Rep. Jim McDermott, the controversial Seattle Democrat who opposed the war before it was cool has been filling in for the vacationing Dave Ross (KIRO m-f, 9a-12p) this week.
It's been a snore-fest... but it's not all Sunny Jim's fault.
(You're right- he's not exactly Mr. Excitement; talk host probably should not be on Jim's list of career goals- the first 2 days guided by KIRO perennial fill-in John Procaccino was the bland leading the bland).
But whereinell are the big, brave patriots who trash the Congressman every time his name comes up?
Senior Fellow of the Wingnut Intelligentsia Newt Gingrich calls him "traitorous and seditious." Vicious vixen Michelle Malkin said he took, "... Saddam's cash and trashed America while on an Iraq junket as our soldiers prepared for war."
Radio Equalizer Brian Maloney calls him a "fringe extremist.
The vaginally fanged, Official Republican Party Scold Ann Coulter has likened Mc Dermott's Bagdad trip to sucking up to Adolf Hitler in 1940 Berlin. She asks: "Weren't any Democrats the tiniest bit irritated that members of Congress were meeting with a tyrant as the U.S. prepared to attack him?" (McDermott never met with Saddam, of course).
John Carlson (KVI m-f, 3-5,) told the Seattle PI: "... he is doing so much good for Republicans back on Capitol Hill -- unintentionally, of course -- that he will be sorely missed next week."
Goaded by these right-wing media, local conservatives spout and shout "Treason!" on KVI. They call him a Barking Moonbat or a "dipshit" in the comment columns on Sound Politics and
So where are these people when B-Dad Jim is exposed open-lined on KIRO to constituents and the world at large?
Has there been a single unfriendly call?
Where are the bold conservatives when can they finally have the chance to tell him what they think of him before a large audience and be anonymous while doing it?
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