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October 22, 2006



oh so many one-liners, so little time.....
so i will just pass and say, excellent post, Bla'M.
You have me laughing to tears here....


what hypocrites these Reepublicans are. Bl'am, you sure are nice to the spider lady. I am not so sure I want her on our side.


Hood you are truly a low, low human being, but you are a funny man.


Funny post and I think I like Irene!


So, you're a journalist, but have no qualms with misreporting the facts? Did you even bother to investigate Stefan's business license?
Robert Mak did an interview with him in which he discusses his software/ subscription service for financial professionals. It's a cash cow so that affords Stefan the time to blog, and also allows him to be more outspoken about his opinions in ways others of us with accountability as employees cannot risk.

Stefan and Irene are advocates for gay rights, wrote for the Stranger and befriended Dan Savage, so all your stereotyping twaddle about them being "right wingers" is so.. assholean.


Don't think Bla'm said anything about Stefan and Irene being right-wingers. He said that moderates like them should get away from the Republican Party.


Bla'M....the article in the NYtimes is not accessable unless you are a subscriber to the extra service.....

Can you give us a rundown of what it said?


I love that apparently the Great Blathering Ones great sin was referring to Mrs. Minnow as a SO. Apparently, she is not significant to Mr. Minnow. Sounds like a normal Republican marriage. Mr. Sharansky must have a mistress, or as is fashionable now days, a young boy who is more signficant to him.

blathering michael

JDB: thank for sticking up for me on the unsound site- Stefan is too boring to have a girlfriend, way to repressed to have a boyfriend. Irene would not give him his testicles back, anyway.

Lazy Murrow

Oh, the Shark, babe,
has such teeth, dear,
Oh no wait, that's
Just his wife.

He's a blowhard
'neath a skirt, dear,
which explains his
so-called life.



You hadly need any one to stick up for you. I'm perfectly happy to take a shot at the minnow when he leads with his chin, plus it is fun to see the U(sp) croud deal with the idea that not everyone walks in lock step with what they believe.

I think there will be a lot of very sore brains over there come Nov. 7. Since they are sure that the state is secretly seething still over Govenor Gregoire's election, how they will explain the lost of federal and state races, on top of the loss of 933, should be fun to see.


Hadly is a new word ? Bla"M - your'e a goofball, but an entertaining one at that. Your white lies are humorous sometimes...


Bla'M ~

Here's the Permalink To Sharky's testicle holder's opining. Had trouble finding it from soundpolitics link.

I can see a "Honey, those horrible bloggers made fun of me, WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH" conversation behind this scene.

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