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October 08, 2006



Kind of funny how Cindy,at first,said the Prez was kind, and seemed to care,now it is a different story. Wonder why that is?And please don't say she was tring to be "nice", if, like she has said, that her little boy was killed in Bush's evil war, I doubt she felt like being "nice"


I cant speak for her but can only make "assumptions" based on the accounts I have read..
She went in to the initial meeting with him at the White House, along with other women who had lost family in Iraq, with the idea that he would be kind and sympathetic. Instead, he entered the room and made comments that led the group to believe he didnt even know who they were. When his aides told him, he began to make JOKES? What kind of social retard doesn't know that you quietly offer words of condolence for their loss? He made JOKES and he kept calling her "Mommy" after he learned she had lost her son. The man who lied about why her son had to give his life appeared to blow off the entire thing. That is what sparked her activism. It has been fueled by the way she has been treated and the information that has subsequently been forthcoming about the exact depth of lies that cost her son his life.


Sparky sez: She went in to the initial meeting with him at the White House, along with other women who had lost family in Iraq, with the idea that he would be kind and sympathetic. Instead, he entered the room and made comments that led the group to believe he didnt even know who they were. Snout replies:That's what she says NOW.At the time she sang another tune.I have heard her on the radio, and she said she felt that way about Bush but wanted to be "nice".She does love to change her story often...just like her "hunger strike" she was on, yet was slurping smoothies


Just bustin' on Dave "3rd" Reichert?

Oh c'mon... just one little eensy weensy "Styblehead"?


You know, Snout, she has a right to feel any way she wants to feel about it at any time . . . you gonna second guess her?

She obviously supported her son in Iraq. She obviously wanted him to be safe and probably supported the war - for her son or for herself, I don't know.

She obviously thought Bush was honorable and, in her grief -as in any mothers - she went along and expected the best. Still a big day when the President of the US wants to personally express his condolence to you . . .

Don't you think time, loss and the compiling of lies take their toll on a parent who has made the ultimate sacrifice?

You are so brave! Your dissing of a mother who gave a son in war - no matter what she's saying and doing - disgusts me. She's got the right. And she is more aware than anyone of her treatment then and now.

So what've you done lately? (Except criticize her. . . )

BTW, they are welcoming soldiers as old as fifty now . . . something like that. I'm sure they would take you in a nanosecond.

I would give any parent who supports the war my unequivical support when their child dies . . . politics be damned.


Snout... what I suggest is that instead of speculating, you call in tonight and ask her. That's what the call in lines are for: 877-710-KIRO


Yeah, Joans, when looking at the list of deaths on the Sunday teevee shows, one sees far too many people in their thirties and forties who have died in Iraq.
This is for you, Nate....Styblehead!!!


Joanie, of course she has a right to her opinion, just like i have mine,sorry that freedom of speech bothers you so.tough.Also she never supported the war, she said she wanted to run over her sons legs to keep him out of harms way, or run him to Canada, so no she did not support the war, but her son did re-up, so it does not sound like he was ready to be run over by a car.Brave you say? no, not at all, but after 4 years in the Marines i have EARNED my freedom of speech, think you much.Goldy no speculating here, i've seen/heard her before. she was on the RR show 12-1, and thanks for the KIRO number, i have called often, just not your show


Thanks for having our own Bla'M bloviating on your show, David...he's allegedly read every word of "Defending Gary" and is an expert on Reichert's inexpertise!


C'mon, snot. Call into the show. Show some sack, for a change.


Dear shack, you know all about my sack, don't lie to your freends on BW like that! for shame


Snout..if you DO call in and she claims what i posted is true, will you believe her?


Casey gave his life . . . couldn't you give another four years for this war you seem to like?

If she was against the war at first, what's your gripe?

You still hold her accountable for graciousness while grieving for her son? You are still disgusting.

And, yes, you certainly may speak freely; but the disgusting speech you utter is open to criticism by me as well. So tough.


Spark, No i won't be calling in i don't listen to Goldy's show.as for what you said, I have no doubt she supported her son in Iraq.IN her interveiw w/RR she said she never supported the war, and that she was upset with Pres Bush then and there.why don't you pull up the kiro pod cast of the RR show, then you won't have to believe me she said it herself.My problem w/ her is that she is using her dead son as a trump card, we must not questain the mother.a guy who re ups before Iraq is not against the war if I had to guess, or at least not to the degree his mother claims


Saw NOW about the Foley scandal and I didn't know that Nancy Pelosi had kept a complaint from being filed by Dem Chris Bell about Delay several years ago because the parties have a mutual agreement never to file an ethical complaint about the other party . . .

There was so much corruption on both sides that neither side wants to rock the boat.

It is time to take the money out of politics and get us some honest politicians!


joanie, wow fast and loose with the facts eh? never said I supported the war, i dare you to find such a statment, but thats ok I sorta expect that, and if i am well aware that to have free speech means that it can be called out by others.. which is fine i enjoy debate and have no disgust for anyone.. thats very lib and tolerant of you


Then why so hard on her? What is the point? Can't she change her mind or can't her feelings change . . . I don't understand your need to call her out.


the topic was about CS being on Gold's show, i gave my opinion and now i'm just horrible...sorry ladies and gents i don't go for group think


Snout, I don't dispute your "facts." You know what you heard and you know what you know.

i'm trying to show that perceptions change . . . If she is not now telling the truth about her experience with Bush, the others that were there can dispute it.

Isn't it possible that she was hearing and observing his words and actions on that day differently than she perceives those same words and actions today? Grief and sorrow affect perceptions.

I'm not a big Sheehan fan nor someone who has followed her very much. I respect her as I do any parent that has lost a child.

You may be absolutely right . . . I, too, think it would be fair game to call and ask her why she's changed. But not fair game to judge her on it without asking.


Cindy Sheehan looks like she has a few jumps left in her. She has a kinda "old lady" sex appeal.


joanie thank your for a thoughtful responce, to anwser your questain, it was the topic on BW, I made a comment(one that i believe) and almost stepped into a small flame war.when CS surrounds herself with people like Jesse Jackson, and the Bush=Nazi crowd then i have my doubts.My questain is why is her son more important then other parent who has lost a child in Iraq? Many more parents who have lost love ones in Iraq who say they STILL support the war, but if one only looks at the MSM you would think she was the only(or prehaps the most important) gols star mom....UMO.. you need glasses dude


and i need spell check


I dont think you are a terrible person, snout..Im just trying to figure out your logic. I have talked to people who have met her and they said she does not see herself as a rock star. She seems to have the guts to stand up and say what a lot of people would like to have said, but didnt, and it took off. Her activism got people talking and more people spoke out against the war. I dont know what goes on in her head, i just read what she writes. She is a target because she started a dialog that the White House didnt want to let happen, and is often treated accordingly. A lot of people showed up at the camp she set up both last summer and this summer, and they all felt the same way she does, and hundreds of thousands of people held vigils across the country ( I attended one) to show their support, so she isnt speaking alone. I dont believe she thinks her son's death is more important than anyone else's family member. But she has become the face of the movement. I will be listening to her to see what she has to say. If you dont want to listen to her, thats your choice, but how will you really know what she stands for if you wont listen?


One more thing...Jesse Jackson is a media whore..he inserts himself into any media event he can, regardless of whether or not the people involved want him there. I think at the beginning she was very very naive about some of the people who wanted to support her by sharing the stage with her. You dont see "famous" people around her as much anymore..more grassroots folks who are working to stop the war.


sparky:Jesse Jackson is a media whore no doubt. Where we disagree is i think she was "made" the face of movement, and more power to her, i HAVE heard her speak much to often, and she makes my skin crawl... not her talking points, i do love me some free speech,but do you know that she is now working on her second book,with a 3rd to come? to me she put her dead son in front of her like a sheild, you can not questain me ..I lost my son in Iraq,so no i shall not be tuning in I've had more then enough of this gold star mom.


Well that puts a whole new face on it...I had no idea you lost a son, snout. I am terribly sorry for your loss and I understand your viewpoint now.


she was a useful idiot, in 2005.She focused the country on the war and grabbed the headlines at a time when we needed to start looking at it. Bush handled her like a king, she won the hearts of a lot of people. Other than that great service, she really doesn't have much to give to those of us who are trying to dismantle and discredit Bush's disasterous regime.


Can anyone download the podcast??
Maybe, when Bla'M returns from his gig as a goldy starlet, he'll re-link it...


Fremont, if you go to www.kiro710.com, there is a live link over in the corner..you can stream it live from there.


Jesse Jackson was, once, among my heroes....alas!

Your loss is sorrowful, Sno't, in many ways...my deepest sympathy, too!


Got it, Sparkler! Love and kisses.... (and will you send me a naked pic of yourself if you're a page-boy over eighteen?) Cool!


As far as I know, there are no naked pictures of me after I turned one year old.


Bla'M is publicly positing that serial killers are Repugs....Mickey, I'm proud to know ye!


umo, you must be very young indeed. :)


Female blogger exposes Keith Olbermann as bad in bed. O'Reilly should feature this story in his Ridiculous Item of the Day.


Countdown's ratings up 70%

FAux News ratings continue to drop
( source, TV WRITER magazine)

Umo, you need to put down the comic books and read a real newspaper.


And link it, plz, Um....(especially any data about "old lady sex appeal")....


Sheehan & Pelosi...two sexy older broads.



Cindy Sheehan is a sex goddess:


IT is now 4:00 pm on mon. after my last post, i turned off the computer, and have just now logged on to BW. I re-read my post, the last one i wrote, because of my bad way of writing, lack of punctuation people think that I lost a son, i did not.I AM VERY SORRY , I HAD NO WISH TO DECEVE ANYONE, AGAIN I,M SORRY




Could Cindy Sheehan be the next John Kerry. When will the spitting start.


Totally beneath you, Steve. And erroneous as usual.

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