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April 15, 2007



It is too much to ask for shock radios death. There are just too many people in this country with pent up demand for anything mean and hurtful. I suspect that there is too much money to be made by this segment of the industry as well.
Just read the vile crap some of the posters on this site spew. Much of it is unnecessary to get any point across. Instead of growing out of it, we are adapting it to our everyday lives. But having said that, Don Imus is still an idiot and deserves to be gone.
Best regards,


Amen to that, chucks.


"The rapid downfall of Don Imus wasn't censorship- it was the market."

And indeed it was a great last word/piece Bla'M...summed up by the above statement.

I would only add that the 'market' sometimes can be accentuated and stimulated by strong media-gathering personalities such as the honorable(s) Rev Sharpton and Jackson.


I have a son with Asperger's. Do you even know what it is? I suppose you think it is cute to make comments about things of which you know nothing about. My son is a liberal, good person and in no way could Dori Monson even hope to come close to measuring up to his character. So before you go off making fun of a disability of which you have anal recall, leave my son and the rest of those on the autism spectrum alone. They have a difficult road to travel as it is without blowhards like you contributing to their challenges.


As an aside, how would you like to have this guy as a friend Cheney UNreal!!!


Sorry, here is the link.

Here, for Cheney Link


Leah Rogers was the host that had been on KGO before coming up to Seattle on KIRO 710. When that didn't work out he went back to California and a man by the name of Dori Monson took over the show.


I would also take issue with all the NBC personalities that appeared on his show as 'regulars' over the years. The David Gregory, Andrea Mitchell, and Tim Russerts. And lets not forget Chris 'hardball' Matthews.
Moreover, the Howard Fineman, Tom Oliphant, Frank Rich, and Mike Barnicle types also were happy to appear and understood exactly the type of show that Imus would run.


Could it be that the grandiloquent Wizard of Blath, being at the top of the media food chain himself, has come to the realization that The Imus Career Execution just might represent the eschatology of his own broadcast-reliant blogospherical existence?

If I may be so bold (and with a nor'easter to boot): Uh'yup.


"represent the eschatology of his own broadcast-reliant"

Think you could use the word 'death' so we could all understand...or were you trying to impress.


"I have a son with Asperger's. Do you even know what it is?"
Posted by: Valerie | April 15, 2007 at 06:57 PM

With all due respect Valerie...no one was insulting your son, so fuck off!


You seemed to get it just fine. I'm sure everyone else did, too.


That was said with grace and dignity. Impressive.
Does anybody know what Dogmandeaux said? Went way over my head.
Best regards


Nope, not everyone Dogman2.
I will admit my Duh.


I used to listen frequently to Imus before KRKO in Everett dumped the show to go all sports.

I think his show was very funny (at times); very intelligent (most of the time); and very informative (almost all of the time).

He had great guests. Discussed important issues. And treated even the biggest power brokers with a layer of good natured contempt and was always a the hard cynic any good reporter should be.

Did he cross the line at times? Yes. The Rutgers remark was offensive. But does anyone here was MadTV or Saturday Night Live or MTV? Or read this blog???

H.L. Mencken was doing the same type of irreverent sarcasm 50 years ago and also spoke truth to power.

If Imus wasn't your cup of tea, you shouldn't have listened. And since he hasn't been on in Seattle in over a year, I suspect very few here were listening.

But to have the PC police (especially two hideous individuals like Jackson/Sharpton) make the decision for us, makes me ill.

"People need to watch what they say"....Ari Fleischer.


Kinky Friedman agrees.



Here is another goodarticle on Imus Friends and how they cowardly stayed silent all these years when it was in their interest.



I essentially said that the host of this blog isn't as dumb as he looks.


Hey Tink
I couldn't get your link to work.
Here is another link to Pat Buchanan on the issue of Don and his Friends


Maya Angelou was on CBS evening news tonight and the commentator asked her for her thoughts on this..she remarked that it made her sad for our country that people would even try to find an excuse for what he said, both about blacks and about women.


Maya has never lived in the 'real' world anyway. Give me a break...did they also ask her about who is making excuses for the rap market. Sorry, this doesn't wash!


"The rapid downfall of Don Imus wasn't censorship- it was the market- the holy free market."

Thus meaning,

No Obama, No Imus.



No Obama, unless No Imus

blathering michael

You are a sage, dogmanledeux. so multisyllabic. a mainely man. I want to meet you, gaze at your navel.


She included denigrating lyrics in rap music as well. It was a 5 minute interview..I just posted one comment.


Aaah yes we know it well: "selective presentation" of the facts to try and slant the issue. I thought only Duffjerk did that.



We'll call it... The Search for the Turtle's Navel.


Now I am jealous. I have to contemplate my own damn navel. Also have to do it without the master vocabulary.
Say it aint so B'lam. You are not one of them lowly belly button worshipers.
Never mind. I know the rules set up by that former president. Don't ask, don't tell.


Grace: your're probably not worthy of a response, but since you referenced me I will simply say that you pop up here at times with no relevance and say nasty things about folks and you never have substance; you appear to be a hit-and-run perpetrator with no direction. I can only surmise you are a sad lonely soul.


chucks...innie or outtie?


Yes, definitely
And boxers or briefs too.
Good grief, I am in a weirdly good mood tonight.
I better get my donkey to bed before I screw up and have a good week.


I am on the fence with this Imus issue. I never listened so probably shouldn't have an opinion. But, Michael, you did use the Aspbergers reference in a way that probably isn't pc. In fact, for people like Valerie who have children with Aspbergers, you should know better cause we've been through it before.

So, where does one draw the line? Tink makes a good point. I listen to a lot of talk and it seems Imus isn't the worst. That he does a lot of good talk. Is "hoe" worse than "fuck" because it targets a certain ethnic population?

I'm just not so perfect that I really understand how all this is shaking out. I do know that "human garbage" offends me mightily. It is the intent and the meanness to which I take offense far more than the words.

Having said that, I'm glad chucks doesn't use that word "bitch" anymore. That was a mean term and was used offensively. Sorry chucks . . . maybe not from you, but from many, many men and women.

My sermon for the night. Nightie night. What a very short spring break this was!


At least Imus was a big enough man to apoogize. Lesser broadcaster Tom Leykis scorned Don for "going out of character" and apologizing. Leykis has a policy of never apologizing for anything he says on the air. This the attitude of an amoral, self-centered coward. Everyone is capable of making mistakes- and someone who never apologizes isn't a man at all- he is a toad masquerading as a man.


You know I can't count the times I've told conservatives that want to sensor my movie and TV viewing "if you don't like it turn the channel." It works both ways for me. Which I did anytime Imus cropped up on my radar. He was far to conservative for my taste and mumbled. Yuck!

With all the outrage from Jackson and Sharpton, we need to be reminded that they don't speak for everyone in the black community.

Example, today a lady I work with, who is black said her mom was pissed that Imus was gone. Her mom has to be in her 60s. She agreed that he shouldn't have said what he said but she also listened to him every morning and would miss him and made some very disparaging remarks about Jackson and Sharpton. :) Which I have to admit surprised me. I guess when your not black and you get pounded with Jackson and Sharpton at every turn, you can forget that black people, like everyone one else aren't monolithic in their mind set in the least. Different strokes for different folks.

As for market forces....The whole market forces argument bothers me in that this doesn't really seem like market forces. This seems more like Sharpton forcing the sponsers to do what he wants. Were Imus's ratings going in the toilet that week he was still on? Were less and less people listening or watching? If that's the case, then yes it's market forces. Not someone forcing the market. I vote with my dollars all the time. I don't buy books written by Ann Coulter, I don't watch Faux News. To me that is market forces.

What happens with the fundies get more organized and do the same with something they find objectionable on TV and radio and there is a lot that those people find objectionable. Do you want Pat Robertson or someone like that to be the moral arbitrator of what you do and do not watch or listen to? No me.



Imus didn't didn't deserve to be fired. Suspended, yes, not fired. The sponsors are cowards,being intimidated by those two demogogues, Sharpton and Jackson. Savage has a tape of Sharpton talking about people "Jewing me down". Imus should go on Sirius. Oprah didn't have to apologize for her nasty little joking about being around "white folks" and having plenty of "white folks" working for her. Oprah. UGH. DON'T GET ME STARTED ON HER. What an obnoxious egotist and control freak.


Oprah is a racist.


Listening to Oprah chortle and chuckle with her meanspirited, nasty banter about "white folks" on her new satellite radio show, gives you an idea what it feels like to be a minority white resident of Atlanta and suffer reverse discrimination and racism from blacks, which I hear goes on all the time. The old crapola about people can't be racist if they don't have societal power? well, in Atlanta, blacks have the power and guess what-they're practicing racism. The "evil white man" theory , as opposed to all the "good" people of color, as espoused by the pc crowd, such as Seattle School Board and President , principals, etc., doeasn't really hold up.


Just to add to the conversation and without beng able to cite it, I was watching a news program on Sunday (not MTP) - CSpan I think (S-TM seems to be going :) - I heard it was some black-journalist professional group that started this thing and that then Sharpton and Jackson ccarried the water the rest of the way.

I don't know for sure . . . someone was just reciewing the event and that's what they said.

Also, I think we overuse the "racist" word - whites and blacks both. We are "white folk" and they are "black folk" - at least the way we characterize each other. We seem to be different don't we?

Having said all that, I respect and like my black friends and, hopefully, they respect and like me.

Didn't know Oprah had a radio show, Tommie. It's those "rich folk" that I don't like a lot! Do you think maybe I'm a little envious?

Oh, and Robin, I, too, posted a story about a black physician who called into Dave Ross talking about listening to and liking Imus a lot. She put his words into the perspective of his whole show. I was impressed with that, too.


In addition it occurs to me that silencing someone you disagree with makes it hard for you to fight the zealot down the street that wants a book band at the neighborhood library because no matter how stupid it seems to you,
it offends them. Is your being offended more valuable then their being offended. I would argue no.

So when someone you don't like is silenced, it makes it easier for others to silence what they don't like and we have enough of that crap going on with the thugs in charge as it is.

In my mind this is no different than the Bushies tossing people out of a rally because they don't like their bumper sticker. How many of you were enraged over that behavior?


Mr Redmond

Of course it's dead. Who gets "shocked" anymore by what they hear on the radio?

Tune to Howard Bubba on Sirius and listen for a few hours. It will make anything you hear on commercial radio sound like "Romper Room" or "Captain Kangaroo."


Leykis' "opinion" is coming from the contrarian character he plays on the radio, probably not his true feelings. There's no way Imus could justify throwing insults at a groups of young non-professional female basketball players, and Leykis is too smart to not recognize that in real life.

Mr Redmond

I forgot to say this: I doubt we will be hearing much more about Imus after the shooting this morning. The cameras and satellite trucks will leave Imus's apartment and ranch and head for the college campus and, eventually, the NRA's headquarters.

John D Imus



The gutless NBC employees kept their cowardly mouths shut for years while Imus spewed his vulgarities. They suddenly grew a set of balls when Al Sharpton already had Imus teetering on the ropes. Al Roker and Keith Olbermann possess the moral backbone strength of a jellyfish.


"Take Back America Radio and T-BAR’s Website Action Center…plus Jump*Start and American Roundtable... all challenge you to reclaim your voting sovereignty.."
Just how do they propose that one 'take back their voting sovereignty'...when no one seems to enforce the laws in this regard?


Ph(j)oanie sez:
"We are "white folk" and they are "black folk" - at least the way we characterize each other. We seem to be different don't we?

Having said all that, I respect and like my black friends and, hopefully, they respect and like me."

What a pretentious little statement.
Why not just say, 'some of my best friends are black." It would have the same meaning.

You say that we seem to be different, how so?
Cue in the crickets chirping as Ph(j)oanie runs away....

I agree with Mrogi that the NBC and MSNBC clowns loved Imus until they got caught.


One way blacks and whites are different is that blacks are allowed to use the n-word and whites aren't, and blacks do so liberaly. Don't discount the importance of that.

Everytime time a black persons uses the n-word they are going out of their way to define themselves as something different. The actual differences don't even matter at that point, the fact that they declare themselves to be different is all that matters, and they achieve their goal by using an adjective which whites have no chance at co-opting. If white people were to start using the n-word to water down the brand and destroy the exclusivity then they would get Imusized.

I said it before but I'll say it again. Black people who use the n-word like being seperated from whites and they don't want a truely color-blind society. Actions speak louder than words.


good points andrew.

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