The David Boze Show premiers today at 3p on KTTH. We'll definitely be giving it a listen.
KOMO's Dennis Kelly and other are asking: IIs this sudden programing development a reaction to last week's firing of Bryan Suits and movement of The Commentators to afternoon drive.
Dave has been up and coming for a while. He was a winner in what's being called the being called The Season of the Witch: Seattle newstalk lost two well-established local talk hosts in one week, and another well-known talker bit the dust.
Bryan Suits was fired from "Thee Talk Station," KVI; Dan Sytman was canned from "The Truth," KTTH. The Mark Fuhrman Show on KGA in Spokane was dropped Thursday.
Boze was the Dumb half of Dumb & Meaner, BlatherWatch's not-so-sober sobriquet for the late Sytman & Boze Show, early mornings on KTTH until last Friday. They were replaced by syndicated jerk, Glenn Beck.
Sytman's firing has raised a brevis furor that generated the outrage of Ren torn asunder from Stimpy. Suits' dismissal, on the other hand, created a firestorm even in the stodgy right-wing blogs.
We can't help wonder if the hurry-up timing with the launch of Boze's show didn't have some synchronicity with KVI's moving The Commentators. Was it a Bonneville reaction?
The Commentators, (John Carlson, and Ken Schram) were moved into the Bryan Suits spot when Suits was offed.
“KTTH flinched!" crows Fisher Radio PD Dennis Kelly, (who never shies from the chance for a good crow) "Based on the timing of
the move, they are clearly worried about the impact of KVI’s IT The
Commentators in afternoon drive."
(Bryan called Bonneville PD Rod Arquette (KIRO, KTTH) last week, but so
far they apparently haven't connected. Suits is in Montana shooting
overlarge four-legged things to eat. Bonneville has known about him and
liked what they knew for years, and there's a large opening in the
KIRO's evenings, 7-10p; although we hear KIRO is looking for something
formatically different in that slot. if Suits went to KIRO, it d point
out once again the incestuous nature of Seattle talk- Suits came to KVI
from KIRO, back in 2002).
KTTH moved the hypermanic, pop-eyed, chubby-cheeked, arm-waving, spittle-spraying, grenade-launching, sex-obsessed, fag-baiting, right-wing cheer-king for violence against diversity, Glenn Beck into the early morning slot which has some observers mystified: conventional wisdom says that a local station should be anchored with local programming.
"The best times to be live and local are the drivetimes, but mornings are more important by far," said a radio analyst one who prefers to remain nameless.
Kelly, never one for understatement, says "Now, KVI will have the ONLY live, local talk show in morning drive with Kirby & Co. Thanks, KTTH!”
I though sytman and boze had decent ratings? And what's the deal with glen beck? Hasn't he been on the afternoons for only about a month or two?
anyone want to make a flow chart of all this shit? Of course, it's just a couple pissant little neocon stations, so in the end, who gives a shit?
Posted by: ....................... | November 19, 2007 at 02:00 PM
well, shit flows downhill..pretty easy to chart..
Posted by: sparky | November 19, 2007 at 02:10 PM
neo' kon'
Posted by: holodeck | November 19, 2007 at 02:51 PM
I will miss the Sytman and Boze show in the morning. It was a good way to start the day. I walked into the office with a smile on my face more often than naught.
I was hoping KTTH would step up and put Suits on later in the day. I am not a Glenn Beck fan but Savage is the worst part of that lineup and even though I would rather have Suits on from 3-6, I think his style would fit better later, such as 6-9 pm. If KTTH would have kept the lineup and simply replace Savage with Suits, it would have given them, for the most part, a local lineup of hosts that have a solid sense of humor and can also discuss topics in an entertaining way, not in the wonkish way that is often heard on KVI. I have a hard time listening to Washington State tax policy @ 6:30 in the morning.
No idea how Boze will do in the afternoon. I really enjoy Medved, Dr. Laura... what was KVI thinking?
The Piper
Posted by: Piper Scott | November 19, 2007 at 02:56 PM
so, Kvi goes and throws up the white flag for the 9-noon spot and puts Dr. laura in there and make Suits a victim of the strategic withdrawl.
Now Ktth throws the white flag up for the 5-9 spot...
Meanwhile the listeners are sitting here wondering why they can't get a nice dose of wit and sarcasm in the afternoon... I need my fix of ISSSSSSLAAAAAAAAAMMMMM and turtles, chiker bow bow.
Posted by: Zintradi | November 20, 2007 at 11:14 AM
Dave Boze is an over-intellectualized droner to boirning to make it in drive-time.
Posted by: cinco | November 20, 2007 at 03:24 PM
I've listened to Boze today. He just let Tim Eyman drone on & on for nearly an hour. Me like many others were out of there fast, not to return. He should know about Eyman--if you don't watch out, he takes over the show. He loves to hear the sound of his own voice.
Posted by: stank | November 21, 2007 at 09:49 PM
1 down, 1 to go ... tell you what folks, I'm a lifelong conservative Republican, and I can't stand either one of these guys ... IMO both bad at their craft (Boze has a sneering, grating voice that wears thin in seconds) ... mean, humorless, immature radio "personalities", it scares me that there's a business model selling this crap ...
Posted by: Mike | November 29, 2007 at 10:51 PM
I have been missing "The Truth" (Sytman and Boze) in my mornings. I listened, laughed, got mad, and even participated on the air. This show was truely enjoyable and will be missed. Both Dan and David brought different dimensions to the show that really worked. They were honest and to the point with humor or in seriousness. My mornings will never be the same.
Posted by: Mike | December 01, 2007 at 06:17 PM
the election was not about change, it was about EXCHAGE
Posted by: paul s | November 19, 2008 at 11:59 AM
THE new preident HUSSAN, better read up on lincoln. my info.suggest he turnd down a offer by VP of conferderse to seace hostilites,6 mo. before it finaly ended. this cost thosands of additionl lives 0n both sides
Posted by: paul s | November 19, 2008 at 12:16 PM
DUDE! It's Nov 19, 2008 !
Posted by: Duffman | November 19, 2008 at 12:51 PM
I can't believe after 2 years on the air Boze's show still sounds like a 2 am college radio show.
How to make the david boze show in 2009
If boze can be on the air in Seattle, a canned ham can be on the air.
Posted by: RealityInSeattle | December 13, 2009 at 12:14 AM