We just got word that 8th District challenger Darcy Burner will appear on KUOW's Weekday with Steve Scher, Monday from 9-10a, but getting Rep. Dave Reichert to appear with her has again proved futile.
Even though Reichert says "I've had people have pointed guns at me," this isn't the first time Reichert has chickened out and ducked Burner in such forums. His handlers have kept him away from venues where his and the smarticulate upstart's aptitudes can be compared by voters side by side.
KUOW producers will cobble together a "virtual Dave" for Darcy to debate using tape from his past interviews and an old stuffed shirt they'll prop up in a chair. The canned mock-up couldn't be more boring than having him in studio.
Media analysts say that a problem Reichert has with the medium of radio is that audiences can't see Reichert's hair (it's magnificent) which, unfortunately for 8th District voters, is about 67% of the candidate's total package.
"Just listening to him, you'd think he was a football coach, not a congressman," said media critic Edgar "Choch" Manana, of the Bellevue American.
Bawk! Bawk! Bacaw!
Posted by: Daniel K | October 29, 2006 at 01:03 AM
And the reason that Cantwell won't have more debates with MikE! IS??
Posted by: Stephen Schwartz | October 29, 2006 at 01:37 AM
Posted by: Liz | October 29, 2006 at 09:04 AM
As voters, we should demand that sitting Congress members and Senators HAVE to participate in at least 3 debates with major challengers.
This crock about having a "full schedule", so they just can't debate, is absolute BS.
Nothing on their schedules could possibly be more important than informing voters where they stand on the issues, and allowing voters to compare and contrast their positions against a challengers.
Incumbents in both major parties always try to duck debates, and more often than not, voters allow them to do it.
It's time for us to tell them in no uncertain terms, that they are accountable to US, not to their major donators.
Posted by: adc | October 29, 2006 at 09:19 AM
I agree but would include all candidates . . . Guthrie and Dixon should be allowed to debate.
Having said that, I get tired of the "canned answers" we always hear.
Posted by: joanie | October 29, 2006 at 10:10 AM
As a congressman I would expect Reichert would engage in these radio interviews regardless of whether or not he is pissed off that this election isn't being handed to him on a silver platter. His constant ducking and running is an insult to his constituents.
Posted by: Daniel K | October 29, 2006 at 02:02 PM