At 7p, military analyst and author Philip Gold will join Goldy. He's the paleocon, ex-Marine, former military historian (Georgetown) think tanker (Discovery Institute) and conservative national columnist (Washington Times) who publicly broke with Bush, the Republicans, and conservatism in 2003.
Gold, who lives on Mercer Island, is a prolific author, and commentator who gained renown when he accurately predicted the 9-11 attacks in print in the summer of 2001. He broke with the GOP over the undue influence of the neocons and the religious right. His latest book,The Coming Draft: The Crisis in Our Military and Why Selective Service Is Wrong for America was released in September. Read about Gold here.
Goldy will also host the two Democratic candidates in the hottest Congressional races in the state.
Darcy Burner is in a toss-up race in the 8th District against a fearlessly-haired incumbent who's fighting upstream against an rising anti-Republican tide about to wash over the land
Peter Goldmark is in a surprisingly close race in the dryside's WA 5, a district that's been so red, it was not thought to be in play. But that changed as the Republicans and Bush's popularity went south and Goldmark proved to be a great campaigner. the DNCCC has put a bunch of money in the race and it's now a horse race. Goldmark is a rancher, but also a thoughtful, well-educated guy with a family history in Eastern Washington politics.
This from
Yesterday two of the nation’s leading electoral prognosticators, Charlie Cook and Larry Sabato, both upgraded the race in WA-05 from “Solid Republican” to “Likely Republican,” while the New York Times followed suit today, upgrading their rating from “Safe Republican” to “Leaning Republican.”