Why Mexican are Democrats.
"... build a double fence along the Mexican border, and stop the damn invasion. I don't care if Mexicans pile up against that fence like tumbleweeds in the Santa Ana winds in Southern California. Let 'em. You know, then just run a couple of taco trucks up and down the line, and somebody's gonna be a millionaire out of that." ~ syndicated talk host Neal Boortz Man on Dog
~ Sean Hannity got in depth with Dog the Bounty Hunter. HANNITY: "Dog, did you eat that guy's ear?" DOG: "yes, but not all of it.
"Now I'm in the majority it would be wise to keep my mouth shut and actually plan how I'm going to do what's right and how to defend myself when we put something out there," ~Rep. Jim McDermott
in an interview by the Seattle P-I's Charles Pope
"Religion offers either annihilation in the name of god, or else the
false promise that if we take a knife to our foreskin, or pray in the
right direction, or ingest pieces of wafer, we shall be ‘saved.’” ~ Christopher Hitchens on the Michael Medved Show
(photo: Hitchens on a bed of lettuce)
"Rape me once, shame on you; rape me twice, shame on me." ~ Don Imus
"I took a city that was known for pornography and licked it to a large extent, so I have my own set of qualifications." ~ Rudy Giuliani
"Too often when people hear [the words] 'double murder' they think 'minority.'" Bryan Styble, quirky-alone KIRO talk hobbyist
~ Defending Ann Coulter saying it's her right to say whatever she
pleases is like saying about Jeffrey Dahmer: 'Well, a guy's gotta eat.'"
"It's on my resume: 'Can make rich people cry.'" National Book Award-winning author, and certified Indian, Sherman Alexie on being the go-to guy for making rich people write checks for charitable organizations.
~ "Increasingly, conservative talk radio is not calling itself conservative. I don't think it's only because conservatism is coming into disrepute. Michael Savage is trashing George Bush almost every day. ... it's that talk radio hosts are finding their own stride and their own niche in their own areas of passion. ... I think that's the next step for progressive talk radio. You're going to see talent breaking out into the larger mainstream of talk radio, and not be called progressive or liberal talk radio, but simply be called good talk radio that engages people. ~ Thom Hartmann on Buzzflash.
DORI MONSON "the King of Seattle Talk Radio"
[On the matter of taxes] I'm not advocating taking up arms... yet.
~ "There is zero evidence of global warming."
~ "When you mix politics and religion, you get politics."~anti-abortion Wichita preacher Gene Carlson.
The poets have been mysteriously silent on the subject of cheese. -G. K. Chesterton
Lieberman really bites
"Some have said that the Levin/Reed Bill is the only amendment with
teeth. It does have teeth but I think we've got to ask: who's it bite?
I think it bites our hope." ~ Sen. Joe Lieberman (Image: Duke_S)
"Talk radio is running America. We have to deal with that problem." ~Sen. Trent Lott (R-Mississippi) after the Immigration bill lost in the Senate.
Now, what does that mean? When I hear a United States senator say that what I do for a living is a 'problem' that the government has to 'deal with,' you can interpret it any number of ways. He's either saying, 'Well, we're going to have to come up with our own ways to overcome them,'or, 'We're going to just have to wipe them out.' What does it mean? The real question is: How are we going to deal with Trent Lott? What are we going to do about him?" ~Rush Limbaugh
~ "I listen, sometimes in the car radio on talk shows, the venom that comes out of the mouths of some of these women, particularly- I’m not trying to be sexist- but they’re so vicious toward George Bush ... And also, the bloggers, I don’t read the bloggers very much, but it is really, it’s really vicious." ~ The Geezer of Darkness, Bob Novak
RUSH LIMBAUGH: "a man, a mission, a mighty wind..."
"You never know what's on somebody's butt these days until they do moon you.""
Now, if this Virginia Tech shooter had an ideology, what do you think it was? This guy had to be a liberal. You start railing against the rich, and all these other things? This guy is a liberal. He was turned into a liberal somewhere along the line. So it's a liberal that committed this act.""This woman [Valerie Plame] is a babe, and if she weren't married, I don't care what she's done or what her political affiliation is, I'd be throwing my hat in the ring."
"... the whole country needs to be yanked back into how we all felt that day, how scared, how helpless, how stunned and how shocked and how sad and how mad everyone was as the event unfolded right before our eyes."
James Woolcott on Rush Limbaugh: Global warming's most popular denialist, talk radio's most imitated showman, conservatism's minister of disinformation, he has injected millions of semi-vacant American skulls with a cream filling of complacency that has helped thrust this country into the forefront of backward leadership. He has given Republican lawmakers the rhetorical cover fire to do nothing but snicker as the crisis emerged and impressed itself on the rest of the world.
"Rush is proving again that just what Babe Ruth meant to baseball back in the twenties and thirties, Rush Limbaugh means to broadcasting in the here and now, specifically talk radio."`talk host and former congressman J.D. Hayworth (He's right: Babe Ruth was also a fat, unpleasant, overbearing jerk with a substance abuse problem).
"There are two types of people in the world: those that rinse their dishes before putting them in the dishwasher, and those that don't" Katie Couric, CBS Evening News.
The cornerstone of politics these days is
grievance. It's really hard to keep that going when you're in power.
I've admired their ability to hold on to that idea of being aggrieved
while maintaining almost absolute control of all functions of
government. I love it. And what are they most angry about? People who
play the victim card! ~Jon Stewart on the Republican Party
In my day working for Bonneville, Goldstein’s blatant
anti-establishment, hate-America attitude would never have been
tolerated." ~ Mainstreamer Republican geezer Mark Gardner, writing about
KIRO host David Goldstein on WhackyNation
Unlike Nixon, President Bush is less an overreaching Machiavelli than an epic blunderer surrounded by Machiavellis." ~ Frank Rich
"Now all we have to do is finish off the KOMO homos." ~ Strategic plan, KIRO PD Rod Arquette in first Bonneville staff meeting
"And then of course Michael Hood is a sick
twisted fuck who is only too happy to post any unverified and probably
false rumor that makes anybody whose politics he disagrees look bad." ~Stefan Sharkansky
"Michael Medved is an intellectual entrepreneur, a political and cultural polymath with great insights, judgment and wit," said Discovery Institute president Bruce Chapman.
"I'm also a total dork, and there's a lot of dorkiness, and animal noises, and humor. I was recently described in print as Amy Goodman with animal noises." Rachel Maddow
~ "Furor over bigoted talkers or potty-mouth
shock jocks obscures the real problem of precious airwaves controlled
by a handful of corporations whose only interest is making money and
who have no stake in the local city council or school system. The joy
of radio was its individual quirkiness and hometown boosterism, joy
that cannot be syndicated and force-fed by corporations." ~ Floyd J. McKay, WWU journalism professor emeritus; The Seattle Times.
"When people ask me if these stories are true, I prefer to say that they are true enough." - David Sedaris
~ [Liberals] need to be more than critical. We need to be also proud
and enthused by the potential of this country. I feel like Bush has
made me more patriotic. Rachel Maddow
...of the homeless that I saw who were awake and sober, most appeared
cheerful, appeared to be enjoying life. They looked like men who were
where they wanted to be, not men who had been driven to a place of last
resort. (And some who were not sober appeared quite cheerful as well.
One in Pioneer Square even came close to offering me a beer, with a
smile. Jim Miller. Republican "fundit," on Sound Politics
"The great war of this generation's time is the war against Islamic
fascists... They do not live for life, they live for death. Only
through death can they believe they can be with those 72 virgins in
heaven and have sex with children for eternity, which is the goal of
that religion." Bill "Willie" Cunningham (KVI Sundays 7-10p).
Bla'M, you forgot the Famous Larry Craig quotes:
" He was a Dirty Boy.."
" He was a Nasty Boy.."
" He was a Dirty Nasty Boy..."
Posted by: sparky | December 28, 2007 at 11:54 AM
Mike Huckabee might not know a lot about foreign policy, but he sure knows about Canada!
Posted by: sparky | December 30, 2007 at 01:02 PM
OK sparky, that was funny.
Of coarse we have no idea what the conversation with Huckabee was leading to his answer, however funny none the less.
Posted by: chucks | December 30, 2007 at 02:51 PM
I can't end the year without taking a shot at Seatle's obnoxious, rude BICYCLIST COMMUNITY. What is up with these narcisistic assholes? Last night I took the 2 from Madrona Park to Queen Anne. At the stop for the Deeny-Blaine neighborhood (home of Howard Schultz and numerous other rich mofo's) a severely unattractive middle-aged woman put her bike on the front of the bus and got on. I could opine that she was probably one of the legion of man-hating lesbians who grace our town, but that would be presumptious of me. This self-absorbed moron had an extremely powerful , red strobing light straped to the center of her back, to protect her precious pc ass from contact with evil autos. As she got up to leave form the side seat in front of me, she turned so that this quasar was pulsing directly into my eyes from a mere few feet away. As I was being blinded by her red strobe, I called out to her in no uncertain terms that i wasn't a happy camper, while still being civil. This uncouth, uncivilised bitch refused to even acknowledge me, but merely got up and strode forward a bit in the aisle toward the driver. She finally exited after hearing a few choice mutterings from me. Note to Seattle's Bicyclist community-the rest of us in this city are SICK of you. We're sick of your prissy, pc self-righteousness and narcissistic rude behavior toward driver's pedestrians, and the rest of us. Get over yourselves, obey the traffic laws, and get rid of the attitude. Assholes.
Posted by: Tommy008 | December 30, 2007 at 03:00 PM
Tommy 008
I gotta agree with you. Although I am a weekend bicyclist I laugh a bit at some of the wannabe Greg LaMond types out there in the spandex body suits. Reminds me of the a-holes speedskating around Green Lake -my 'fav' being the ones with a dog on leash- with no regard for kids or women with strollers as they attempt to treat the walkway as some sort of Indy 500 track. No regard for safety of others. If they want a real workout, hit the gym and Spin to their heart's content.
Posted by: PugetSound | December 30, 2007 at 03:10 PM
Spot on Puget, duffers like us need a calm, non-threatening atmosphere like spin class to whittle away the calories away from the more attractive, smart people who will probably outlive us.
Posted by: Bill Wattenburg | December 30, 2007 at 07:54 PM
Tommy, you're starting to whine like Leykis. Seattle is a bike town like portland, get used to it!
Posted by: vagi-thug | December 30, 2007 at 07:58 PM
so, unattractive middle aged women who ride their bikes are man hating lesbians? Tommy, I just figured it out...you are Tom Leykis.
Posted by: sparky | December 30, 2007 at 08:00 PM
Damn, someone always beats me to the punchline.
But what is a vagi-thug? or do i want to know?
Posted by: sparky | December 30, 2007 at 08:04 PM
As I listen to my new hero Celine Dion ring out the old year with Beauty and the Beast, I'm reminded that she gave one million dollars of her own money to Katrina victims relief. This beauty's singing even demolishes very recent memories of the "vsgi-thug" beast on bus number 2 as well as a year full of memories of beast Dori Monson's drivel emanating from his ugly, petty soul.
Posted by: Tommy008 | December 30, 2007 at 08:55 PM
Off topic but while reading Christopher Hitchens book 'No One Left To Lie To' a nice examination from a liberal perspective of how the Clintons sold out liberalism during his tenure as President. Discussion of Dick Morris and his use of 'triangulation' ie Dem taking Repub ideas such as Welfare Reform or Nafta and co-opting them as campaign issues. Written circa 2000. If your a Hillary supporter it should give you pause.
Little known fact, Dick Morris is the cousin of Roy Cohn.
Posted by: PugetSound | December 30, 2007 at 09:02 PM
"...Hillary Clinton, who many consider the Antichrist..." Bill Cunningham, the fine replacement for Matt Drudge, just moments ago on KVI. Damn, I knew there was a reason I didn't like her......
Posted by: Tommy008 | December 30, 2007 at 09:25 PM
yes, but Roy Cohn only sucked the toes of MALE prostitutes.
Posted by: sparky | December 30, 2007 at 10:39 PM
How many times have I posted that "Bill Clinton was the last great Republican President?" per Ted Lowi of Cornell.
You'd rather believe the warmongering whiskey-eyed late-to-the-party Hitchens?
Just got through three Iowa speeches: Clinton-experience; Obama-change; Edwards-fight and take America back from the corporations!
I'm for Edwards. He clinched it tonight.
Obama-great ideas but not enough experience up against the bullies.
Clinton-"Mrs. Wall Street" - a Republican much like her husband.
Edwards-the guy I want fighting the bullies for me. (Just like he's done all his life in litigation.)
Ah, it will be a good 2008. (If Edwards wins...)
Posted by: joanie | December 31, 2007 at 01:42 AM
Goldstein: good show tonight.
I especially enjoyed your calling Bush an SOB. So fitting.
Wish you wouldn't rant so much, however.
And Sparky, Edwards talked briefly to a teacher and said he's for universal pre-K. I like that.
Posted by: joanie | December 31, 2007 at 01:45 AM
Andrew Sullivan announced the Winner of his 'Moore Award' for asinine comment of the year.
"Al Qaeda really hurt us, but not as much as Rupert Murdoch has hurt us, particularly in the case of Fox News. Fox News is worse than Al Qaeda — worse for our society. It's as dangerous as the Ku Klux Klan ever was," - Keith Olbermann, Playboy.
Now, is there anyone who really feels that Fox News is worse than Al Qaeda? Seriously. Worse than Al Qaeda?
Keith Olberman, Ass-hat extraordinaire
Posted by: PugetSound | January 01, 2008 at 08:31 PM