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October 02, 2007



Hooray, a few marks against the blowhard. He makes me so angry, as a fellow Jew, when he joins with the religious right. Truly missquided and self destructive.


I'm sure Bill Cosby, Oprah, Clarence Thomas, Condoleeza Rice, Puff Daddy, Michael Jordan, Kobe Bryant, Jamie Foxx and Lebron James, Barry Bonds, and 50 Cent would all agree that they are much better off as born Americans than native Africans.


“Ya see, the slave master bred his big black buck with his big black woman. That’s why we have so many big black NBA and NFL millionaire athletes today. The blacks should be grateful for slavery.”

_Mike‘The Greek’Medved


Medved is fortunate to have an incredible memory recall ability and a deep treasure of facts. He is extremely articulate and has a vast array of resources and friends. But, sometimes he's just plain WRONG!


"The Nazis killed a lot of Jews but in the interest of historical accuracy I must point out that many of those Jews really were assholes"

_Medved Revisionist School graduate


It's easy to rail against slavery. After all the hard work of ending it was done long ago, before any of us were born (except in the Mid East--Saudi Arabia outlawed slavery only around 1960).

What about such things as our record levels of imprisonment. We have higher rates than any other country, largely due to the war on drugs. And since slavery was in essence theft of labor, what about confiscatory taxation. As Bob Dole noted over 10 years ago, we pay more in taxes than on food, shelter, and clothing combined.
What finger are we lifting to change the outrages of OUR times?


"As Bob Dole noted over 10 years ago, we pay more in taxes than on food, shelter, and clothing combined."

W'iz, who's the "we" here? Got a link, plz?


ignoramus says "I'm sure Bill Cosby, Oprah, Clarence Thomas, Condoleeza Rice, Puff Daddy, Michael Jordan, Kobe Bryant, Jamie Foxx and Lebron James, Barry Bonds, and 50 Cent would all agree that they are much better off as born Americans than native Africans."

Have you ever heard the saying "the ends don't justify the means"?

More importantly, what you, Medved and Stible don't realize is that you're USING slavery, here in the 21st century, in attempting to JUSTIFY treating black people poorly. Your opinion praises slave merchants and owners for having brought them to America to be enslaved. That makes YOU as bad as the slave owners.

Your pseudo logic also implies that black people aren't realy American, that they're still Africans who are just visiting and that they have it better here visiting than they would if we shipped them back to Africa.

I could say "nigger" many thousands of times and still never hope to be as racist as you three.


Don't know why you would even say it ONCE! IMO that word should be stricken from our language; would you not agree.


It's not that easy. They say over using power words makes them less powerful, but it's actualy much more complicated by that. As long as people are realy passionate about things they will make up a word that single handedly conveys that passion. Overuse "fuck" today and it will just be "floop" tomorrow.

The word "nigger" has gone from being one kind of bad to another. At first it was a word whites used to disparage black people obviously, but now it has become a word black people use to establish exclusivity. It has become a racist word against whites, because it's use implies "we have special words you're not allowed to use."

Black people calling eachother "nigger" in the presence of white people is like white people telling black people "you can't drink from this water fountain."


Interesting reasoning &drew!


Andrew just made a post at 10:52 that I agree with 100%.
I must be getting soft in my old age, but I could not have said it better if I had thought of it myself.


I wonder if he feel the Jews are better off because of the Holocaust. Being one himself, somehow I don't think so.


Medved was on fire today in his response to his Worst Person award. Medved let it be known that his radio audience is 6 times greater than Olbermann's TV viewership. Medved also made it clear that his intellect and knowledge of American history dwarfs Olbermann's. Is Medved a closet homosexual?


Poor Medved...can dish it out but takes it like a nancy boy.


That's a good likeness of him, looks like he got caught coming out of a crack-house.


"Poor Medved...can dish it out but takes it like a nancy boy.

Posted by: sparky | October 02, 2007 at 02:21 PM"

look who is talking.
sparky's pot please meet sparky's kettle.

medved is not my favorite host but he is one of the best debaters on the air.
he actually brings on guests that he disagrees with to come and debate him. just listen to the hitchens vs medved podcasts on the existance of god.
can anyone really imagine a keith olberman or randi rhodes being able to do so. how long could they hang in a real debate with hitchens on something they fundementally disagree with such as the Iraq War.


You make the same mistake that Nevets and KS do...I dont really give a shit what y'all think of me. Besides, it is more enjoyable to just poke fun at you than expend the energy of getting irate.


Looks like Sparky is starting to get tired of being a lie. Her true colors are coming out more and more as she is feeling closed out of this blog. I remember sometime ago she got mad at me for calling Ron Reagan Jr "GayRea". Now she comes back and calls Medved a "nancy boy". My nickname for RR jr. was innocent enough as being a hack not knowing what he's talking about as per the "Urban Dictionary". But her use of "nancy boy" today is way over the line and used in a derogatory way towards Medved. I think this is just her way of trying to win favor back with the big Liberal boys here at BW. Sparky, You are a sinking ship and taking all the other liberals here with you. How low can you go.


Cue the music ( True Colors by Cindi Lauper)

As the lights come up, we see Steven, a poster on Blatherwatch who probably means well, but continually misses the joke...by about 3 miles. He tries to make stuff up with the same panache as Putz, but is not as eloquent. His fits of outrage draw laughter from the audience, as they murmur their approval of Blathering Michael for decorating the stage in such a way that it keeps everyone's interest in spite of the ability, or lack thereof, of the actors.

Ok boyz, I have had my fun for the night. I have papers to correct and lunch to make. Have a good night.


Medved may not survive the "nancyboying" I will watch Medved daily for signs of depression.


Fremont, the 'we' from the Bob Dole line about taxes is the 'average American family.' I just remembered the line from Dole's '96 campaign. Since you challenged it, I did look into it a little. The number came from the Tax Foundation, and while it was disputed by other experts, the criticism seemed to me to amount to 'our tax system is so complicated that such a claim is inherently problematic.' Not much comfort there.

I stand by the larger point of confiscatory taxes. The church wants 10%. Medieval serfs paid 25% to the King. By any measure we are past that. Stay-at-home moms used to be the norm. Now it's an impressive feat that few can do. The sales tax was 4%, and that was enough to keep the state going. Now it's nearing 10%. When I stop at Jack in the Box after working out, I pay taxes to the Mariners. I could go on (and on).

It's easy to rail about theft of labor that occurred 200 yrs. ago, but what about today? Tim Eyman is the Garrison of today--no wonder he is so reviled.




William Lloyd Garrison (maybe I have the name not exactly right) was a particularly tenacious, relentless advocate for abolition of slavery. I think he was a newspaper editor from Boston or Philly.


gotcha, i thought you were going for jim garrison of jfk infamy.


Keith O is a narcissistic second-rate sportscaster turned bloviatior because the progressives like listening to his pompous editorializing, which is mainly crap and jibberish. I might pay attention to him if he gave himself the award for "Worst person in the world", because he would actually show humility, something he is allergic to.

He also loves to take quotes out of context and lie about them - I challenge any of you Countdown fans to read the exact transcript of the entire context of Medved's statements - not really defending him, but when I read this ludicrous pantload of caca- he epitomizes the proctological tabloid tendencies of he and his ilk and it shows me that he seriously believes that his $h*t don't stink..


Keith O is a narcissistic second-rate sportscaster turned bloviatior because the progressives like listening to his pompous editorializing, which is mainly crap and jibberish. I might pay attention to him if he gave himself the award for "Worst person in the world", because he would actually show humility, something he is allergic to.

He also loves to take quotes out of context and lie about them - I challenge any of you Countdown fans to read the exact transcript of the entire context of Medved's statements - not really defending him, but when I read this ludicrous pantload of caca- he epitomizes the proctological tabloid tendencies of he and his ilk and it shows me that he seriously believes that his $h*t don't stink..


Suits is over the top - he pulled that one out of his proctological universe - aka his ARS (i.e. he pulled an Olberman).


It stinks, he stinks, his twisted distortions of fact stink. That was just his sportscasting career.
Now that he has delved in to all things political, he is all things septic.
Beyond that, I guess its ok. He has a job. Just hope no one is dumb enough to take him seriously.


or William Garrison, area commander in Somalia in 1993.

I can only take so much 1090; Medved offers at times excellent guests and debate.


"I dont really give a shit what y'all think of me."

Seems by that last post Sparky, you really do care. And how can we miss you, you have that stupid "Impeach Cheney" sign still in your rear window.


dont be shy, KS...tell us what you really think!


oh, and you, too Steven.


I just like the truth in reporting - something that Olberman, Media Matters and Moveon.org don't give a rat's a$$ about.

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