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April 24, 2006


Brian  Lacey

that super about Mr Dave Boze now if we can talk him in to working for KIRO NEws Talk Radio the night shift ! and I think Kiro might just have something going


I dont understand why Dr. Laura keeps an audience. The "leading voice in morality" ?????????????? Ms. " I have a Grizzly Bear Between My Legs so I am Going to Pose Nekkid" is America's Beacon of Decency?? Are there that many self-loathing people out there? Wow.

That, and the fact that Thom Hartmann gets a lower rating than Ed??????


It's kind of an offensive list. Sorry to see it gets any pr at all.


Well, Im not offended by it, and its kind of interesting to see who is popular around the nation. It might be interesting to stream some of these people and see what they have to say.
I think if Thom Hartmann had wider national exposure, he would be way up there....


I don't think it is based on popularity around the nation. Didn't B'M write a pretty subjective criteria list for it? That's why I don't put much stock in these polls. Am sorry people do . . . Hannity, Stern, Dr. Laura and Limbaugh?

Kind of like rating the survivor shows as being best in TV land! (LOL)


This list is a joke.


Michael..."who" comes up with the list?

I think its interesting to read, but as you might guess, it would not influence my listening habits.

also, do stations use this kind of info to set advertising prices???


Whenever I see these arbitrary valuations or watch more than a couple minutes of Hollywood's 100 Most [insert something here] I feel much closer to death than I did the minute before.

What do we have? Some loser fucks ordering something based on their opinion, which itself isn't even provided, and the sum worth of their efforts is less than zero.

Humans like to categorize things, it seems to be a natural tendency of the brain, we have a comulsion to do it even when it serves no purpose, like masturbating, but atleast masturbating wards off prostate cancer. Masturbation, 1, talk radio rankings, 0.


sparky said also, do stations use this kind of info to set advertising prices???

Why would they?


I dunno..I guess I imagined them publicizing it and using it as "proof" that they have a popular person who people listen to...I know, I know, it doesnt mean they have good ratings but I was just wondering, thats all....

Kinda like how the TV stations say they get Edward Murrow awards....whatever...


If that's true they might as well have stopped after #10. I don't think Tom Leykis would boast about being ranked in the mid 30's.

Ted Smith

Because KGO's Ray Taliaferro wasn't on it, this list is a joke.


Well that is what I was referring to..the top 10...anything lower than that would be silly.


&rew sez: "masturbating wards off prostate cancer." Link, plz....




Wow! Thanks, &rew! I wonder if it works for women....


Yes, but beware, side effects include blindness, baldness, hair-hands, impurity of thought and abandonment of your Lord and Savior.


"Gotta tell you, though, there are some pretty great folks on the Group W Bench w/Ross, Wilbur, et al. Like NPR's Terry Gross, KGO's Bernie Ward, Air America's Janeane Garofalo, sex talker Dr. Drew; and Dr. Dean Edell."

The last two are very good - apolitical also. The second and third are partisan leftwing kool aid drinkers who love to hear themselves blather away - Terry Gross is very partisan left also - Middle of the road is too far right for any of the first 3 mentioned to comprehend, so they lose credibility in my book. For objective views - I'll try Dr. Drew and Edell. I also like Gene Burns on KGO who is pretty close to the middle, who deserves to be in the top 100 if he isn't already.


Taliaferro is the Mike Webb of SF.


KS - the "K" stands for "Klueless"


One more thing, KS, you wanna hear left - tune into Mike Malloy on line Air America. He doesn't come on until 10 pm over KPTK but he's on 7-10 on line Air America. You'll love to hate him!


Just because O Reilly walked off her interview which rarely happens on Fresh Air is a lame-o excuse to call Gross left-wing, but I guess if Bill is paranoid about fessin' up to his own BS on the air, then so be it.


Ray Talliefero is not gay, is not white, is not paranoid, has better taste in music, has not tried to bilk an insurance company.....so how again are he and Mike Webb alike???


Mike Malloy uses the last 10 min of his show to read from 1984. Downright eerie!


To finish my comparison, Mike Webb (originally from SF) probably learned how to be arrogant and foam at the mouth when talking to conservatives from Talifferro on the air. Unlike Talifferro - he is white and probably gay and bilked an insurance company and is probably more of a phony. I'd like to hear Mike Malloy and Michael Savage in the same room - unchained.

Clueless spelled with a K - thought you said you were a teacher, Joanie ?


Actually, Gross slandered O'Reilly on "Fresh Air" and basically lied about it - why don't you tell the rest of the story ? I'd say Gross doesn't fess up to her own BS. You've checked Gross's side, now check out O'Reilly's - to really be fair and balanced, or does it pain you too much ?

blathering michael

Jaysis, KS. I heard O'Reilly on Fresh Air. Terry Gross asked him a couple of very direct questions, and he got steamed up rather suddenly, called her some names and walked off. I later heard her tell the story- it was so phony and so obviously planned so he could brag to his Fox News choir how he stood up to the liberal media. If you listen to the tape- and it's on the internet at NPR and elsewhere, he obviously didn't wanna answer her questions and blatantly feigned outrage. The man is a liar, he's been caught over and over lying. He's a creepy harasser of women- if you don't believe me, read the court papers on smoking gun.com. He's a real role model for the values crowd. I hope his dick falls off...


If Terry Gross had slandered him, he'd have sued her. Geez, KS, get with the facts - he's got history - or haven't you heard?


Joanie - I got history - you say you got history, Why does someone have to sue everytime they get offended ? Sounds like victimhood.

Blathering Michael must have heard a different interview than I did. O'Reilly is no angel, but Gross was clearly distorting him as much as she could get away with, which was quite a bit since it was her show. O'Reilly got fed up with her repeated lies, distortions and insulting demeanor and walked out - I didn't hear her back up much of anything of what she said with facts just innuendo, so I take the side of Big Bad Bill here. Bill played the entire uncut interview on his show which is where I heard it. Hopefully, she is able to be more honest with her interviews, than with O'Reilly. You say Bill lies, I say Terry lies...

stodge charger

What excately were Gross' "repeated lies, distortions and insulting demeanor"?


The first part should read; "I know O'Reilly has history - he was in the wrong and paid ~$2Million for the out of court settlement a couple of years ago. Time will tell if that has an effect on his person.


Does anyone have the link of that audio clip so Stodge person can play it and hear it ? I heard it about 2 years ago and would not mind hearing it again.


If his dick falls off he can always use a loofah

stodge charger

I heard the interview , no need to remind me and B'M is correct--O Reilly had a chip on his shoulder like all neo-cons and wanted to play it like he does when cornered. He also stated he wished san Francisco would be destroyed in another earthquake, which is a lame excuse for him not getting any hot, gay action when he was down there after his falafal incident, indeed!

stodge charger

His dick is getting knocked into the dirt everyday by Olbermann


Olberman is a real reputable and credible source. NOT. Why is he so obsessed by O'Reilly, yet on the other side O'Reilly never acknowledges him - probably because he is so small...

Stodge charger- Guess we heard different interviews. When leftist hosts like Gross think they have someone cornered, they blather away and don't shut up and start fomenting emotion which is BS alot of the time - and of little substance. That's why I believe she only won in her own mind and in the minds of those who dislike O'Reilly, like you.

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