Horse's ass radio tonight: mike webb, geov parrish, the stranger, and police accountablility
The David Goldstein Show (KIRO Saturdays, Sundays, 7-10p) tonight:
7p: Managing Editor Josh Feit and reporter Jonah Spangenthal-Lee will be talking to Goldy about police accountability.*
8p: Mike Webb will be the subject of discussion with former Seattle Weekly columnist and lefty national pundit, Geov Parrish who was Mike's friend and a guest on his show until he wrote an in-depth cover piece last year about Mike for the Weekly. Mike took great exception to the facts presented in the piece, and a friendship was lost.
*(Goldy's new Stranger Hour is where editorial members of Seattle's most alternative paper come to fly in the face of the Seattle liberal establishment; as well as the conservative obfuscations, and Christianist sensibilities of the Republican Party).
I'll be listening. Parrish should be fascinating.
Posted by: Emphyrio | June 30, 2007 at 11:59 AM
Agree, Emph. I think a Stranger hour could be riviting radio. But, keep it on message . . . I turn off when the rambling and self-promotion begins.
Posted by: joanie | June 30, 2007 at 06:01 PM
Michael Hood, the P-I article that links to your blog has a typo in the URL:, not
Posted by: Emphyrio | June 30, 2007 at 08:25 PM
very nice tribute to mike webb on goldie's show.
hope you all listened to it.
Posted by: pugetSound | June 30, 2007 at 08:56 PM
Yeah, but where was Bl'am tonight? he should have been there.
Posted by: mac | July 01, 2007 at 01:27 AM
On Goldie's tribute show, both John from GAYBC , one of Mike's best friends, and Geov Parrish, shot down the accusation made by an emailer,that Blatherwatch had something to do with Mike's death. They said we didn't have anything to do with it. So, Dori, and all you accusatory posters, can go straight to Hell. And OH, Dori? Stick it up your ass, my little man. I know you will read this, although you say you can't be bothered to look at us.
Posted by: Tommy008 | July 01, 2007 at 08:56 AM
We need to stop the hate.
Posted by: Gusto | July 01, 2007 at 10:40 AM
I love the fact that 710DORI gave away the fact that he does read it. Hahahaha, Dori!
Gusto, when the right gives up hate talk, there will be no more hate talk. I don't look for that to happen. Do you?
Posted by: joanie | July 01, 2007 at 10:53 AM
"shot down the accusation made by an emailer,that Blatherwatch had something to do with Mike's death"
I have no doubt they didn't have anything to do with it but they sure reveled in his spiral downward...
Posted by: trickydick | July 01, 2007 at 11:17 AM