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September 21, 2006



Such integrity! It must run in the family. And good advice from dad.

Another disgusting attempt at deception on the right . . . since, of course, the right never lies.


(more crickets chirping)

Mike Barer

I think it is great that Caitlin is running for office. Right On. She better have a strong heart because they are hard on Democrats, there. She is going to get plenty of criticism coming her way, some of it could be harsh!

Kiwanis Club Luncheon

So Ross is now alleging she lived in Pullman? Where? For a week at the home of a Democratic State Committeewoman (you conveniently left that out of your post).

This before she moved to Valleyford to live in the two-bedroom, one bath home of her campaign advisor and Democratic PCO?

She's been registered to vote in the 9th District for less than
3 months. That's not carpetbagging? I think I'd pick out some curtains first before I ran for state representative.

Oh, you're right, there's nothing here at all.

You think Dal Lamagna represents the views of the 9th District? What are you smoking?

By the way, Ross was outvoted by a margin of 2 to 1 by the Republican primary candidates. She'll have even more in common with her father soon.


We'll see if Dave Ross's brand of liberal bullshit passes the muster in a red state. Don't think this elitest left wing sorority girl will fly in farm country.


What happens when they find out about her snooty Mercer Island upbringing, with servants and nannies. Good Luck


Yeah,,,another uppity edjucayted gurl who don't know her place, golldangit!


Wow some really jealous and petty comments here... I thought the "right" loved rich people? Oh that's right, if they toe the line on your side it's OK but if a Democrat does any of the things you guys do then they are the spawn of satan. Give it a rest you uneducated moral pigmys.


What an inspiration! All you brave, dedicated citizens doing your civic duty by anonymously bashing someone who has stuck her neck out where her mouth is...


snooty! servants and nannies! elitest sorority girl!

I would be interested to know if those descripters come from personal knowledge or...
...or from your butt.

blathering michael

The butt: the fount of right-wing wisdom.

Endemic Irony

Shouldn't you have said "stuck her neck out where Dal Lamagna's money is"?

Why will none of you moonbats answer the question of whether or not it is seemly to move to a district strictly for the purpose of running for office?

And Ross is as qualified as a Vietnam vet farmer who has lived in the district his whole life? That might play in Fremont, but not in Washtucna.

Have fun storming the castle!


Your proof that it was her sole reason for moving is...............


...Logic. She registered to vote (twice) three weeks before she filed for office. Was "run for the legislature" on her move-in checklist?

Another "proof" could be the fact that she registered to vote, quite possibly falsely, using the addresses of Democratic Party officials in order to qualify for the ballot.

Your proof that she is even a lawful candidate is........


Washtucna? Isn't that as dried up as Starbuck?


She's casting her pearls before swine farmers....


look out Cait- you're in rattlesnake country!

David Tatelman

Jeez, such venom directed towards an idealistic young lady. Yes, of course she's not likely to win, but that doesn't mean you can't be polite and listen to what she has to say. Lighten up a little, you Republicans.


You are asking me to read her mind, as you have apparently done.


The Palouse.. So much wheat, so little thought....


Who needs Kreskin when there will be an Secretary of State Elections Division investigation?


"Why will none of you moonbats answer the question of whether or not it is seemly to move to a district strictly for the purpose of running for office?"

Why not? Pam Roach did it and got away with it.


"Only an idiot would pick up and move districts just to make a futile, last minute run against a popular Democratic incumbent in an election year when Republicans are proving about as welcome as ringworm"

I was talking about Larry Ishmael, but swap "popular Democrat" for "popular Republican" and "an election year when Republicans" with "a district where Democrats" above and you get the idea about Caitlin Ross.


Apparently the right thinks Caitlin's quite a threat . . . otherwise, such meanness would be unnecessary.


I'm a proud Pullman Democrat and this attempted swiftboating of Caitlin is repugnant. However, there is enough truth to these allegations that I am concerned. She should come out and address them.

And by the way, all the "rube" comments above only serve to reinforce the stereotypes people here have about liberals/progressives. It doesn't help our cause.

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