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November 13, 2007



That about sums it up, Bla'M.


Dr. Laura attracts a daily national audience of 8 million listeners. It would be insane to deny her a slot in Seattle morning radio. No other local yokel in this market comes within light years of matching her gigantic ratings.


Please dont use "slot" and "gigantic" in the same sentence as "Dr. Laura." blechhhhhh...


I know one thing, those pictures of her are downright nauseating. She's a victim of ugly trampitis, imagine how she looks now. Maybe Dori can make a play for her, a little adultery is standard fair for family values Republicans.


Heartfelt thanks goes out to Blam for his reposting of Laura's personal tribute to female pulchritude. That reminds me...add KY to my shopping list.

Anybody who thinks nude pics of Laura are "nauseating" is either gay and/or a woman hater.


Tom Leykis had a running feud with her in the late 90s and thus originated the phrase - shrill, shrieking shrew. Leykis is on in the evenings 9-midnight on 99.9 FM. She sounds extreme on the radio at times. Diplomacy is not her long suit, but situations that are thrown out do not necessarily merit diplomacy. There is an element of common sense to her logic - that's a tough one to swallow over here though.

The hags on the View probably work better for Sparky and Ms. J.


Tom Leykis would gladly sacrifice his left nut for even 1/3 of Dr Laura's ratings. Seattle used to be the strongest market for Leykis. Things changed dramatically. In 2004 he got assaulted and kicked in the head outside the 5 Point Cafe near Belltown. Next, Leykis got kicked off KQBZ "The Buzz" and removed from coveted afternoon drive. Leykis is now relegated to late night tape delay on low rated KISW.
Advantage Laura. Game-Set-Match. She gets the last laugh.



What part of 'do as I say, not as I do'is logical, and wherein lies that element of common sense?

She is questionable entertainment at best.


"photo: Corporal Schlessinger, gay Afghani warlord" :o


Dr. Strangelove's got attitude. But then, so did Bush in 2000. Ah, the curse of good cheekbones.


I believe that Doc Laura's son had a screw loose since before burning down the house. She sent him to those Christian programs to prepare him for the military service. They were to fix him after she messed him up. She raised a warrior alright.

She's old and outdated!


sorry Klueless..I hate the View. Wrong again! :-)
A stupider, more vapid show there has never been.
You must be locked into the notion that women are only interested in "wimmin stuff." gag.

As for Dr. Laura's popularity...all those people out there who need that authoritarian mommy ( or daddy) to scold and spank them will always be around to tune in.

Whatever floats your boat.


Boy, I'm with you on that one, sparks!


Dr. Laura is one of those few women who you can hear on the radio in the far background and be driven to rage and physical anger merely by hering her chattering, without being able to distinguish invidual words. Just hearing the implied arrogance, contempt and smugness in the tone and rhythm of her blathering, selfserving drivel is enough.


In between being a shcokjock jackass, Leykis has actually given men and the occaisional woman valuable advice . Shrill, shrieking shrew Dr. Laura has never given out any advice worth more than a warm summer pitcher of three-day-old piss.


My heartfelt thanks to "abob" for giving me some of the biggest laughs in a LONG time. Keep it up! Maybe you'll pop up on Comedy Central.


abob - leykis wasn't booted from the buzz, it changed format. He was #1 on the drive home for quite a while.

"Dr" Laura is a fine example of leadership for those who can't/won't think for themselves....


i agree with mark regarding tom leykis, abob's post misrepresents tom leykis tenure in seattle. We were one of the first cities to make him 1# in the ratings and he enjoyed 8 years of success on the former 'buzz'. Every successful show from bj shay to the mens room lost their airtime when the station went country.


Anybody who thinks nude pics of Laura are "nauseating" is either gay and/or a woman hater.

Um, no... not if you look closely enough to see some of her withered, gangrenous soul peeking out.


Sparky wrote: "I hate the View. Wrong again! :-)
A stupider, more vapid show there has never been. You must be locked into the notion that women are only interested in "wimmin stuff." gag."

Guilty of generalizing - due more to political leanings than wimmin stuff. The View represents the leftist philosophy and beating up on the token conservative - which typically appeals to those who are anti-conservative.

BTW - I agree wholeheartedly with the above comment about "The View" even though I know our "views" differ.


Sparky wrote: "I hate the View. Wrong again! :-)
A stupider, more vapid show there has never been. You must be locked into the notion that women are only interested in "wimmin stuff." gag."

Guilty of generalizing - due more to political leanings than wimmin stuff. The View represents the leftist philosophy and beating up on the token conservative - which typically appeals to those who are anti-conservative.

BTW - I agree wholeheartedly with the above comment about "The View" even though I know our "views" differ.


Elizabeth Hasselback or beck, I dunno how she spells it, is VERY conservative. She is the one who got in an argument with Rosie O'donnel


bunnyip, how can you see anything with her sitting on that grizzly bear?


Laura Schlessinger is the sexiest MILF since Shirley Jones flaunted her maternal sexuality on the Partridge Family.


a-boob's pin-ups: Dr. Strangelove and mama partridge...'nuf said.


If you're a man over 40 and you were never turned on by this woman...you are clinically dead.

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