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May 07, 2007



Too bad. I wish the honchos at KVI had stuck to their guns. Normally, if you call your boss a liar you're going to get fired or face some disciplinary process. Seems like their attitude adjustment plan was the disciplinary route, meaning Carlleen caught a break. Kirby and Carleen are all so gungho for no nonsense on the job, and making the worker live up to his/her responsibility and respectfulnesss toward their boss- except for Carleen, cause she's special. I was hoping that the guest host on friday for Kirby meant that he was sitting out his show in outrage over Carleen's plight and he would resign over it. I'm so sick of him hogging those four hours for his little bornagain "Jesus and guns" clique. I enjoy listening to nonreligious, intelligent conservatives like Savage and Larry Elder, who aren't Bush buttlickers like Kirby- even though I often disagree with them.


"Normally, if you call your boss a liar you're going to get fired or face some disciplinary process.."
Unless he is of course a liar and you can prove it.
Howdy folks..back at it; got a whole dose of global warming and am a few shades darker but no worse for wear. Did you'all get the world's problems solved. How did Mrs Clinton do in the debate...my 'friends' here tell me she got her butt kicked (but can't tell from them as they are all of the other persuasion).
Still think she's our man...I can tell you the world thinks a lot of her husband. Well onward; haven't had time to 'catch up' on the postings yet but T008 did you finish your story on DM?


Duffman, welcome back. the latest installment to the DM story is on the "exciment gap" thread posted yesterday afternoon. The serial still has quite a few more installments to go, before it reaches it's conclusion.


Thanks T008, I will get to it. Keep up the good work...as I said you are a talent.


It's Monday and that means that at 9:00 pm tonight it will be the Frank Shiers, Iam going to talk about what everbody else talked about on the radio today , beacuse, I spent to much time hanging out at the big house, and not enough time doing his show prep( AGAIN DUDE WHAT IS UP WITH THAT ! ) we know that you read this blog everynight before show time So DUDE! we can help with your show prep just ask us !
We know you can do it! Tink, Fresh show prep ! Tanks!


Welcome back, Duff, I think. :) Who cares about Hillary! Although last night on the TV, according to a recent Democratic poll, she was leading substantially in WA.

I think you should let us all in on just where you went for that tan.


Thanks (I think) ;), Joanie..it was several places and suffice to say without too many conveniences...ha. But, spiritually uplifting, such that it reall makes one appreciat what one has here in the good 'ol USA!
Mrs Clinton hasn't really gotten started yet, once the 'machine' gets solidly behind her...look out!


hey Joanie - one of Kirby's "Jesus and guns" knuckleheads just called in and said there should be quotas imposed on you lib teachers so that you don't dominate the schools anymore. An equal number of conservative teachers to oppose your influence should be mandated, according to the knucklehead.


Mrs Clinton hasn't really gotten started yet, once the 'machine' gets solidly behind her...look out!

More Duffman with his telling use of language - always gives you away.

"Join the bandwagon"
"Support the standard bearer"
"Once the machine gets solidly behind her"

...Again, blurted out in all seriousness and positivity.

Tell you what Duffman, how about this: After the Party platforms are scripted, READ them (I know I'm asking a lot there), and THEN decide. You know, engage in that insane thing called THINKING

Alternatively - after the malestroms of mud about $400 hairdos, fat thighs/butts, shrill voices, bad accents, misspeakings, & poor photo-ops - vote for the candidates based on personality

BTW Duffy, Your favorite source Drudge will always show an orgy of the above incidents involving Hillary.

We'll be sure to run plenty of Hillary smears using Drudge as a source, okay? Prepare for schizophrenia


Aaaah, merci nice to hear your rational tones again. I will indeed read and study the 'platform' per your suggestion. Can you possibly explain why it seems that the Repubs want Mrs Clinton as the opposition? Doesn't make sense to me. With Mrs Clinton over and above everything else we're getting a 'two-fer' the price of one. Bill Clinton is thought of highly throughout the world and, in my opinion would make an excellent ambassador to the world.
I can tell you they are very aware of Mr & Mrs Clinton in the area around Quito, Ecuador.


merci: I guess this could be one reason the repubs evidently favor Mrs Clinton


Sorry, tommy, I just cant put "Michael Savage" and "intelligent" in the same sentence....


Hello Sparky...I have been reinforced in my belief of the value of what you and joanie do! More power to you.




Can you possibly explain why it seems that the Repubs want Mrs Clinton as the opposition?

I don't know, why do you(they) want Mrs Clinton as the opposition?

Easy answer: Like I said, most of the population votes ala popularity contest (see above smear tactics). Repugs know she'll make the easiest target for the tar/feathers

Note: I guaran-damn-tee you that some variation on single-payer health plan will be forefront on the DNC platform


That's good to hear, merci; and I can 'guaran-damn-tee' you - I'm no Republican!


By the way, Duffman. Why would anyone:

A.) Throw their full support behind one candidate this far before the election - let alone this far before the platforms are written

B.) Throw their full support behind one candidate on the basis of a single issue

C.) Throw their full support behind one candidate on the basis of a single issue that this candidate has already run a failed campaign behind.

Just questions to ponder - gristle to chew


I'm no Republican!

You're right Duffy. Why would anyone cast dispersions & besmirch the character of such an upstanding "Left-leaning Independent" like yourself?

Why oh Why oh Why?

Note: Frank Shudder Shiers claims to be an independent too


Well, over and above the health care issue (which I believe SHE is genuine on...while others???)I like her (& her husband).
I mentioned that in my mind I'm voting for two (2) folks at once (her and her husband). I've not like some of the things that she's apparently said, but that pales compared to the upside.
And merci I WILL ponder and pay attention and could 'conceivably' change my mind as time approaches, but right now I'm locked in. Like I said a long time ago my 'gut feel' (I know not very objective)is toward her. I think most on this blog will be casting their vote for her.

Nigel Tufnel - Lead Guitar

No longer Waiting for Duffman.

"These amps go to 11. That's '1' louder."


"Why would anyone cast dispersions & besmirch the character of such an upstanding.."
Blah, blah, blah...you can continue to attack me and my character if you like, but I can tell you that I'm impervious to it, so do as you will.


but right now I'm locked in

Thanks duff. We'll be sure to add these to your other "left leaning independent" adjectives.

"Standard Bearer"
"Machine get's solidly behind her"

What can we expect next?
Locked-in is just a stone's throw from Lock-step!

It will certainly be entertaining when Duff has to make the choice between a Drudge source & a Hillary smear.

(Don't think I didn't notice Duffy's drudge reregurgitation about Edwards' haircut - What works for the goose?)


"..a Drudge source.."
Isn't that oxymoronic?


Well, when you use drudge as a source, we just cut the "oxy"

Have fun in schizophrenia-land when drudge decides to unload on your dearest

Again, don't think we didn't notice you trying to pass-off the drudge smear on Edwards (et al). We'll be sure to remind you of this later


..and before too long she will be 'your dearest' also...Haha; cant you see that..you will in about a year or so. [Just for the record, I do scan Drudge and Orbusmax, and Salon, and moveon.org, et al...it's all in the mix & obviously you do same...]


I do scan Drudge and Orbusmax

Nice euphemism for Using Drudge as source to smear Edwards, Gore, et al.

By the way, Duffy. I wonder what your comrades at WingNutDaily (ie, your source for the black-helicopter UN Tax theory) think of Hillary.

Hmmmmmm... shall we check Duffy's favorite book on the subject?


Here Duffy, I'll do your reading for you (again):

"So we grew up to elect one of our own – a traumatized, amoral sociopath of a baby-boomer named Bill Clinton. (His wife and partner-in-crime, Hillary, is the most popular Democrat in American public life today, and has a good shot at being president one day.)"

"Marketing of Evil"
David Kupelian
VP and managing editor of WorldNetDaily.com


Note to Duffy: Herr Kupelian has a dictionary of other WingNutty sayings - not to be confused (yet easily confused) with Landover Baptist funnies.

Let me know if you'd like to see more. Funny stuff!


Wow, merci you seem to be like what I remembered Rush Limbaugh to be when I listened to him years ago. cut/cut/cut and attack. You might want to consider getting your own radio show, since that tactic seems to draw ratings. I will continue my interest and support of Mrs Clinton and nothing you can say at this point will deter that. By the way, who do you support or who appeals to you the most at this early point in the race?


Incidentally merci that was three (3) posts in a row on the same topic. sig does not like that.


I will continue my interest and support of Mrs Clinton and nothing you can say at this point will deter that.

Dear Genius,
I didn't say that. Your source for the UN Tax theory -Herr Kupelian - said that.

"So we grew up to elect one of our own – a traumatized, amoral sociopath of a baby-boomer named Bill Clinton. (His wife and partner-in-crime, Hillary, is the most popular Democrat in American public life today, and has a good shot at being president one day.)"
"Marketing of Evil"
David Kupelian
VP and managing editor of WorldNetDaily.com

Quite compelling Bullshit if you ask me. But then again, it was your source!


merci: unlike our President, I have the line item veto!
Thanks for clarifying.


I see the bullshit has resumed to its normal pace now that Duffjerk is back. Get back to work and get a fuckin life!


By the way, who do you support or who appeals to you the most at this early point in the race?

As mentioned - way too soon.

Obama has been extremely quick-on-the-draw & non-evasive when asked tough direct questions - an ability I admire in a DNC party platform representative.

But again, it's a political eternity until then. Obama, Clinton, Edwards et al could all become yesterday's news tomorrow, and a complete dark-horse could gallup forward (and then go extinct next week)

Look at Bush 41: 90% approval rating after the Gulf War & then lost election in 1992 (year later).

This is 20 months = eternity

And again, I make my decision based on a comparison of the DNC/RNC platforms with my own beliefs, and nothing else


Sounds pretty straight up to me; I appreciate your answer.
I guess I am a bit more subjective in that I go more with what I 'feel' for a particular candidate (after listening and studying them all)as best I can using ALL sources.
I agree that 20 months = eternity


Bill must be in heaven right now! Duff and Merci are back big time.

My two cents worth: I like Hillary and think she could be a good president. But, as Merci said, she's a joke waiting to happen. And these ruthless people on the right will not spare her one nanosecond's worth. She will be cooked and served up. Sorry, Duff. I can see that she has too much baggage.

I posted on another thread that Mehlman apologized to Ford for his unscrupulous attack using the sex ad featuring the white woman in Tennessee. These people know no bounds and will try to win at any cost. The proof is out there. Win at any cost; apologize later.

We need new blood. I hope that Obama will provide that. I like Edwards and I like Richardson. But, Obama is the complete package much like Kennedy was in the '60 election.

Charming, attractive, smart, savvy and an element of kindness. I think this country is ready for that.

And the added bonus is that if the right tries to attack him (Osama/Obama), it will boomerang on them. Because he hasn't earned that kind of attention except with a few very far right haters. They'll be sorry if they pull that with him.

I can't wait for that fight. I think he's tailor made for the 2008 election. But, as Merci says, it is a lifetime away. I hope he can stay clean until then. I think he can.


Sorry Sig! Randi is right now comparing the US with the fall of the Roman Empire . . . interesting correlations! Her callers are helping, of course.

Those who forget history are destined to repeat it . . . or something like that.


joanie your 2-cents worth seems well explained and reasonable and you may be right. However I'm ready for a woman President of this country; we've had all men heretofore and I think it's time!
Mrs Clinton may indeed have 'baggage' but none that she can't overcome - especially if/when she garners the support of the whole Democratic party as nominee. I believe 'we' (and by that I mean those supporting Democrats) have our Carl Rove's as well and we've learned how to play hard ball. I'm impressed with Obama and I hope that Mrs Clinton will consider asking him to be her VP. Yes as merci says 20-mos is a long time, but it seems to be going fast. I WILL be very interested in the planks in the platform.


especially if/when she garners the support of the whole Democratic party as nominee

Like they did with Kerry?

I believe 'we' (and by that I mean those supporting Democrats) have our Carl Rove's as well and we've learned how to play hard ball.

That's not "hardball." I don't think that the Dems will ever be that unscrupulous. I hope not. Integrity - part of the reason I'm on the left. I think integrity will win out . . . but not Hillary's.


I think all of the attacks against Kerry were defendable but for whatever reason they sat on their hands and let it get the best of them. Hillary can probably be called a waffler also but I don't think her campaign will let that stick. The right accused her of talking black to pander to blacks and they successfuly laughed that off.

Obama doesn't seem to have such a strong defense. Fox News tried to swift-boat him with the madrassa thing and Obama's refutal struck me as wimpy and ineffective.

The moral of the story is that people want an intimidating president with strong character, not a wiggly well spoken one.


Keith Olbermann is revealing tonight how Smirky the Wonder Chimp and Karl Rove have turned the Civil Rights office and Voting Rights office of the Justice Department into an arm of the Republican Party in order to suppress Democratic votes and ignore complaints by black and minority voters. This was all part of their grand scheme to achieve Rove's wet dream of a "permanent Republican Majority".


The moral of the story is that people want an intimidating president with strong character, not a wiggly well spoken one.

Then explain Jimmy Carter's win.

Obama let it go. He was smart to ignore it. He knew that the Republicans have overplayed their scummy hand. People are finally tired of it.

Why okay for Hillary to ignore but wrong for Obama? Double standard perhaps?

Tommy, perhaps people are finally waking up to the extreme take-over of the government attempted by these sham politicians and Federalist Society know-nothings.


Obama should have said "Fox News has made up lies about me, they are liars and they lied to all your faces" not "that thingy Fox News mentioned based on a article by Insight Magazine was throughly debunked."

Have some balls.

In Hillary's case saying nothing was obviously the right move since any response would have implied there was something to respond to.


Smirky the Wonder Chimp was on the White House back porch, swilling whiskey from a Mason Jar, when a furious Laura burst through the screen door. "There you are, damn you! The Queen is waiting! You dumbass! " Smirky toddled back in through the screen door, and into the banguet room. The Queen could smell the liquor on his breath as he passed behind her. She made an ugly face.....


That's classic T008 - goes right along with the widely circulated picture of the look that the Queen gave him for his flub up of suggesting that she was 200+ years old.


"..people want an intimidating president with strong character.."
I agree Andrew and I think I would inject (between the words 'intiimidating and president') the word 'woman'. I really think the Country is ready and anxious for that at this point.


Since we cant get on the computers as much since the Duffer is back we just want to sneak in here and go on record as saying that we believe Duff is delusional in regard to his thinking about Hillary! No fricken way will she become Pres!


Hahaha fuzzy you have a good name cause you have 'fuzzy' thinking.
I'll tell you what didn't help Mrs Clinton tho is the fact that Oprah apparently endorsed Obama. While it shouldn't be - this is a fairly big deal.


Hmm..I think that is a male viewpoint. I dont want an intimidating president. I want one who is intelligent and can negotiate and be respected. Not all of us feel that respect is earned by being the biggest bully on the block. Both Kennedy and Clinton were beloved around the world because of their abilities to form working relationships with other countries.

Right now we have a president who is feared because people dont know if and when he will go off the deep end.


Can't speak for Andrew but in my case I didn't mean intimidating in a pejorative sense, I agree our Pres MUST be able to be a good communicator with the country and the world but 'intimidating' in a forceful and firm/tactful way with the politicians (both aisles), lobbyists, etc. so that she/he is not manipulated and/or 'pushed around'.

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