Talker's Magazine The quirky talk radio trade mag. Check the Talk Radio Research Project- it's not very scientific, but places on the top 15 talkers list (scroll down to Talk Radio Audiences By Size)) are as hotly contested as Emmys (and mean just about as much).
The Advocate No, not THAT Advocate... it's the Northwest Progressive Institute's Official Blog.
Media Matters Documentation of right-wing media in video, audio and text.
Orcinus home of David Neiwert, freelance investigative journalist and author who writes extensively about far-right hate groups
Hominid Views "People, politics, science, and whatnot"
Darryl is a statistician who fights imperialism with empiricism, gives good links and wry commentary.
Jesus' General An 11 on the Manly Scale of Absolute Gender, a 12 on the Heavenly Scale of the 10 Commandments and a 6 on the earthly scale of the Immaculately Groomed.
Howie in Seattle Howie Martin is the Abe Linkin' of progressive Seattle.
Streaming Radio Guide Hellishly long (5795!) list of radio streaming, steaming on the Internets.
The Naked Loon News satire -- The Onion in the Seattle petunia patch.
Irrational Public Radio "informs, challenges, soothes and/or berates, and does so with a pleasing vocal cadence and unmatched enunciation. When you listen to IPR, integrity washes over you like lava, with the pleasing familiarity of a medium-roast coffee and a sensible muffin."
The Maddow Blog Here's the hyper-interactive La Raych of MSNBC. daily show-vids, freakishly geeky research, and classy graphics.
Northwest Broadcasters The AM, FM, TV and digital broadcasters of Northwest Washington, USA and Southwest British Columbia, Canada. From Kelso, WA to the northern tip of Vancouver Island, BC - call letters, formats, slogans, networks, technical data, and transmitter maps.
Plus "recent" news.
News Corpse The Internet's chronicle of media decay.
The Moderate Voice The voice of reason in the age of Obama, and the politics of the far-middle.
News Hounds Dogged dogging of Fox News by a team who seems to watch every minute of the cable channel so you don't have to.
HistoryLink Fun to read and free encyclopedia of Washington State history. Founded by the late Walt Crowley, it's an indispensable tool and entertainment source for history wonks and surfers alike.
right-wing blogs we like
The Reagan Wing Hearin lies the real heart of Washington State Republicans. Doug Parris runs this red-meat social conservative group site which bars no holds when it comes to saying who they are and who they're not; what they believe and what they don't; who their friends are and where the rest of the Republicans can go. Well-written, and flaming.
Orbusmax inexhaustible Drudgery of NW conservative news
The Radio Equalizer prolific former Seattle KVI, KIRO talk host speaks authoritatively about radio.
With comedy and splendid fatuousness, Mr. Falwell could be counted upon to make our argument against the abuse of state by
church better than anyone.
He will be missed.
OK, the extreme right has lost one of its most loony religious conservative spokesmen with the death of Falwell. Now can you guys throw out Al Gore to help maintain balance in the universe? Or maybe Dennis Kucinich?
With the lefts attack on all things Christian, people like him are a necessary evil. I personally had no use for the man, but I shall not rejoice in his death.
With him now reaping "the ultimate reward" in heaven, shouldn't one rejoice that he is dead?
It's not like he's a Muslim and getting 24 virgins or something distasteful like that. He's got an eternal life, free from hairdressers and interior designers.
The left does not attack "all things Christian" is the pretenders they attack. Falwell worshiped money and influence and laughed all the way to the bank.
Nothing about his behavior was remotely Christian.
That he professed otherwise was the reason the left vilified him.
Far too extreme for me, but I am a Christian and in terms of religious belief I say judge not lest ye be judged. RIP Mr Falwell.
"I really believe that the pagans, and the abortionists, and the feminists, and the gays and the lesbians who are actively trying to make that an alternative lifestyle, the ACLU, People For the American Way, all of them who have tried to secularize America. I point the finger in their face and say 'you helped this happen.'"
~Falwell after 9-11
RIP, and let his vile hatred die with him
Those who do not learn from the past, are doomed to repeat it.
Now that Jerry is gone, will we ever find out who killed Vince Foster? And who will keep me informed about all the bad that the gays/women/abortionist/liberals/hippies/commies/Northerners/Democrats are up too? How will I know who to hate? God has truly lifted his veil of protection from us.
Chuck there is no moral equivalence between Falwell and Gore. The mere fact that you would choose to smear the guy and put them on the same level is really a weak argument. Gore is a global warming zealot and that is it. This guy was a hate spewing anti-American that used his power and influence to pour that bile into the minds of his flock.
As others have stated, liberals do not dislike all things Christian. If you took the time to actually examine the life and works of Jesus you would find a lot of LIBERAL ideas there. I think it is a cop out to use such a silly 'the left hates Christians' statement. Perhaps if organized right wing Christians in this country actually practiced what they supposedly believe in, the world would be a far better place.
Falwell wasn't evil because he was a Christian, it was because he wanted to desecrate the seperation of church and state and make Christianity the state religion. He wanted non-Christian tax payers to fund Christianity. He wanted non-Christians to be subject to Christian based laws. People like that are dangerous and un-American.
I have great respect for Christians. They have come up with pretty imaginative ways to answer the unanswerables.
Even if I didn't know the guy...ya know I would be suspicious of any one who keeps a giant picture of themselves behind their desk like that. Reminds me of the two guys talking and one says well that's enough about me, lets talk about you and what you think of me....ha
I say "good riddance to bad rubbish." Why should anybody of good faith and Christian values mourn him even for a minute.
That's the hypocrisy in orthodox religion. It is a cult. Did you all mourn Koresh? Jim Jones? Sorry. Falwell and Robertson are the biggest frauds in the whole group. Money . . . money . . . money. Well, now there's one less to do the devil's work.
KIROFM 97.3 Multi-format: news and nearly all local talk. This is where classic KIRO AM news talk radio went... hopefully, not to die. The home of Dave Ross & Luke Burbank, Dori Monson, Ron & Don, Frank Shiers, Bill Radke, Linda Thomas, Tony Miner and George Noory.
KUOW FM 94.9 Seattle's foremost public radio news and talk.
KVI am 570 KHz Visit the burnt-out husk of one of the seminal right-wing talkers in all the land. Here's where once trilled the reactionary tones of Rush Limbaugh, John Carlson, Kirby Wilbur, Mike Siegel, Peter Weissbach, Floyd Brown, Dinky Donkey, and Bryan Suits.
Now it's Top 40 hits from the '60's & '70's aimed at that diminishing crowd who still remembers them and can still hear.
KTTH am 770 KHz Right wing home of local, and a whole bunch of syndicated righties such as Glennn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Michael Medved, Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, Lars Larsony, and for an hour a day: live & local David Boze.
KPTK am 1090 KHz Syndicated liberal talk. Stephanie Miller, Thom Hartmann, Ed Schultz, Randi Rhodes, Norman Goldman fill in the large hole to the left on Northwest radio dial.
KLFE AM 1590 kHz Syndicated right-wing 2nd stringers like Mark Levin, Bill Bennett, Mike Gallagher, Dennis Prager, Dennis Miller and Hugh Hewitt inhabit this timid-voiced neighbor honker for your radio enjoyment (unless you're behind something large like Costco).
KOMOAM News, traffic, Ken Schram and John Carlson.
OK, the extreme right has lost one of its most loony religious conservative spokesmen with the death of Falwell. Now can you guys throw out Al Gore to help maintain balance in the universe? Or maybe Dennis Kucinich?
With the lefts attack on all things Christian, people like him are a necessary evil. I personally had no use for the man, but I shall not rejoice in his death.
Posted by: chucks | May 15, 2007 at 11:30 AM
With him now reaping "the ultimate reward" in heaven, shouldn't one rejoice that he is dead?
It's not like he's a Muslim and getting 24 virgins or something distasteful like that. He's got an eternal life, free from hairdressers and interior designers.
Posted by: Liz | May 15, 2007 at 11:45 AM
Far too extreme for me, but I am a Christian and in terms of religious belief I say judge not lest ye be judged. RIP Mr Falwell.
[Lets make Mrs. Clinton our candidate!]
Posted by: Duffman | May 15, 2007 at 11:50 AM
The left does not attack "all things Christian" is the pretenders they attack. Falwell worshiped money and influence and laughed all the way to the bank.
Nothing about his behavior was remotely Christian.
That he professed otherwise was the reason the left vilified him.
Posted by: sparky | May 15, 2007 at 12:17 PM
Far too extreme for me, but I am a Christian and in terms of religious belief I say judge not lest ye be judged. RIP Mr Falwell.
"I really believe that the pagans, and the abortionists, and the feminists, and the gays and the lesbians who are actively trying to make that an alternative lifestyle, the ACLU, People For the American Way, all of them who have tried to secularize America. I point the finger in their face and say 'you helped this happen.'"
~Falwell after 9-11
RIP, and let his vile hatred die with him
Those who do not learn from the past, are doomed to repeat it.
Posted by: mercifurious | May 15, 2007 at 12:23 PM
He helped severely wound American political life.
Posted by: drack | May 15, 2007 at 12:26 PM
Now that Jerry is gone, will we ever find out who killed Vince Foster? And who will keep me informed about all the bad that the gays/women/abortionist/liberals/hippies/commies/Northerners/Democrats are up too? How will I know who to hate? God has truly lifted his veil of protection from us.
Posted by: JDB | May 15, 2007 at 12:27 PM
Agreed merci! In my belief; he's probably having to deal with those extreme positions as we speak.
Some tough explaining to do, indeed!
[Lets make Mrs. Clinton our candidate!]
Posted by: Duffman | May 15, 2007 at 12:28 PM
Chuck there is no moral equivalence between Falwell and Gore. The mere fact that you would choose to smear the guy and put them on the same level is really a weak argument. Gore is a global warming zealot and that is it. This guy was a hate spewing anti-American that used his power and influence to pour that bile into the minds of his flock.
As others have stated, liberals do not dislike all things Christian. If you took the time to actually examine the life and works of Jesus you would find a lot of LIBERAL ideas there. I think it is a cop out to use such a silly 'the left hates Christians' statement. Perhaps if organized right wing Christians in this country actually practiced what they supposedly believe in, the world would be a far better place.
Posted by: cowpotpi3 | May 15, 2007 at 12:59 PM
Falwell wasn't evil because he was a Christian, it was because he wanted to desecrate the seperation of church and state and make Christianity the state religion. He wanted non-Christian tax payers to fund Christianity. He wanted non-Christians to be subject to Christian based laws. People like that are dangerous and un-American.
I have great respect for Christians. They have come up with pretty imaginative ways to answer the unanswerables.
Posted by: Andrew | May 15, 2007 at 01:33 PM
Even if I didn't know the guy...ya know I would be suspicious of any one who keeps a giant picture of themselves behind their desk like that. Reminds me of the two guys talking and one says well that's enough about me, lets talk about you and what you think of me....ha
[Lets make Mrs. Clinton our candidate!]
Posted by: Duffman | May 15, 2007 at 02:35 PM
True enough. Shouldn't he have a picture of, oh, I don't know, JESUS behind him?
Posted by: Andrew | May 15, 2007 at 02:45 PM
I would suggest that people NOT try to infer Jesus's words and political things, as Jesus's statements transcends politics.
If people don't Falwell, that's alright. I didn't like him myself. I'm just not gonna speak ill of the dead until after the funeral.
Posted by: Sakaki O. | May 15, 2007 at 03:31 PM
I say "good riddance to bad rubbish." Why should anybody of good faith and Christian values mourn him even for a minute.
That's the hypocrisy in orthodox religion. It is a cult. Did you all mourn Koresh? Jim Jones? Sorry. Falwell and Robertson are the biggest frauds in the whole group. Money . . . money . . . money. Well, now there's one less to do the devil's work.
Nothing spiritual about any of them.
Posted by: joanie | May 15, 2007 at 07:26 PM
The quote that comes to my mind, and I don't know who said it is, "Christians better hope their god isn't as vengeful as they seem to think."
That's what comes to mind when I think of a dead JF.
Posted by: robinz | May 15, 2007 at 07:45 PM
I am fucking outraged! He was not found in the company of a male escort or an ugly hooker. He also missed the rapture, that asshole.
Posted by: Derek Smalls | May 15, 2007 at 07:51 PM
Malloy is back from vacation and is on fire tonight. I'm laughing so hard I"m crying . . . at the emails he's received regarding Fallwell.
Probably done now . . . but WOW!
Just think Teletubbies . . . :
Posted by: joanie | May 15, 2007 at 08:45 PM
Yes, Tinky Winky's long nightmare is at last over...
Posted by: sparky | May 15, 2007 at 09:28 PM
"Falwell worshiped money and influence and laughed all the way to the bank. Nothing about his behavior was remotely Christian"
I can think of a couple other "Reverends" who pick and choose causes in order to maximize "donations" to thier particular causes.
Posted by: mykela | May 15, 2007 at 10:37 PM
Jerry is laughing all the way to the big bank in the sky!
Posted by: seattlejew | May 16, 2007 at 12:25 AM
I wonder if God has introduced herself to him yet? Hopefully in the guise of a funky lesbian tattoo artist.
Posted by: brittanicals | May 17, 2007 at 09:17 PM