Fair. He lives in New York City."

That does not sound conservative. Since when has an editor in chief of the NY Times magazine been conservative ? Sounds like a more like moderate Democrat. Noone of sound mind should put anything past, let alone trust her.

Face it, there are a number of Democrats who don't care for Hillary because of who she has shown herself to be. She would make Bill look even better than he does now - She would be running the show, not Bill - although he would advise her on more important matters, when he isn't tied up philandering - lol.

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