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November 26, 2007



Superstar broadcasters like Limbaugh, Hannity, Savage, Medved, Beck and Dr. Laura are more talented and more compelling than any bunch of local yokels radio stations can put on the air. That is why they are nationally syndicated and the Alan Prells of the world are drawing unemployment checks.


It is a puzzle. I hope we never lose our local programming because I rely on it to stay informed about local politics. AA never gives me that. That's why I am a dual listener: I listen to AA for the national stuff and KIRO (Dave Ross; Goldstein) for the local stuff. I need both.

I even listen to Dori until his mouth forces me away which is most of the time. He has good guests when he's talking local politics and projects. And he asks hard questions when he's on a rant about something local. I like those questions. Somebody needs to ask them. If he could clean up his mouth and act like an adult when the interviews are over, I'd listen more often and longer.

Oh well. I hope we never have to find out what a lack of local programming looks like. Maybe Howard Schultz will buy Seattle a radio station that operates at a loss . . . don't these guys have enough money so that they can do something without thinking profit...


"don't these guys have enough money so that they can do something without thinking profit..."

That's what NPR is for.


The idea of being a career talk radio host seems like a horror story. You don't get payed crap and you have to move all the time. If you're lucky enough to find a wife that will follow you around and still somehow find employment of their own, imagine the disservice you'd be doing to your kids, transplanting them from one city to the next. Or don't have a family, don't have a family and get payed little while polishing an otherwise useless skill. How those people can sleep easy at night is beyond me.


...you mean like Dave Ross...and Dori Monson? :)


For every Dave Ross there are twenty Bryan Suits.


B'lam, these TV/radio satellites number perhap a dozen at the max over North America at any given time. They all share a geosyncronous orbit over the equator - very crowded real estate in space shared with comm birds, weather sats and the like.


Not to be picky but KIRO claims to give away four iPhones away each day but presumably not everyone calls within sixty minutes to receive the prize so it's highly unlikely they actualy give away four iPhones a day. For all we know days at a time go by without them having to give up a single phone.


OMG!!!...and here we're worried 'bout the war in Iraq..when THIS is apparently going on!!!


Dr Laura is "compelling"? Sure, if your idea of good radio is listening to some rag, bitch at losers calling in with their personal problems.


Dr. Laura is KVI's Ron & Don, a move borne of sheer desperation. KVI is on life support. However, KIRO is in little better shape aside from Ross and Dori.

I don't dispute that the economics don't favor local talk, but there must be more to it than that. It doesn't explain why KIRO can't find somebody better than Ron 'n Don, for example. It doesn't explain why KIRO and KVI have so often had to recycle each other's failed hosts (Maloney, Gary Ryan, etc).

What they need is a Bird and Magic infusion. Remember how the NBA was moribund before Bird & Magic came along to revitalize things.


If KIRO were to replace Ron and Don with Jim Althoff they would probably get me back. Until then I'm mostly over at AA.


Interesting, Siegel's "one-hour" show from 5-7 p.m. Fill, baby!


"Wouldn't it be interesting to know if these libertarian Republicans are taking the unemployment compensation offered by the nanny state they abhor?"


UI is insurance. Not welfare.


Agreed, BHC, but you wouldn't know it to hear conservative hosts decry it on the radio. I think Blather is pointing out the hypocrisy of these entertainers who pretend to have these noble "values".


I'm sorry, but I go to local radio to get something I can't get on TV or even NPR, e.g. hearing my neighbors report and talk about local news. Having everything corporate whether it is Air America, Rush Limbaugh, CBS, or NPR is just a narrowing of the perspectives available for financial advantage of large out of town interests. It's like going to the mall and having nothing to choose from to eat but those franchises that can be found in every town everywhere in America. Sure national talent is always better in a critical way, but radio has always been more than just tight, professional entertainment. It has been something that held us together in communities. Radio's days are probably done, and one of the reasons that has happened is because these economics rule.
the internet is what's happening now for communities, wonder how long it will take them to corporatize and homogenize that too.

Piper Scott

You libs won't like this but without local talk radio, there would be no Tim Eyman or his tax reforms, we would still be stuck with affirmative action, there would be no 3 Strikes Your Out, etc. Republicans and conservatives would have no way to get heard in Washington. Rush doesn't address these local issues. Sean Hannity doesn't care about our property taxes. Michael Medved won't put Dino Rossi on to tell his side of the story. Without local programming, we are cooked around here.

The Piper


I stopped listening when Allan Prell was manhandled from Pensylvania. NPR is where I am nowadays. Once over there, you get used to the peace and quiet fin a commercial free zone. AM radio can go the way of Wunda Wunda for all I care. Let the Republicans have it


"peace and quiet" gets boring after a while. And Piper, libs and conservatives want local. I've never shot the messenger just because I didn't like the message. I might go after them for how they delivery it - 710DORI - but not for the message itself.

You are like most conservatives, Piper, you think we think like you think, it has to be our way or the highway. Not at all.

Also, didn't I read somewhere that NPR was doing quite nicely in the 'profit" department? Or was that just KUOW?

And, I think Ross paid his dues in the early years or am I wrong about that? Monson has never left Seattle and it shows.


I just realized the best thing about the KTTH change is Phil Hendrie is now on early in the morning!


Phil Hendrie is a one trick pony. Every night he conducts phony interviews and does all the voices. We get it. Yawn.

Janet Morrow

>>For every Dave Ross there are twenty Bryan Suits.<<

Judging by the recent picture posted here of Sgt. Suits, you'd NEED 20 Dave Rosses to equal one Bryan Suits.

Didn't it take him something like 5 or 10 years to make lieutenant?


Phil Hendrie is more than a one-trick pony. His phony interviews, where he plays the interviewer and does all the voices- often pointing up the absurdity of the media/culture and the special interest types. He is irreverent and has a unique political bent - He is a Democrat who seems to support the war in Iraq. Seems like he has done some comedy gigs and admittedly is an entertainer - like many of the talk show hosts really are.


You do realize that Brian Suits is a mustang. He started out as an enlisted man. I have the hightest regard for the man and will deeply miss him at KVI


Once again we see KVI digging it's own demise. Atleast Suits was entertaining. Over the years KVI has lost Rush, Medved, and Savage. Although these are not local hosts, it shows that KVI just doesn't understand its listeners. Their only bright light is the Commentators. Let's see how long it takes for them to screw that up.
KTTH must be dancing in the street over KVI's continuous blunders.

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    pacific nw talk stations

    • KIRO 710ESPN Seattle 710 KHz
      Games and sports-blabber
    • KIROFM 97.3
      Multi-format: news and nearly all local talk. This is where classic KIRO AM news talk radio went... hopefully, not to die. The home of Dave Ross & Luke Burbank, Dori Monson, Ron & Don, Frank Shiers, Bill Radke, Linda Thomas, Tony Miner and George Noory.
    • KUOW FM 94.9
      Seattle's foremost public radio news and talk.
    • KVI am 570 KHz
      Visit the burnt-out husk of one of the seminal right-wing talkers in all the land. Here's where once trilled the reactionary tones of Rush Limbaugh, John Carlson, Kirby Wilbur, Mike Siegel, Peter Weissbach, Floyd Brown, Dinky Donkey, and Bryan Suits. Now it's Top 40 hits from the '60's & '70's aimed at that diminishing crowd who still remembers them and can still hear.
    • KTTH am 770 KHz
      Right wing home of local, and a whole bunch of syndicated righties such as Glennn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Michael Medved, Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, Lars Larsony, and for an hour a day: live & local David Boze.
    • KPTK am 1090 KHz
      Syndicated liberal talk. Stephanie Miller, Thom Hartmann, Ed Schultz, Randi Rhodes, Norman Goldman fill in the large hole to the left on Northwest radio dial.
    • KLFE AM 1590 kHz
      Syndicated right-wing 2nd stringers like Mark Levin, Bill Bennett, Mike Gallagher, Dennis Prager, Dennis Miller and Hugh Hewitt inhabit this timid-voiced neighbor honker for your radio enjoyment (unless you're behind something large like Costco).
    • KOMOAM
      News, traffic, Ken Schram and John Carlson.
    • Washington State Radio Stations
      Comprehensive list of every danged AM & FM station on the dial.
    • KKOL am 1300 KHz
      Once a rabid right-wing talker, except for Lou Dobbs, it's all business....