~ Fans of Lou Pate former KIRO overnighter can hear him live tonight in the Seattle market. He'll be filling in for Husty Rumphries syndicated show tonight on KKOL, 9-12p (1300 kHz)
~ Huck-A-Bee's religion problem: Will America elect another president who believes in Creationism? The stem cell-heal thyself- abstinence-only anti-science of GW Bush and the late, not-so-great, Republican Congress does't poll so good. Mike Huck-A-Bee, who can talk a dog off a meat wagon (and often must) is rapidly positioning himself as the compromise candidate, in a weak GOP field of presidential hopefuls tainted by scandal, unelectability, and weird religion. In lieu of a decisive Ron Paul primary victory, we say: Go, Huckster, go!
~ Running mate for Huck-A-Bee? Values hustler, and blowhardian Salem Radio talkster Bill "Luck, Be My Lady" Bennett (KKOL m-f, 3-6a) is being promoted by prominent right-wingers such as Kathryn Jean Lopez, National Review Online Editor. We doubt Bennett with his baggage as a recovering gambling addict could be nominated, but it begs the question: when will the first talk show host be on a national Republican ticket?
~ Bernie Ward was indicted Thursday for possessing child porn in San Francisco. The liberal KGO talker is innocent until proven guilty; the case still under seal, so the facts are (It's rare that liberals get in trouble for sex, as you know, but Bernie is an ex-priest). The alleged pornography involves research Ward did more than four years ago for a book. In December of 2004, FBI agents raided Ward’s home and confiscated his computer. Ward's attorney says Ward has spent several years tryin g to convince the federal government that the research “was not being done to exploit children. … He was exploring the subculture. It was done for what seemed to be a good purpose.” Federal laws are strict- possessing any kind of child pornography is illegal, whatever the reason. the U.S. Supreme Court is currently considering a challenge to the law.
~ the worst pressbox lunch... ever? Rich Johnson, former KIRO newsie, now Fox White House Correspondent sent us the pic on the right he took from a press booth monitor at the Eagles/Seahawk game in Philly last week. "Reminds me of some Kingdome meals way back when," he says.
~ CNN's immigration demagogue Lou Dobbs will do a talk radio show with the United Stations Radio Networks startingin March, 2008, . "We're gonna raise a lot of hell and have a lot of fun," said Dobbs, adding, "We're going to push back hard against those who think this is a partisan world. We are going to bring an independent populist view to the air."
~ according to reader schramster, the pic on the right is Ron & Don (KIRO m-f, 3-6p) as they appear on their show's Xmas card.
"Research for a book." Yeah, that's sounds plausible.
Posted by: DT | December 07, 2007 at 01:38 PM
Bernie Ward is a sick puppy to be involved in child porn. Closer to home, our U.S. Senator Maria Cantwell just fired one of her aides. James McHaney was arrested after he tried to set up a meeting with an undercover witness posing online as a teenage boy.
"Sex is a helluva drug" _rick james
Posted by: abob | December 07, 2007 at 01:58 PM
As a conseravtive, I am not so comfortable with the awesome government power. Ward, guilty or not, is probably ruined. What if this explanation is true? That he downloaded porn for research? Is govenrment to be trusted with power like this? Would you be so eager if it was a Democrat White House?
Posted by: Banquo | December 07, 2007 at 02:08 PM
We should exterminate all republicans, Ward will help us with this after he is cleared.
Posted by: Jimmy Kowalski | December 07, 2007 at 02:19 PM
Ward is not a Republican, so chances are he's innocent.
Posted by: Upton | December 07, 2007 at 05:06 PM
I wonder what Dori Monson's got on his hard drive?
Posted by: Maureen | December 07, 2007 at 06:54 PM
Bet he has security on it that tries to prevent people like you, Andrew, and Tommy from threatening him and his daughters.
Posted by: DT | December 07, 2007 at 06:58 PM
Is it a crime to collect nekkid pictures of women over 60? If it aint...it should be.
Posted by: abob | December 07, 2007 at 08:25 PM
If there are threats to the lives of KIRO talk hosts like Dori and Frank Shiers, you can bet that they come from this blog, and the people who comment here. The FBI should take a look at the back end of this piece of garbage blog every once in a while.
Posted by: DT | December 07, 2007 at 08:35 PM
"We should exterminate all republicans, Ward will help us with this after he is cleared."
People like this should be watched closely by the FBI.
Sounds like a another problematic progressive.
Posted by: KS | December 07, 2007 at 10:25 PM
Ward is innocent until proven guilty. As Phil Hendrie said on his show, what he did was unbelievably
stupid, especially for his family. Innocent or not, it still could be a career-killer.
Posted by: KS | December 07, 2007 at 10:29 PM
detox, for being such a piece of garbage blog, you sure post here enough.
Posted by: mark | December 07, 2007 at 10:54 PM
DT is projecting again.
Posted by: sparky | December 07, 2007 at 11:00 PM
......I just happened to be in San Francisco today on busienss, so I strolled down to the ABC Broadcast Center on the waterfront, where KGO is housed, to try to find out about Bernie.... I walked into the lobby and asked the receptionist if i could talk to the staton manager.... on the wall behind the reception desk was a row of photos of the current stable of talkhosts, ...there was Taliaferro, Ron Owens, Gene Burns, but no Bernie Ward..... the station manager ushered me into his office... "I'm here to find out about Bernie," I said. "How is the station going to handle his indictment? After all he is innocent until proven guilty." "Bernie?" the manager said , slowly, in a wondering tone, "Yes, Bernie Ward, your ten p.m. to one host?" "I'm sorry , sir, he repiled," not smiling. "You are mistaken. No one with the name Bernie is workng here. No one named Bernie has EVER worked here," he added, with an odd robotic sound to his voice. "Now I will ask security to escort you out." Two burly security guards appeared, "helped" me out of my chair, and began escorting through the lobby."No one named Bernie has ever worked here" the two guards droned in unison, in an odd wooden tone. As we passed the receptionist, she repeated, in a britte, nervous trill, "No one named Bernie has ever worked here"............ Of course none of the above is actually true, but what is true is that I just tuned into KGO and Christine Craft, an annoying abrasive Sacramento talkhost, who fills in on KGO from time to time, came on at ten with her own show intro, and made no mention of filling in for Bernie, at the start of her monologue. They aren't taking calls about Bernie either. So we can assume he has been fired and has become another radio nonperson.
Posted by: Tommy008 | December 07, 2007 at 11:03 PM
I guess I'm just too used to no-class Mormon Management. i checked the KGO webpage, there's as tatement there aout Berniefor m the management, and apparently they are not firing Ward, but putting a sucstitue host on until the matter is resolved. And I can see why they don't want to take calls about it since the matter is in the courts. Bernie has pleaded not guilty to both counts. This would be a really convenient way for Bush'es corrupt justuce department to get rid of one of Bush'es most caustic and perspicacious critics of W.'s religious right regime.
Posted by: Tommy008 | December 08, 2007 at 04:29 AM
I guess I'm just too used to no-class Mormon Management. i checked the KGO webpage, there's as tatement there aout Berniefor m the management, and apparently they are not firing Ward, but putting a sucstitue host on until the matter is resolved. And I can see why they don't want to take calls about it since the matter is in the courts. Bernie has pleaded not guilty to both counts. This would be a really convenient way for Bush'es corrupt justuce department to get rid of one of Bush'es most caustic and perspicacious critics of W.'s religious right regime.
Posted by: Tommy008 | December 08, 2007 at 04:29 AM
>>The FBI should take a look at the back end of this piece of garbage blog every once in a while.<<
I guess that means you too, DT, since you spend so much time here.
Posted by: Dana | December 08, 2007 at 10:42 AM
Moving on to another topic - I heard part of Lou Pate last night. He sounded less cynical than he was when he was here. I would have disagreed with him about the Iraq War, because he was behind Bush when he was here. He was talking about the global warming business and what a scam, true story - which most can understand (but won't talk about), although I do not fault Al Gore - like he does. Compared to local radio hosts, he is probably one of the better ones. I'd rather hear him than Frank Shiers, Bryan Styble and Ron and Don - but he never mentioned Seattle. His politics are similar to Dennis Miller, but Miller has become better and has the gift of bringing on comedic guests like Norm McDonald and Dana Carvey - both hilarious... He is more interesting than listening to Dori - who I seldom listen to any more. I also liked him when he was on Monday Night Football.
Posted by: KS | December 08, 2007 at 09:22 PM
Moving on to another topic - I heard part of Lou Pate last night. He sounded less cynical than he was when he was here. I would have disagreed with him about the Iraq War, because he was behind Bush when he was here. He was talking about the global warming business and what a scam, true story - which most can understand (but won't talk about), although I do not fault Al Gore - like he does. Compared to local radio hosts, he is probably one of the better ones. I'd rather hear him than Frank Shiers, Bryan Styble and Ron and Don - but he never mentioned Seattle. His politics are similar to Dennis Miller, but Miller has become better and has the gift of bringing on comedic guests like Norm McDonald and Dana Carvey - both hilarious... He is more interesting than listening to Dori - who I seldom listen to any more. I also liked him when he was on Monday Night Football.
Posted by: KS | December 08, 2007 at 09:23 PM
Okay, I jumped th gun on my last post. I overreacted. I wish to thank the FBI for rounding up crazy republicans and exterminating them.
Posted by: King Shit | December 09, 2007 at 12:13 AM
I seem to remember that Pete Townshend was doing "research" when he was busted for KP a few years back. Interesting stories they come up with. Dear Bernie will have plenty of time to finish the book in jail.
Posted by: Dude | December 09, 2007 at 02:07 AM
Yes, that is correct about Pete , and the courts found him not guilty.
Posted by: sparky | December 09, 2007 at 10:07 AM
Lou Pate just might be in line for a fsme burst. Slimeball men are all the rage now. There's a crud called Pet Doherty in England, a so-called band singer and writer who gives the finger to photogs, stumbling around looking like dog's breakfast, wearing a sleazy black suit and retro fedora. He's star.Oh, and he's under investigation in a murder case, but that's all the better for his celebrity, right?. Sneering, putrid men are in now, Lou Pate. Your fiften minutes may be arriving soon.
Posted by: Tommy008 | December 09, 2007 at 10:22 AM
hey , that just gave me the perfect name for Lou's old 1-5 a.m. show on KIRO- The Four Hour Sneer
Posted by: Tommy008 | December 09, 2007 at 10:56 AM
From a friend in San Fran:
Bernie's lawyer is investigating to see if he has been targeted for political reasons by a federal prosecutor who is an uber-Republican and a Rove/Bush buddy (and who, incidentally, still works out of Washington--he didn't relocate to the Bay Area upon being appointed to hold this Bay Area position). This person, Scott Schools, was supposed to be a short term, temporary replacement for a US Attorney who was fired under former Atty. General Gonzales.
Bernie is a very loudmouthed liberal and a relentless Bush Administration critic we're talking about, who, over the years, has made gobs of enemies on the right. And the (replacement) prosecutor on the case has major, ongoing ties to both Bush and Rove.
Posted by: sparky | December 09, 2007 at 12:51 PM
Bernie's lawyers have already announced their planned strategy in defending the controversial ex-priest on the child pornography possession charges:
"The night Bernie downloaded that child porn, he was so drunk he thought he was STILL a priest!"
Posted by: Neal Anderthal | December 09, 2007 at 03:45 PM
"The night Bernie downloaded that child porn, he was so drunk he thought he was STILL a priest!"
Posted by: Neal Anderthal | December 09, 2007 at 03:45 PM
YIKES! Even this atheist can feel the sting on that one Neal....
I use to listen to Bernie quite a bit when I lived outside of Frisco back in the late 80's. He is actually friends with Rush dating back to when Rush was working out of the local Sacramento station. Bernie use to also have a nice debate program with Lee Rogers -the SF dude who failed and was replaced by Dori.
There are a lot of things that I like about Bernie. He is smart/good debater when in the studio with a skilled opponent.
I guess I am saying that I hope he is innocent but it doesn't look good right now. Pete Townsend of The Who got into similar trouble a few years ago but was able to convince authorities otherwise.
Posted by: PugetSound | December 09, 2007 at 07:47 PM
I wonder if this US Attorney Scott Schools went after this guy because he was a democrat who hated Bush also. Whatcha think Sparky. Maybe you can pass it along to your friend in San Fran who can forward it to Bernies lawyer to see if there is a connection here.
Posted by: Nevets | December 09, 2007 at 10:36 PM
Of course, it would be interesting to hear Bernie interview Maria Cantwell's aide, Jim McHaney on what drives a sexual predator. Bernie may have insights that a Dave Ross or Dori Monson wouldn't be privy to.
From KOMO:
"The FBI said in court papers that McHaney is accused of trying to set up a meeting with a witness posing online as a teenage boy.
According to court papers, McHaney, known as Mike, tried to arrange a lunchtime meeting with an unidentified person posing as a 13-year-old boy. When the witness, working under the supervision of the FBI, asked whether McHaney was interested in sex with a 13-year-old, McHaney allegedly replied, "I'll be there," the court papers said. He later asked for a photo of the child, the FBI alleged."
Posted by: PugetSound | December 10, 2007 at 04:52 AM
"Bob Dylan's stage performances suck"- BrYan Styble, KIRO resident jackass. His Slow Train Coming show I saw at the Paramount in 1980 was the hottest concert I've ever seen. Talk dates, jackass. Just what year did Dylan's shows start to suck? By the way, I don't believe they even suck now. You're just trying to sound liek Mr. Knowitall or Mr. Big. jackass.
Posted by: Tommy008 | December 10, 2007 at 10:03 AM