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« Mike Webb trial finally begins thursday! | Main | Week's end oddems: teresa joy hides the hose; KOMO kicks the ass; the woof kicks shit; all dori is nonsense; frank shiers takes the pledge »

July 28, 2006


His Mercifulness

Yep, thats just about the whole of it. All up in my grill with the Dick Cheneyesque language. Me thinks Webb's tank was a couple of CC's low on thorezine

Note: he did snap off a few photos of me inside the courtroom. Can't wait to see how they turn out. I just hope I look better in a dress-shirt then he did.

I'll have a excerpt up later about this & also: the Push-o-war over the stairs door, and Mike's recent email to your's truly.




My husband was on jury duty today and I was SO hoping he would get the Webb trial... but no such luck.


Holy shit..you guys be careful, please. Mike has totally flipped. This sounds like bi-polar crap....
Seriously, you guys....be careful.



You said:

"Liberals respect process. "

While I certainly appreciate your right to attend the court hearings and observe the process underway there. Your behavior in the courthouse makes a mockery of that process.

A court of law is the neutral ground where the State is compelled to present evidence to an impartial jury and a defendent in entitled to defend himself. It is not the forum for you to taunt, badger, harass, or otherwise interfere with a defendents ability to prepare and present his best defense. The court is fully capable of determining his guilt or innocence without you entering yourself into the process.

Taunt and badger to your hearts content on the blog (God Bless the 1st), but stalking in the courthouse stairwell as the defendent enters and departs the court, can hardly be described as "respecting the process".

Given the situation you described, if I was the court commissioner, I would have issued several more restraining orders. You mock the process, you don't respect it.

Now, carefully notice, I do not once suggest that Mike Webb is innocent or guilty, so please, and I know it's going to be difficult, but try to restrain yourself from heading down that path.


Ron...did you read? Is snapping a photo and saying nothing "harassment?" I think not.



The courthouse is a place for grownups to carry on serious business, now you and the other kiddies take your cameras and your giggling and go on out to the playground and play nicely.


El Mercifuro

Deadlines be damned!

Okay, my account is up now:

Mike Webb begs the question: "Can I shoot 'em?"

Yeah, I know - a bit long winded, but my folks don't have the background on this one - thanks Michael for the help (& the shameless plug).



You remind me of my teenagers when they were younger.

Dad...make Junior quit touching me. I'm not touching you (as he sticks his finger a fraction of an inch from her nose).

Cowpot, quit touching him.


Last time I checked the courthouse was a public building where photojournalists or average citizens could snap as many pictures as they want in hallways and stairways.


Here's the description from El Merc.

"The trial day finally winds-up much how it began: a few motions of which no one will object; a few other motions that are too thick & get punted. Yawn. I start to warm-up the digicam. Mike Webb notices this, whips out his cell phone, & starts taking a few photos of his own inside the courtroom. I wave & ham it up a tad."

I rest my case. Michael's original statement "Liberals respect process" is bull, they mock the process and then blog about it as if they have done society a great service.


Ron, in my first response to you, I indicated that you should read, comprehend and THEN post. In that order. Now, if are half the adult that you claim to be, then we can engage in a discussion. If not, please feel free to bandy about assumptions about others and project your own inadequacies on them. (Hint: this is where you start crying like a 12 year old and hurling more insults)

Now who was the teenager? That's what I thought.



Last time I checked the sidewalk was a public area where average citizens could quietly stand and protest.

I'm heading over to Planned Parenthood with my poster of the dismembered aborted fetus that has a caption on it that reads "Mommy, please don't kill me like this". I promise to stand quietly and to remain on the public sidewalk.

Do you support my first amendment right to do this, or will you scream HARRASSMENT????

Now, head on out with cowpot to the playground and leave this discussion to the grownups please.




Please read, comprehend and post. They were in the courtroom firing up the digicams and waving and hamming it up.

They were not there for serious purposes, they were not respecting the process called jurisprudence. They are making a mockery of the process you silly kid you.

Now, go on, go on and play. We'll call you when we need you.



Why such angst? You seem like a fairly bitter person in your rants. Now if you'd like to have a civil discussion continue, if not quit reading here.

To respond to your example of Planned Parenthood, of course I would find it annoying and disgusting. However, the first amendment doesn't really mention anything about the right not to be offended. Being a grown-up, I am sure you can bend your mind around this concept.


Last night Webb had a repeat playing of Wednesday's show and I was just about to surf to anohter website when I heard a part I had missed the first time. He claimed he had a caller on the line and he then supposedly was having problems taking the call. "Speak into your instrument,"he repeated several times. Then he gave up on the call and said "oh, I know- it was probably that gu who blogs about me all the time. The guy who writes about the media. You know he likes to call me up, and then he plays with himself as he listens to me speak into the phone." As I thought about this strange little interlude in his show , it seemed more and more likely to me that there had been no real caller, and that this was simply a stunt to get another cheap shot in at Michael Hood. Webb, you're a sick man. Please seek treatment from mental health professionals. Oh, and Mike- you're still a lying, phony bastard.



I was criticizing Michael's pompous claim regarding liberals respecting the process.

You responded with a flippant comment about "Is snapping a photo and saying nothing "harassment?" I think not."

You know darn well what's going on. They are stalking the guy all the way into the courtroom. Waving and hamming it up.

I'm reminded of Potter Stewarts quote: "it's hard to define but I know it when I see it".

They were not respecting the process. They were goofing it up, and harrassing the guy. They haven't even selected a jury yet, there's no testimony going on, nothing that might conceivably be of interest. They even noted that there was nobody in the hallway but them and Webb. They were there to harrass the guy and you try to play word games. If they were to arrive quietly and sit in the back of the courtroom to observe the proceedings, I'd believe this BS about respecting the process but that isn't what they are about.

And you ask "why the angst".


Passing the popcorn to Joanie and taking a comfortable seat in the front row...this should be good!


Hi Girls,

Looking forward to your contribution.

Any wine with that popcorn??????



Ron, PUT THE FIDDLE DOWN RIGHT NOW and quit toying with them!




Time's a little tight today.

We could cut this short with you just saying:

Point made...point taken.



Hey Publius,

Nice to hear from you. I bet you have some thoughts on our legal system.



If anything was done wrong in the courtroom the judge would have addressed that in the courtroom.

What they do in public is their business. If they did anything illegal then they should pay the consequences. Mike Webb wears his buttons on his forehead and they are tempting to push. He does seem to know the parties involved. Their presence at the courtroom set him off. They have a right to be there just like they have a right to snap pictures.

Now go stand in front of Planned Parenthood with whatever poster you think would be appropriate.


Merci..did you get your camera back?????

blathering michael

Webb is a public person in a public proceeding. If he'd just walked by in the hallway, like anyone in his position, there would have been no incident. He lost his temper and against his attorney's judgement, and cursing loudly, chased Nate, the photographer down the hall. There was no harassment except Mike Webb's of Nate, a citizen exercising his rights. There was no horsing around in the courtroom except by Mike Webb who actually threatened us in a low tone in the time before the proceedings got underway.
We laugh at this now, because it was so preposterous and unlikely, but at the time, but was astonishing and a little frightening because of what Webb thought he could get away with (and did) beneath the noses of his attorney and the court.



In my first post I recognized their right to be there, I critized their behavior.

I question their respect of the process. They can push his button all they want in a different forum. The courthouse is not the correct "venue" for this behavior.



Ron is obviously an interested party. He may be Mike Webb or his attorney.


Pass the popcorn, please, Sparkler....RunON is hogging it...rancid, buttery ooze is streaming from his lips.



Sounds like stalking to me. Sorta a reverse Paparazzi.

And the hamming it up in the courtroom is just reflective of your lack of respect for the process.

This is where we really disagree, and the process doesn't just run gavel to gavel. Ask a baseball pitcher about preparing for an important game. This guy has a right to prepare his best case and be mentally prepared to present that case and shouldn't have to deal with people who acknowldege that they ham it up in the courtroom. This isn't the place for these shennanigans. You have the right, but you do not respect the process.

It's like the Republicans in New Hampshire who jammed up the phone lines during the 2002 election. They have a right to call people on the phone, freedom of speech and all that. But it screws up the process of democracy. We need to rise above this juvenile behavior.


Ron you are clearly confusing respect for the process here. The only person who disrespected the process was Webb himself with, dare I say, his 'childish' behavior.

You castigated Nate and BlaM for their histrionics, which was incorrect. By your logic, when any person who makes their living in the proverbial public eye is actually in public...people are not allowed to quietly observe? I don't think you really believe that and are simply here to grind an axe with someone.



Nope, wrong.

Fremont, nothing constructive to say on this subject either I notice.

Gotta go now. I'll pick this up later.


Again with the reading comprehension...the last comment was by ME not Maggy. Like I always say: when you don't have an argument, sling some insipid insults then flee. I look forward to your return.


He left to go load up with more insipids to sling.


or to find more bunnies to shoot.


For a while I thought the script was taking an unfortunate detour into "misplaced-analogy" land.

Enjoyed the popcorn, Sparky, thanks for sharing!


On a serious note, Michael and Nate, be careful. Mike does sound like he's dangerous. Esp. you, Michael . . . he may start to focus all his anger on you and Blather and blame you for his troubles. You just never know about these things.


thats what I was thinking....does Webb know there is a restraining order? I wonder if he would honor it anyway....just be real careful.


I would be concerned with anybody that suggests they are going to get their gun or that maybe they should shoot you. Obviously not a rational person.

Having been in a similar situation even suggesting the gun is inappropriate.


Yes, I agree Webb could be more than just a pathetic buffoon. I see Webb as a kind of reverse Rush Limbaugh , except less benign. Like Limbaugh, Webb's whole shtick is based in his thinking and acting like he'ssmarter than everyone else , and superior to everyone else. Also, anyone who disagrees with him is not just wrong but stupid. Thus,like a true fascist, when confronted by his radio tapes of "Moose" Monson making valid points against gay marriage, he can't simply disagree with Monson- he has to call him a "fucking moron".


Webb has been or will be served with the restraining order. Will he restrain? Tell us the truth, Webb....we know you're reading this!


What's Dori doing polluting Reagan's air space?


this just in - darling of talkradio conservatives and "Jesus Boy" Mel Gibson has just been arrested in L.A. for drunk driving.



I'm back and you're still confused.

You said:


Again with the reading comprehension...the last comment was by ME not Maggy. Like I always say: when you don't have an argument, sling some insipid insults then flee. I look forward to your return.

Posted by: cowpotpi3 | July 28, 2006 at 09:55 AM


To which I now respond:

Hey genius, I was responding to these two posts. Speaking of poor reading comprehension. You win that contest.


Ron is obviously an interested party. He may be Mike Webb or his attorney.

Posted by: maggy | July 28, 2006 at 09:35 AM

Pass the popcorn, please, Sparkler....RunON is hogging it...rancid, buttery ooze is streaming from his lips.

Posted by: Fremont | July 28, 2006 at 09:42 AM



I just bought a Verona from Korum Suzuki in gratitude for their sponsorship of the Mike Webb webcasts.


Did anyone ever hear that time Mike dry-fired what sounded like a gun into the microphone several times? This was a few years back. He was angry at some caller. So he said something like "Oh yeah, well guess what, you wanna come down here, I have something for you. You hear this? (Sound of trigger being pulled on unloaded gun). You know what that is? Huh? Can you tell what this is? (Click. Click). You just go ahead and come on down here, tough guy, and I have something for you."

So maybe it's best if you do get that restraining order.


Every accused is entitled to their day in court and they are entitled to present their best defense.

The courthouse is not the place for stalkers to practice their hobby.

Joanie, any luck with the chemicals that spontaneously generate life??? Still waiting to hear what they are.


And I am not defending Mike Webb's behavior. To suggest that I am is simply your imagination running wild and you crafting new and ferocious strawmen.

Actually I can't stand Webb anymore than I can stand Monson. They are both nut case idealogues. One to the right and the other to the left.


More popcorn, Sparky?


Sounds like Ron prefers Whine and cheese



You still mad that I made sport of you?

Hell, if old Publius hadn't told you that you were being schooled, we'd still be playing.


"Watch your back." Webb's sotto voce threat seems indicative of too many latenight tv movies, but I agree with the other posters who feel this is a somewhat scary development and definitely not something to be laughed off. A lot of people probably thought San Francisco City Supervisor Dan White was all talk and would never go off like he did- with rageful, murderous violence. Maybe Webb doesn't plan to get his own hands dirty, so to speak, but rather entertains the idea of farming out the "hit" to a member of "Seattle's Pink Mafia".

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