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November 16, 2007



Bla'M a Friday oddem wrap up on the week's news lends me to comment on two revelations.
1. Australia'a apparent 'directive' to it's Santa Claus'es to say Ha Ha Ha, rather than Ho Ho Ho, reasoning the latter may be offensive to some in that it is American slang for 'whore'.
2. Seattle school district's apparent 'guidance' to it's educators to 'tone down' the celebration of T/Giving, reasoning it may be offensive to some who may find this a time of mourning.

I said to someone (much younger than I) that may be not in my life time but possibly in their's we would see either abolishment of both T/Giving and Xmas or changed in such a way to be non-recognizable by any of the current 'baby-boomer' gen.

Janet Morrow

Who is that big fat woman?


I say let's go all the way. PC'ers are worried about offending? Okay. Well, some people, like JW's, don't celebrate anything. Birthdays, Thanksgiving, etc. So if you think you're being less offensive by saying "Happy Holidays" to someone instead of "Merry Christmas," guess again. I say we should just get it over with and in the spirit of trying not offending anyone, we stop the celebration of anything, lest we offend people who take offense at the very act of celebration.


I'm not surprised liberals are more likely to listen to the oposition. They're world view seems more pragmatic and fluid, ariving at conclusions after so much considerations, desiring to work together as a society to solve problems like health care for kids, while conservatives who call into conservative talk shows always sound like they're set concrete, permanantly dimissing anything any kind of wealth redistribution that might help the less fortunate. They don't want to be challenged, they want to be reminded why they're right.

Re the singing girls, that this blog receives "dirty-minded" emails and itself characterizes their young, underage voices as " sexy, sexy" is case in point why local merchants shouldn't use their kids as spokespeople for their endeavors. What kind of customers are they trying to attract? None I'd want. Probably none their daughters would want. What if the youngest grows up and says one day to her parents "why did you exploit me?"

I don't know much about why talk radio ratings rise or fall but unless their it's election season their standard for what constitutes an hours worth of discussion is pretty low. Even now Dave Ross is discussing ballot issues that have already been decided but have yet to impact anything. It's over. Boring. iPod time!


Our society is diversifying fast, the culture is including more and more non-christians and others who haven't been raised on the night before xmas. It aint the 1950's anymore.
That said, the so-called war on christmas has few real world examples outside the fake world examples created by talk show hosts and Bill O'Reilly to get people riled up enough to call in to their shows. How does this straw man effect you? It doesn't. It's just talk fodder for demagogueing broadcasters; and a laugh to people who care about real issues. It's run its course, it was so roundly mocked last year after O'Reilly's fake indignation.


You write:

"Zogby says the results may shed some light on why liberal talk radio has had a tough time gaining traction against its conservative competition."

I find it hard to believe that liberal talk radio gets fewer listeners because of lack of cross-over conservatives.

I consider myself left of center and I find a lot of Air America programming just not very interesting, I guess because it's conservative talk from a Democratic perspective. Most of it (that I've heard) deals with beltway bubble national politics and issues already ground to powder by the MSM, which is boring, plus you have to sit through hours of commercials.

Now, by contrast, I listen to David Goldstein every week, even though I can't stand AM and hate the commercials, because the show is local, covers topics and has guests you don't hear elsewhere, and the talk is funny and entertaining.

I think the problem is that (with at least one exception) liberal AM talk radio hasn't been around enough to find its own voice.


By "find its voice" surely you mean "figure out how to push people's buttons."


Hearing those ladies sing and seeing their pics, makes me wish I was 14 again.


Oh, well that's healthy.


Hey, DT:

You're being a bit obtuse today (as opposed to being inaccurate, or slip-shod). You wrote:
"Okay. Well, some people, like JW's, don't celebrate anything. Birthdays, Thanksgiving, etc."

What is JW's?
Jolly Wranglers?
Jerky "Wobblies"?
Jazzy Wet-Nurses?

Or did you simply leave the "E" out of the middle of the word. Last time I heard, our jewish brethren did celebrate birthdays, and Thanksgiving...and a few things them Christians don't celebrate.

Personally, I celebrate when DT doesn't post here. Gives me a day off.


In this case, JW means Jehova's Witnesses.

DT bathes in Eau de Hyperbole every morning....


or Jehovah's Witnesses too :-)

The people who bring you The Watchtower...

jim anchower

Before DT was born, it is possible his mom was PG with him, let's keep this on the QT and not worry about his cute PC situation, OK?


I have to agree with "YellowPup" above. I only wish I remembered to turn my radio to 710 KIRO more often on Saturday nights. Sundays... well there's all that male-focused (and halfway entertaining) animated content on Fox TV.

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