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September 05, 2007


Fat Tommy

Wouldn't that be funny if KKKVI suddenly went country? Maybe they would get some of their original demographic back.


I was the one who posted about KVI going country. it seems the whole point of their "open for business , Sept.4th KVI570" ads, which wee accompanied by country crapola music snippets was revealed this morning. KVI did not turn country, but Kirby's show as of this morning has been turned into Kirby and Company. I listened to the flagship broadcast this morning. Carlene Johnson and proucer Matt have now been made Kirby's sidekicks and are on hand throughout the whole show to chime in along with the corpulent conservate's comments. I don't think this was a good idea. This must be a major ego slap for Big Kirb, kind of like saying he can't carry his weight anymore. Well, at least it will give Carlene a chance to get some plugs in for The Lord....


Snow could become Limbaugh's permanent fill-in host, like Joan Rivers. It would be a lot better than the idiots they are using now. Once upon a time, Rush had decent fill ins (Hannity, Medved, Snow), but by God he just gets Hannity want-a-be's now.

Of course, Limbaugh himself is slipping. Any one that had to listen to him today explain how Sen. Craig is all the Liberals' fault, when it was the Conservatives that threw him under the bus is just lame. Hell Rush, if you would just explained as a fellow arrested individual you understand that a few mistakes shouldn't ruin a career, you would have the great trifecta of admitting you own faults, being sympathetic, and being right. Of course, as a Conservative, he can't be any of those, so he pulls a Sean Hannity and voilĂ , Craig is all the Democrats' fault.

There was a time when Limbaugh would never be so boring or do his show on autopilot like that. And so continues the rotting away of American Conservatism.


"dry as a popcorn fart"---I can't stop hearing that in my head, and I mean that in a good way.


Dori had a show today about an evil developer who was displacing a Seattle artist's colony so he could reap big bucks on condos or such. Dori took the side of-surprise!-the developer. Not only that, this jumped up little turd Monson took the opportunity to repeat his nonsensical claim that
"most art is garbage" and "that's why a lot of artists don't make much money". He contemptuously suggested the people from the artists' colony should relocate to a small town in Eastern Washington, where the living costs are more modest. This ass obviously has no idea of how much the average visual artist in Seattle makes. I'm not saying it's a huge amount, but I'm sure it's quite a bit more than the amount his petty, mean brain has conjured up. His base of reference is made up of a few, cliched examples of silly or pretentious art pieces that he's been exposed to in media stories and such. I'm sure he's never bothered to go on Thursay gallery walks or even visit a single serious gallery, where his banal peabrain, smug in it's insular preconceptions, would be exposed to uncomfortable challenges. If ,as he claims, most art is garbage, it follows that he, Turd Monson, would be able to create art pieces just as good as the pieces he saw during the Pioneer Square Gallery Walk. Even Monson would have to admit to himself that he couldn't do anything near most of the paintings and sculptures, and that his creations would indeed look like garbage and steaming piles of shit when set side by side with the gallery pieces.


My dad used that saying about popcorn farts...

My Man Dori

Most art is garbage and most artists are lazy and can't find real careers.


Tommy, pssst, you know when someone is talking negatively about someone else, but to the listener, he is coming off worse than the guy he is talking about? Well, this is one of those times.

Using so many insults, the reader hears less of what you are saying, and just begins to imagine you spend a lot of holidays alone.

And a little tip from me... I don't like country music, so I don't listen to it. You don't like Dori Monson, so... well, I hope you can figure out the rest.

My Man Dori

It's a free market. Change the channel.

Hmmm...I guess many are changing the channel to the Dori Monson Show, the most listened to radio program in Seattle.


T008 is just doing what our blog title says 'listening to talk radio so you don't have to'. Since I can't listen to Dori's show very much (although I do enjoy it) I appreciate T008's updates (even tho biased). Keep it up my man - you're probably the only one herein that stays on topic.


Life is short. Tommy is going to spend his free time listening to someone he hates, rather than someone he enjoys, so he can bitch about it to a couple of people on a blog?

Yeah, Tommy sounds like a very smart, happy man. Almost as happy as joanie.


Seriously, how can you make a call like that on folks you don't even know. I will discount your statement from having any value.


Let me spell it out for you, then I'm done with this topic.

Let's say I really hated tofu, but I decided to eat it on a regular basis anyway because I wanted to bitch to people on some blog about how bad tofu tastes.

Would you think I was an idiot, or would you say to yourself "Well, I can't make a call on whether he's an idiot or not because I don't even know him?"


Different folks find pleasure in different ways; not hurting anyone so ease up - done deal!


Hey Sam, you need to look at the roots of his moniker "tommy008" to really get to know Jethro and enjoy his reading. Till then just follow your own advise.




Listening to radio hosts you disagree with is far more interesting than listening to ones you agree with. The contrarian host will state a thesis and then support the thesis with some evidence or reason, and if you disagree then it challenges your own conclusions and gives you something to think about.

Only cowards would go out of their way to avoid contrary points of view.


OMG King TV is reporting that Jennifer Dunn has died.


this was one of my best posts. it expressed the outrage and disgust that so many listeners feel when Dori goes off the charts with his completely stupid, asinine generalizations and callous attitude. I'm expressing it for them, so they don't have to. And as Duffman says, listening for them, so they don't have to. Usually my Dori posts aren't nearly as nasty and insulting, and I don't plan to make a habit of this extreme tone, but he clearly asked for it this time.


I really like it when Rush has Walter Williams, the economist, as a fill in. In fact that's the only time I DO listen. I find him very informative - like Ben Stein

Yes it's ashame Jennifer is gone


Rodney Tom has withdrawn from the Democratic primary in the 8th District. Way to go Darcy!


Jennifer Dunn was not of my political leaning, but I had a great deal of respect for her and thought she was a class act among politicians. RIP Jennifer and God Bless.


she had more class than Reichert...

My Man Dori

Please please explain....

"Dori goes off the charts with his completely stupid, asinine generalizations and callous attitude."

What does this mean? The guy has the best ratings in Seattle, is the highest paid local talk radio host, is flooded by advertisers, adored by our beloved Seattle Seahaks, gives back to the community through private philanthopy and is a solid father figure to his daughters.

Am I missing sonething?


Michael Savage has a lot of listeners. Aer you his bitch also? Aside from the obvious disconnect between quality-of-character and popular endorsement, how do you know he's a solid father figure to his daughters? Fantastic imaginings on your part or do you peak through his window at dinner hour?

My Man Dori

Because you (practically everyone on this blog) disagree with the politics and positions of the man you consider him an evil person and perhaps even a criminal.

Everyone complaining here about Dori Monson is obviously envious of a guy who grew up poor and pulled himself up by the boot straps to be successful.

This is the essence of meritocracy and what makes this country great.

Dori demonstrates that hard work and perserverence can pay off.

Is that bad?

I don't understand the anger on this blog?


MMD: I've deduced that it must be plain 'ol vanilla JEALOUSY! :o)


Jealous of what exaclty?


The list of observable character flaws demonstrated when Dori Monson does as little as speak into a microphone is too long and horrid to repeat here, and is well documented elsewhere. I assure you, his success reveals the lack of a meritocracy, as did the incident with a highly paid pro athlete who forced dogs to fight eachother before electrocuting them and drowning them. We reward anyone who can provide fulfil a sinful pleasure. Any reward coinciding with merit is purely coincidental.


Well, Sir Andrew I would say jealousy in an envious way of his success as someone who does not tend to swing the political way of most on this blog. I keep emphasizing that I don't believe Dori portrays his 'true' political slant but rather purposly confuses and distorts his feelings to generate interest (either pro or con). He is the consummate 'entertainer'. My opinion.


I emphasized the same thing many times. Nobody is saying anything about his political slant besides you. Try to keep up.


Should have been:
purposly purposely

Sorry sparks!


Sir Andrew: I'm trying not to respond to drivel - but let me just say in response to your last post 'you're one to talk' about 'keeping up'.


You're singular ability to type random words and click the Post button every so often obviously outpaces your mental resources.


Dori is an arrogant, aggravating little twerp and provincial who mistakenly believes he's terribly, terribly bright, and couldn't last and prosper in any bigtime market outside of his dear old hometown. His fifteen hours a week of crapola are rarely if ever given a challenge, since you almost never hear any truly antogonistic, adversarial callers let onto his show by his little bitch, Phil VanderVoor, just bland dopes that agree with him. He's simply not up to taking them on. The fact that an occaisional post is made on Blatherwatch that gives it back as good as we get from this guy, is tough beans.


Any credibility you may have had has gone the way of the 'waitperson/shark' saga. Good job!


Guess we will have to wait for Gingrich's memoirs to know if he slept with Jennifer.


See, Duffman, I have not recently made any claims of fact, much less one that can be proven to be wrong, thus nothing I've said recently has any bearing on my credibility. That's a perfect example of how terribly wrong you are about everything. Please stop posting.


Gingrich and Dunn?? Now I need brain floss to get that image out of my mind.

How do you know Dori is "adored" by all the SeaHawks? Did you take a poll?

You seriously believe that someone who doesn't like Dorki is secretly jealous of him?

Are you the guy that wrote Dorki's bio on the KIRO website that stated he was the filet mignon of talk show hosts, when the rest of see him more as rump roast?

Some of us just have higher standards.


"is a solid father figure to his daughters." Which one? The one who he had cheat on a school assignment that he bragged about on-air?

He's a sorry excuse for a human being who says he's a Christian but has called a certain class of people "human garbage" and never apologized for doing so.

I don't listen to him anymore; I just don't have the stomach for it.


Soon, not content with Seattle's biggest station now officially named Dori Monson's 710KIRO, Dori will successfully lobby the City Council to have our city renamed Dori Monson's Seattle. It will be a brave new city, a world where smug, affluent brand new Jaguar drivers like the the Dorrster himself zip along our avenues and streets, sneering at an occaisional "poor choicer", one of the few remaining homeless who haven't been snatched off the streets by the Dori Monson's S.P.D. and taken to the Dori Monson's "Human Garbage" Reform Camps. All of the other pesky, annoying "poor choicer" and non-productive groups like artist colonies in old downtown and waterfront brick loft warehouses will be long gone, victims' of Dori-approved developers who've ousted these misfits to make room for condos catering to the great "right choicing", productive, Christian citizens of Seattle.


Wow. I think what we're seeing here with this Tommy guy is someone who is, for some reason, obsessed with Dori Monson. It's pretty obvious, just from this one thread, that this guy has lost touch with reality, at least when it comes to this one subject. But I'll stand by my original statement. All this Dori-bashing by Tommy reflects more poorly on Tommy, than it does Dori. And I'll stand by my second comment that I bet Tommy spends a lot of holidays alone. I don't think there is anything cute or clever about what this guy is saying. This is beyond someone disagreeing with a radio host, this is a level of hatred and anger that is disturbing.


I think Sam is obsessed with both Dori and Tommy008. He came out of nowhere to complain about Tommy008's logical reaction to Dori's ubiquity and moral ambiguity, only to return hours later to complain some more. Who the frick are you and why don't you get off Tommy008's case?


While I may post infrequently, I am only one of the most well-respected voices on BW. Many here will vouch for my insight, wisdom and gravitas.


Hey Sam, aren't you the guy who advocated bombing Des Moines Iowa to get rid of the ethenol subsidies? You're the guy who suggested we eat the abortion harvest,the homeless, and use both sides of toilet paper. that was you, wasn't it? insight, wisdom and gravitas? We turn to Duffman for that. You're just a jerk who sticks up for Dori Monson.


I watched the Republican debate last night and thought that Romney came off as the most 'potentially' Presidential. As usual I didn't see much substance in any of their answers (or any of the posed questions, for that matter). I kept thinking about all the wasted money and effort just for the privilege of losing to Mrs Clinton. Oh well; we must go through the drill tho I guess - it's the process.


If you have to tell people you have gravitas - you don't have gravitas.


Ron Paul has been skyrocketing in the polls but as the only "bring the troops" home republican candidate, he has been disregarded by white house operatives like Brit Hume.


Yes Mr Paul does seem to be the only one close to making sense in my mind; however (like you imply) he is being treated much like the former VP candidate 'Who Am I, Why Am I Here' James Stockdale.


Mr Paul is not a viable candidate for President. You can be sure that most of his positive poll results are due to a bunch of ratbastardcommielibtards trying to screw with the Republican candidates. Kind of like what we did with that goofball, Ralph Nader. Maybe Paul can be Mrs Clinton's VP candidate.
(spell check is telling me that I spelled rbcl wrong...?)

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