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« Webb trial honors BlatherWatch! | Main | Turkey, Pumpkin Pie And Goldy! »

November 22, 2006



OMG, I actually had to check this out to determine whether G-Lib was being satirical! What a horrible thing to do to a friend, Bla'M! This gives an entire new meaning to Olbermann's references to Bill-O...


Does this mean that if we get intimate with the people we love to be intimate with that the dirtbag terrorist will stop wanting to kill us? I am up for this.
Or does this just give the lawyer of the fruitcake covered on Smoking Gun's website today a valid defence for his wierdness.
Beyond that I hope everybody has something to be thankful for tomorrow and that you get to spend time with the people you love.


Chucks, I am thankful for your reasonable approach to dissent. You are a rare bird among right-leaning bloggers. Have a great turkey day.


All you need is love. . . Lalalalala . . . all you need is love . . . lalalalala . . . all you need is love, love is all you need . . .love!

Happy Thanksgiving!


Yeah, and what happened to the author of that tune? RIP, Brilliant Johns....


And why not orgasm for peace? Bush has been screwing the public with "his" war (and Dad's) for how long?

Happy Thanksgiving, Americans.


lol thank you, Liz


Frank Shiers the other night kept bellowing out, repeatedly,ad nauseum, "I come from a theatre background", and "anything goes on stage-and I mean ANYTHING" in regards to the Michael Richards story. This has got to be argueably the most asinine of all the many objectionable Shiers programs, as he made the case for Richards not needing to apologize. Despite the simplistic sloganeering of Shiers, anything obviously DOESN'T go on stage. What if an actor in Chekhov's The Three Sisters , suddenly went out of character and started berating an interracial couple in the audience with personal insults, and racial epithets? Everyone can recognize the absurdity of Frank's bogus, little shiboleth. True , a comedy act is less structured than a classic play,but even Richards admitted he lost his temper , lost control, and made a personal attack on the hecklers. Being an artiste on stage is all about being in control, or else your act devolves down to something other than art. The screaming fit of personal attacks was not part of his act, or even part of an impromptu and skilled incorporation of the hecklers, and his responses to them, into his act. Kranky Frank is wrong again.


oh, and by the way Frank, I come from a theatre background as well.


Frank--and I know you read this blog---anyone who tries to excuse racism and bigotry---is a loser. That's YOU, Frank. A loser.


A fellow thespian, Tommy?

You know, Tommy, Frank is . . . the expert on everything!


Forgot to say . . . hope you all had a great turkey day! Including you, Mr. Shiers. :)


Someone really needs to introduce Frank to Michael Matz and George Morris. Anyone who can ride the high horse so consistently with such precision really needs to be on your equestrian team.


juSt heard Kirby Wilbur's country twanger singer mangling the Star Spangled Banner. NOTE TO FEMALE STAR SPANGLED BANNER SINGERS, AT BALLPARKS, SYMPHONY HALLS, ICE RINKS, ETC. - Just sing the damn song the way it was written, ladies. Believe it or not the person knew what they were doing when they wrote the song. the song does not need your help. The beauty and stark force of the song lies in it's plainness. The song does not need your little twangy grace notes, soulful ornamentations around the center note, showoff high notes at the end or other ego trips to give it more power. Check your ego at the stadium door, ladies, and sing the song the way it was written. Period.


Joanie, was that you last nite on Ray T's "Poetry Night' on KGO?


Maybe . . . was I good? :)

Coiler, I wasn't on Ray's show. Curious, what made you wonder?


He had a caller named Joanie from Seattle...


Yes, thought the coinicidence might be possible


the two simpletons of Midnight Trucker are on the air, folks, and shucking,jiving, and yukking it up like the little little corporate stooges they are.


When do you sleep, Tommy?


Interesting post about Christian Coalition on Postman


Actual dialog form a few monents ago on Midnight Trucker- Simpleton Number One- "I went out for a turkey sandwich, and they got the order wrong." Simpleton Number Two- "What did they give you?" Simpleton Number One- "They gave me the wrong sandwich." Duh, hey Number One, I think you established in statement one that they gave you the wrong sandwich. I think the answer Number Two was looking for was tuna fish , or roast beef, or something like that. Duhhh.........


Which is why, tommy, I put on another thread that When Radio Was is not such a bad thing when compared to this drek.

Hey Goldy..I would leave this comment on your blog but the Drooling Class tends to muck up your comment threads:

What do you think of Norm Rice being the Interim Superintendent of Seattle Schools? I read the article in the PI this morning and it makes me cringe to hear a rubber-stamp-dont-rock-the-boat school board unwilling to change course, even when things are so rotten. I think Norm would bring a shot of enthusiasm and hard work to the state's largest school district...


Lets see how well he did running a Federal Bank pretty much guaranteed to make money aka the FHLB Bank of Seattle.

Instead, how about reaching for a John Stanford type and go to someone outside of the box with proven leadership skills. Now that was a real leader although I do recall that some members of the teachers union were not too happy with him. You and Joanie et al probably have more insight into John Stanford and what he meant before his tragic death.


My own fiasco :)
Have to go old school paste and cut. Way too much turkey this holiday. For the Fiasco link:

So go ahead and cite the form over substance argument as I have given you an out there Snarky.


Oh, PutS. And here I was going to welcome you back until the last line . . . oh, well.

Is that a cigar in your pocket, or are you glad to see us?

You didn't ask, but I like Norm Rice, Sparky. But, not to run the schools. I actually agree with PutS. Stanford was a breath of fresh air in this District. I don't know where PutS gets his information. I never realized the union (of which I'm a member) didn't like Stanford. Sometimes, PutS, your mouth gets ahead of your brain so I'm expecting some kind of documentation for your claim.

Stanford not only got all those "ever so busy" clerks down at administration to pick up the damn phones (have you ever reached voice mail over and over and over?); but, he was decisive and well-intentioned and expected everyone to do their jobs. Also, he listened to teachers. When he came to our school, I had the chance to talk to him as well. I was kind of new and didn't follow up as I should have. But, he was looking for information wherever it was honestly and credibly available. His loss was significant setback to the bettering of this District.

You know the rest of the story: Olchefsky and now Raj. Raj is very, very nice. . . and that is his problem. He is led more than he leads. Although, the one time he's tried to lead (school closure), our school board totally undermined him and the community and business leaders that spent a year working a plan to help.

Goldy, on the other hand, is all for whatever serves his kids. If you followed his blog comments, he was not active in getting the school board to undermine the plan put together after much time, effort and input on the part of so many, but he was glad they did. His kids' school was on the list.

I was not for closing schools; I am, however, someone who doesn't always expect to get my way. As I've said earlier on this board, education serves too many masters. I am ready to do something over nothing. If a group if intelligent people representing diverse groups felt that was the thing to do, then so be it.

If I had my way, I'd cut about a third of those jobs down at administration and put those so-called consulting teachers back in the classrooms and the glorified mastered and phd paper shufflers in the unemployment lines.

One more thing: regarding the Drooling Jerks on Goldy's blog, either he's deleting them more often or they're all vacationing in third-world countries because they aren't there currently. More interesting posts and a more readable blog. If only the Rabbit was pare his thoughts a bit - but he is well-informed for a Rabbit so I give him some respect.


I would of thought PS, Edmonds Dud and King Shit would still be licking their wounds?


Thats good to know, Joanie...I guess my reaction stemmed from the Board's seeming refusal to look at something in the short term...your current supe is a bozo. But so is mine :-)

I heard various opinions on Stanford...he seemed to be a guy you either loved or hated. Not uncommon in that job, I guess.

Having gone through "principal school", and looking at some of the people I know who are continuing on to "Superintendent School" I know the kind of person I would like to work with if I were an administrator....and I dont see too many of those either already on the job or in the wings...I have mixed feelings about bringing people in who have no education experience. Its good to get fresh ideas, but it is frustrating when a Supe puts profit and prestige before kids..not that Stanford did that, but I know of others who do/have/did.

Yes, the Drooling Class has thinned a bit on Goldy's site....same for here. :-)


I hear your comment about super's who are not education-oriented. But, I think they have to be both ed and business oriented. I've heard that the average term for a school super is about three years.

My point is really that we have too many masters. If you get someone decisive in the job, they immediately alienate someone and lose their effectiveness. Anyone who tries to please everyone simply is ineffective though may have some longevity.

I'm all for a national curriculum. That would be a huge start. There is no reason small pockets of communities should have differing curriculums. I'm even for vouchers and charter schools . . . I think kids deserve an education wherever they can best get it. I'll hold my own. Nobody has to look out for me.

We need higher expectations; we need schools to get to kids much earlier before those windows of learning opportunities start to close; and we need smarter teachers who can take kids on expeditional learning; and we need more money to get all of this going. I would actually agree with those who say we get enough money for what we are doing now. But we need more money to do the things we should be doing which is creative, explorational and inquiry-based hands-on teaching.

Finally, we are a new school. Do you know that we have arsenic in our water? It is at a very low level but the school district has set a very low standard for arsenic in the water. Lower than normal.

It turns out that the builder of our school put such cheap plumbing - faucets and such - in that they actually leach out arsenic. I was on the board that helped design the school. It was during the big Seattle tech boom and building was going on furiously. We weren't sure we could get the construction done for the money the voters approved. We got one bid (as I remember) to do it. We took it. I remember thinking at that time what kind of building might we end up with. But, it was full-bore ahead.

We've had quite a few problems with the building . . . we did it on the cheap and we will be paying for it for years.

This is the kind of society we are living in. Fast and cheap . . . make a buck . . . no accountability. We do that with our children as well.


Sparky, did you hear that we've moved from home schooling to "un-schooling" now? At a time we are competing with rigorously educated kids internationally, American parents are succumbing to "fun" schooling. Unbelievable!

Here's the link. It is the NY Times and if you haven't registered, do. They don't bombard you with junk but they sure do have some interesting articles.

joanie to Sparky and others interested in math

Don't know if you are familiar with the website for "Where's the Math" but it is interesting and does have ramifications statewide even though it is mostly currently Bellevue-Seattle community members. The latest newsletter talks about issues at the State level so am forwarding it to you.
"Where's the math"


Yep, I snort when i hear someone tell me that American schools need to be more vigorous...just as long as we dont make it vigorous for THEIR kid.

I do my best for my students and I dont get involved in the arguments pro and con anything very much these days. It will always require fine tuning and there will always be someone who doesnt like it, regardless of what we do.

Bleeding heart conservative

Imagine, a "peace summit..."

Kaffiyeh wearer, with sign that says 'Death to Israel': Allah, oh mercifual and compassionate! Peace now-- kill the Americans! And Jews!

Leftie, clucking and nodding: Absolutely. Amerikkka causes all the suffering in the world. That's why we started a new peace initiative.

Jihadi: Human shields to protect our terrorist...er... freedom fighter operations? Legal experts to defend the Taliban?

Leftie: Actually, we are holding a worldwide orgasm for peace!

Jihadi: !

Leftie: Isn't it great? Now all the peace-loving people of the world, the Palestinians, the Iranian freedom-fighters killing for Iraqi democracy, the Ba'athists, the North Koreans, Al Qaeda, Castro's central committee, Chavez's secret police, can unite with either masturbatory or free-love sexual abandon, and bring and end to the the hateful Amerikkkan empire!

Jihadi, drawing knife to decapitate orgasmer: Allahu akbar!

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