Listening-in today to new kid in town, Glenn Beck (KTTH m-f, 3-6p) we got a surprise.
We'd girded our loins for shallow,frenetic, hebephrenic, patronizing, political shock talk with lots of hand motions, finger-pointing, and God-bless-you's- and it was a good thing we did, because that's what we got.
But we weren't prepared for Beck's one hour screed against Bush's immigration bill using none of the usual lightly-breaded racist arguments you hear on most of these shows.
Beck, who is only 43, spouted today- his first day back in the Seattle market- chapter and verse of the latest the Christo/right wing New World Order conspiracy usually thundered by such Flomax generation wack-bats as Phyllis Schlafly, Representatives Ron Paul, Virgil "Islamisbad" Goode, and Tom Tancredo.
The horror story batting around the red states and right-wing radio
is that Bush has secretly negotiated the creation of
the North American Union, a mega-state created by erasing the borders
between the U.S., Canada and Mexico.
This huge globalist conglomerate would terminate U.S. sovereignty; make
us beholden to the socialists to the North, and the Third World
mother-raping beggar/bandits to the South.
The Yankee dollar would be worthless, and we'll be forced to spend (if we could get
any) the "Amero," modeled after the Euro and just as godless.
What's more, a 17-lane "Monster Highway," road to hell, is being built by the
Master Planners from Mexico to Canada up through the middle of the U.S.
(Actually, they're talking about a real highway in the planning stages: the Ports-to-Plains Trade Corridor, an I-5-like North/South highway
stretching from Texas Gulf ports to Canada.
Feckless Beck told listeners, "Let's just face it: this is the plan,
this is the real reason [Congress and Bush] want to cram this thing
down our throats! What else could it be?"
Beck's KTTH collegue, Michael Medved (m-f, 12-3p) who suffers no conspiratorial fools, is really pissed that this scam taking up so much conservative energy. In a blog post, he writes, "[This] ... paranoid and groundless frenzy has been fomented and promoted by a shameless collection of lunatics and losers; crooks, cranks, demagogues and opportunists..."
(We've seen Beck on TV eating up every Word uttered by evangelical
novelist Tim LeHay, creator of the bestselling, apocalyptic Gone Fishin' Left
Behind series. Beck really sounded like he bought that Rapture scenario. Now he's
buying this, plus he's got his Mormon End Times theory to believe in too. Is
Beck utterly craven or does he just believe in everything so we don't
have to? We'd make book it's the former).
Medved writes: "...the entire horror story about “North American Union” is based upon the “Security and Prosperity Partnership,” an utterly innocuous, open, above-board, well-advertised and widely publicized initiative to promote inter-governmental cooperation to fight terrorism, the threat of Avian flu, improve and tighten border security, and promote mutual prosperity. The then Presidents of the three countries (Bush, Fox and Martin) met in 2005 to pledge to work together on such issues and to initiate open working groups to facilitate cooperation – BUT THERE WAS NO AGREEMENT OR TREATY OR COVENANT of any kind, secret or otherwise."
He lists quite delightfully some of the other Top 40 conspiracy golden oldies; many of which are coming from the same perpetrators. Like the one that our government orchestrated 9/11; or that Y2K would end civilization as we know it; or that Bill Clinton would declare martial law and suspend the 2000 election; or the UN is taking over our National Parks because a few hemisphere natural wonders were designated as “World Heritage Sites." Or "The concentration camps and black helicopters that were supposed to menace opponents of globalization..."
Please remember: the hysterics and fringies who now promote the “secret plan” to eliminate the border with Mexico are the same psychotics who for decades suggested that the Council on Foreign Relations and the Bilderbergers and the TriLateral Commission and Bohemian Grove and Skull and Bones and the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds were all working together to make sure that Communism took over the whole world.
The problem with the demagogues and exploiters is that they make it more difficult – vastly more difficult – for decent people to face the real problems involving our border with Mexico (which clearly, undeniably needs better security and more protection) and to correct the altogether unacceptable outrage of more than 12 million illegals who live and work in the United States in open contravention of our immigration laws.
Who is pushing this incredible kaka besides the feckless Beck and the aforementioned politicans?
Leading the pack is Human Events columnist Jerome Corsi, a right-wing hack who ghosts books for such wingnut semiliterates as John O'Neill whose Swift boat book effectively smeared the war record of John Kerry; Jim Gilchrist, the co-founder of the Minutemen, the neo-right-wing border vigilante organization set up two years ago to patrol the US-Mexican border.
We disagree with just about everything Michael Medved stands for but we know him well enough to believe him when he says: "...I can promise you one thing: I will never lie to you, or pander to your fears, or try to exaggerate dangers when I know better. I will tell you the truth to the best of my ability and I refuse to insult your intelligence with ludicrous conspiracy tales."
Medved is an honorable- man. Deluded? yes- but you can take what he says to the bank of good faith.
But Glenn Beck? he's not honorable- he's a fear-pandering, danger-exaggerating, intelligence-insulting liar who's hurting America, and doing it for the money.
Medved is many things, but I woulds never use thew word "honorable" for someone so willing to be an intellectual bully with a cut off button.
If anything this guy is less truthful then Limbaugh. I have heard medved mistate facts, cut off callers or misreperent callers, etc.
Finally as a fellow Jew, I find the willingness of this Capo to conspire with the Pst Robertsons' of this worl disgisting.
He is good at movie critiques.
Posted by: seattlejew | June 26, 2007 at 03:40 AM
Bring Back, Lou Pate on the over night. News talk radio 710 am KIR0
Ted Nugent May GOD Bless Him
My Vote is for Fred Thompson
What is KIRO going to do about there bad ratings from 9:00 pm to 1:00 am Moday /Friday .
And as always Styblehead radio it's more than just bad it's Plan WRONG !
Posted by: Brian | June 26, 2007 at 07:14 AM
His comments are about as insightful as The Weiner saying that roving bands of lesbians are going around the country buying off state legislatures in an attempt to pass pro-gay rights laws.
Like your banner says, Bla'M..Im glad you are listening so I dont have to.
Posted by: sparky | June 26, 2007 at 07:47 AM
Glenn Beck brings a fresh Gen X approach to the talk radio world.
I'm tired of all the baby boomers...Rush, Hannity, Medved, Savage...
Let's give the guy a chance before we crucify him.
My vote is for Guiliani. He saved NY.
Posted by: My man Dori | June 26, 2007 at 09:53 AM
Great poswt, Bla'M! The immigration issue is huge and fraught with racism...Pat Buchanan, et. al. are engendering a minor conspiracy that the proposed "amnesty" will create a new New Mexico! But, this is outrageous...!
Posted by: Fremont | June 26, 2007 at 10:04 AM
My Man Dori: better put Your Man on your list of baby boomer talk hosts: Dori's birthday is Oct. 2 1961. I say get rid of all the old bastards.
Posted by: blathering michael | June 26, 2007 at 10:48 AM
Ha ha, Michael. I was going to suggest to My Man Dori that he shut off his radio if he is tired of listening to Big Pants and his ilk and get a life.
Posted by: David Tatelman | June 26, 2007 at 11:24 AM
Thing #1:
"...Tim LeHay, creator of the bestselling, apocalyptic Gone Fishin' Left Behind series."
If you haven't yet, go right out and rent Left Behind the Movie (starring Kirk "Too moral for Growing Pains" Cameron). The greatest unintentional comedy film of the decade. The Refer Madness of our generation.
Read my review Here
Thing #2:
Re: Bla'Ms Hidden Hand jpeg above:
That rendering is actually the album cover for a killer doom-metal band out of Maryland (of the same name). "The Hidden Hand" features guitar legend Scott "Wino" Weinrich from former Doom greats The Obsessed and Saint Vitus.
*Metal dictionary mode - off*
Posted by: mercifurious | June 26, 2007 at 12:45 PM
Dori brings the issue to the table. Today we engage in a fair and honest debate abouth the alleged abuses at the City of Seattle PD. There is nobody effectivelky doing do so in the market.
Posted by: My man Dori | June 26, 2007 at 01:25 PM
I am sure many Canadians would rejoice at Quebec becoming the 51st state.
Be our guest.
Posted by: Liz | June 26, 2007 at 03:22 PM
Medved - smartest man in talk radio. He does his homework and it shows.
Beck - smooth talking and glib as a Mercedes Benz salesman. He can sell anything including right wing propaganda.
Limbaugh - holds 15 million listeners spellbound daily without guests and few callers. Awesome talent.
Savage - gifted inflammatory orator who mastered the art of making provocative statements with conviction. Perversely compelling.
Posted by: mrogi | June 26, 2007 at 03:47 PM
May I add,
Dori - the question authority, buck the trend, against the grain, brutally honest, compassionate, family oriented, team player talk radio master
Posted by: My man Dori | June 26, 2007 at 04:31 PM
Michael Hood, pardon my ignorance, but what does "hebephrenic" mean? Regards, David
Posted by: Dave the Rave | June 26, 2007 at 06:13 PM
Its a band...also a type of schizophrenia...take your pick...
Posted by: sparky | June 26, 2007 at 06:23 PM
yes. Dori is among the best in town, but may add--Frank Shiers" Hes the most professional new talent on the horizon. He will go far. Bryan Styble has not had a real chance, he is a fine broadcaster in the fine tradition of Mike Webb and Fred Ebert. John Carlson was really great before he got hooked into that gabfest with Schram.
Posted by: mrogi | June 26, 2007 at 06:49 PM
Anyone hear Dori ask the scientist who figured out how to burn salt water for energy if he were going to get to work getting rich and the inventor answer that he wasn't interested in riches but thought it would help humanity?
It was kind of nice to hear someone make Dori look like the money-grubbing fool he is.
BTW, Here's the story - salt water as fuel.
Posted by: joanie | June 26, 2007 at 07:49 PM
This is how I rate the KIRO talk show hosts based on knowledge, insight, listener interaction and overall entertainment:
1. Dori Monson
2. Phil the News Junkie
3. Bryan Styble
4. Dave Ross
5. Ron Reagan
6. NY Vinnie
7. Frank Shiers
8. Ron and Don
9. Carl Jeffers
10. Goldstein
11. Turi Ryder
12. Bob Brinker
13. Tom Douglas
14. Cisco
Posted by: My man Dori | June 26, 2007 at 07:51 PM just outed yourself..
Posted by: sparky | June 26, 2007 at 08:23 PM
No, Phil Vandervort just outed himself with that list.
Posted by: mink | June 26, 2007 at 10:08 PM
Frank just called Elisabeth Edwards a crybaby for confronting Skank Coulter about her attacks on her husband on Hardball on MSNBC, and asking her to stop them. This from the same Mr. Shiers who has repeatedly whined about how upset he IS and how he wishes he could take myself , Mercifurious and other Blatherwatch bloggeres to court because we wrote mean, mean things about HIM.
Posted by: Tommy008 | June 27, 2007 at 12:19 AM
On the June 28 broadcast of his nationally syndicated radio show, Glenn Beck commented on a mock ad -- produced by subscribers to his website known as "Insiders" -- depicting a "giant refinery" that produces "Mexinol," which, according to the ad, is a fuel made from the bodies of illegal immigrants from Mexico.
Beck read from the ad: "At Evil Conservative Industries, we know four things for certain. The country needs cheap, alternative fuel source. Two, the human body is 18 percent carbon. Three, carbons can be turned into hydrocarbons. Four, we have a buttload of illegal aliens in our country."
Go read the rest and be heartily sickened.
I know he will say it's a joke and we should lighen up, but this is advocating genocide isn't it?
When did that become funny?
Posted by: Vox Publius | July 02, 2007 at 09:15 AM
Glenn Beck is totally unneccesary. It's a godamned tragedy that all you need is some huffing and puffing, racism, and social program hating rants to become successful in American radio. Whatever happened to the concept of broadcasters?
Posted by: berner | July 10, 2007 at 12:30 AM
Kaka began his career with São Paulo at the age of eight. He signed a contract at fifteen and led the São Paulo youth squad to Copa de Juvenil glory. He made his senior side debut in January 2001 and scored 12 goals in 27 appearances, in addition to leading São Paulo to its first and only Torneio Rio-São Paulo championship, in which he scored two goals in two minutes as a substitute against Botafogo in the final, which São Paulo won 2–1.
Posted by: generic viagra | April 09, 2010 at 08:31 AM
...but he's no Lionel Messi :)
Posted by: Duffman | April 09, 2010 at 08:38 AM