~ Seattle readers: sorry for all the national stuff: this is the dead zone for dish in local radio. We're working on some big, big, stories, and expect big things (especially at KIRO) to start popping in September. As always, when it's slow, we've been doing anagrams for your pleasure. Can't decide which we like best for Dori Monson- (KIRO m-f, 1-4p): 'Dorm Onions,' 'Snood Minor, or 'Id Morons No!' Which one do you prefer?
~ The ex-wife hour: Goldy (KIRO Saturdays, Sundays, 7-10p) won't be going to YK- he'll be filling in for Frank Shiers (m-f, 9p-12a) this week.
Who's his guest Weds. at 9p? That would be his very own ex-wife Maureen "Mo" Judge who's running for Mercer Island City Council. Should be some great radio.
Us blabbing to the BlatherWorld about her erstwhile relationship with the notorious blogger/talk host won't hurt her- She's already been endorsed by Ron Sims, Darcy Burner, Sierra Club, and the entire 41st legislative delegation of both R's and D's. She doesn't need you, Goldy... never did.
~ Remember Bryan Styble? He's the peculiar 3-hours-a-week (Sunday, 10p-1a) KIRO talk host who thinks so much of himself. We share his desire that he be
on the air more, although for probably a different reason- he's such good copy for BlatherWatch. Bryan's got a new blog, with a new picture which features his new face growings. The blog's gotten 4 comments so far- but unfortunately, Bryan's deleted 3 of them. Should you drop by Bryan's site, drop him a line, and see how long it takes for him to delete your
ass. Word to the wise: don't say 'crap!'
~ Tiny silicone GOPenis? Digby quotes The Wimp Factor, the book "examines the strange phenomenon of anxious Republican masculinity and the way it's informing our politics by Stephen J. Doucat: By far the most compelling confirmation of the phallic meaning of the president's aircraft-carrier cakewalk was found
on the hot-selling ‘George W. Bush Top Gun action figure’… The studly twelve-inch flyboy not only comes with a helmet and visor, goggles and oxygen mask, but underneath his flight suit is a full ‘basket’ --- a genuine fake penis, apparently constructed with lifelike silicone.
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