According to the KIRO website, the new weekday lineup to begin May 1 is:
710 KIRO Morning News with Gregg Hersholt and Jane Shannon, 5am-9am
"The Dave Ross Show," 9 a.m.-12 noon
"The Ron Reagan Show," 12 noon-1 p.m.
"The Dori Monson Show," 1 p.m. - 4 p.m.
"The Ron and Don Show," 4 p.m.- 7 p.m.
"The New York Vinnie Show," 7 p.m.-9 p.m.
Besides his one hour nooner, Reagan will also do a daily commentary and "serve as the chief political analyst."
No choice yet for the 9p-1a evening shift created by Mike Webb, and filled in recently by Ron & Don; nor is there a overnight replacement for Lou Pate.
This is a major programing reshuffle for the Entercom station which has been in a morass of disarray and fill-ins since September when Allan Prell and Tony Ventrella were fired; December when Mike Webb was arrested, and January when Lou Pate quit.
Those are definitely moves in the direction of making sense...
It sure would be nice to have personalities like Ebert and Prell back and restrict Dori to only doing endorsements, but one can only expect so much.
Between the management of the KIRO lineup and the management of the Mariners' lineup, I've been coming close to giving up broadcast media altogether and sticking only to Victorian novels.
Posted by: rodman | April 26, 2006 at 01:31 PM
Why didn't Dave go back to 9AM a year ago?
Reagan is boring.
Posted by: sclub | April 26, 2006 at 01:46 PM
Glad I could Help LMAO
Posted by: Bob in Auburn | April 26, 2006 at 02:15 PM
Dave in the morning is good, but they couldn't find a place for Procaccino (I guess it really was a really long fill-in assignment)? Maybe Reagan will have John guest hosting with him too. Ron and Don I just find annoying.
I've been listening to KIRO since the days of Justice, Yeend and French; I'd hate to see it go, but of late they'd been using their own shovel.
Posted by: hubert | April 26, 2006 at 02:18 PM
I was Director of News and Programming for 710 KIRO and hired Dave Ross. He is the best thing radio has in this market and he has been shuttled back and forth (the traffic breaks are needed in his current spot....his shift back to 9-noon had to happen)
KUOW leads all radio news in market share because they have been consistent. KIRO and KOMO keep making big changes instead of subtle ones and radio listeners in Seattle despise this and rightly so.
This latest move by 710 KIRO (Reagan and Ross had to come from outside the station, not locally. It shows how little the local folks have in the say for broadcast consistency in Seattle. This also axes the 6pm Tony Miner news report and shortens Dori Monson's show by one hour! (Tell me that Dori's job isn't the next to be cut!)
It's all in the pursuit of ratings. With the numbers low for both 710 KIRO and KOMO, look for other bigger changes (major ones) soon.
If you check the trends for the past 3 years (when the Mariners went to KOMO) KIRO and KOMO are both dying. Even with the Mariners, the KOMO news format (with the commentators) is a foreboding failure.
710 KIRO can't make up its mind (if they have one). Not only have they lost AFTRA they have lost their spirit. The same lack of comradeship can be found at KOMO. Management treats talents at both stations like meat on a hook.
There are so many radio folks at both stations that are being mishandled with cutback in benefits, wages, hours and encouragement. KOMO, while it is locally owned has become a monolith inside. It's new leader is bent on paring all costs to make the bottom-line more suitable for stockholders (among them Bill Gates).
I've been in broadcasting for 56 years. It's heyday is gone. The new HD features will split radio even more, with stations being given more signals. Right now they have no idea what to do with HD. One station expects current talent to do both analog and HD for not a penny more in salary!
Posted by: WiptheLip | April 26, 2006 at 02:47 PM
What idiot hired Ron & Don for afternoon drive?
Good post Wip.
Posted by: sclub | April 26, 2006 at 02:56 PM
I am sorry, I missed the fact that Dori still has a 3 hr. shift 1-4. I was never that good at math. I still believe that Dori will get the axe next, as he has "hardened himself" and his listener.
Posted by: WiptheLip | April 26, 2006 at 03:20 PM
Like Procaccino was handed a shovel to dig his own grave over the past serveral weeks.
Snag Tom Leykis for the 4 - 7pm shift. What harm could that do?
Posted by: Seabeck | April 26, 2006 at 03:34 PM
Kiro must have come up with a good ideah then they got a little high afterwards to reward themselves..
Posted by: towlie | April 26, 2006 at 03:50 PM
Actually, as annoying as they are, I think Ron and Don have a chance to succeed during afternoon drive time. Drive time is more appropriate than 9p-1a for local-interest -type stuff, anyway.
I think this also means that Styble will be semipermanent in the overnight, whatever that means.
Posted by: cpk | April 26, 2006 at 03:54 PM
Good: Ross back to 9a-12p. Had to be done. Sorry about the early calls, Dave.
Good: permanent slot for Ron Reagan. He did well in the morning tryouts, although he was never on alone.
Bad: Axing Miner's 6p-7p long-form newscast. That was the only intelligent programming move KIRO's made in the past year.
Bad: No afternoon drive product. It is sublimely dumb, and borderline criminal, not to give the best radio newsroom in town an afternoon drive outlet.If I were a reporter on that staff I would kill myself.
Bad: How are sophomoric ex-shock jox Ron and Don going to comport themselves around breaking news when it happens, as it sometimes does in the afternoons? How are they going to complement news, stocks, traffic, etc. -- with fart jokes? They better grow up fast.
Bad: Counterprogramming the M's with NY Vinnie and sports talk. In doses of more than two minutes, Vinnie is tough to take. I CANNOT believe the ratings (and call volume) support firing Proccacino and keeping Vinnie in 7p-9p. If you want news talk after 700p, which is when I'm driving home most nights, where are you supposed to go?
Overall grade for the changes: a straight C. Look for iPod usage to spike dramatically after 400p.
Posted by: TomF | April 26, 2006 at 04:02 PM
I will still choose Thom Hartmann over Dave, but I will listen to Ron Reagan instead of Bubba for that one hour, then ....classical music until Al comes on...
Posted by: sparky | April 26, 2006 at 04:17 PM know you never get good ideas when you get high...
Posted by: sparky | April 26, 2006 at 04:18 PM
yu said it
Posted by: towlie | April 26, 2006 at 04:23 PM
Some good things here. Ross in the mornings is wonderful. Not sure if I understand Ron at noon for one hour. Ron and Don? Their sort of blabber just doesn't fit the Kiro image. Besides, when I drive home from work, I want news. Not two guys stroking each other. If we must have that then give me Robin and Maynard. Or just shoot me.
Now about Dori. I like Dori. His self righteousness drives me nuts but he makes up for it in other ways. This is the reason I agree that Dori will be gone as soon as his contract expires. VACATIONS! Outside of the late Johnny Carson do any of you know a talk host who takes more time off than Dori? Unless he is willing to take a cut in pay and take less time off I would expect KIRO to say goodbye. Dori will fade away for awhile, then reappear on KOMO. That is my guess.
New Hawk Vinnie: Not to worry. He sounds so physically ill on-air that it may be that his days are numbered.
John The P. Durn, I'll miss him. Maybe he can be a part time fill in host when others are gone.
Or maybe get some acting roles. Either way, I will miss him. If John wants the work maybe KOMO or the AIR AMERICA station will take him. Oh, thats right, AIR AMERICA doesn't use local talent. Perhaps they should look at their crash diving ratings. At least at the local level. Wake up you clowns.
OK, thank you now
Posted by: Ryder | April 26, 2006 at 04:30 PM
I had an aribtron survey and indicated that I listened to Proco and not Monson but I only mailed it a couple days ago. Well so much for my vote. I feel sharply disenfranchised.
Posted by: Andrew | April 26, 2006 at 05:12 PM
Yay! Dave's back in the morning. I bust ass in the morning, and it is nice motivator to hear Dave when I am welding. No more on the 3's crap...
Posted by: Mark | April 26, 2006 at 05:13 PM
Ron and Don don't do fart jokes, at least on KIRO. I think they've toned down their "The Buzz " show for the more conservative station. Don sounds like he could break into Stern type worthlessness with that goofball superjock voice of his but he really never does. Hey Garrry? I've grown to like these two boys. Now what to do about Styble? He talks just to hear the sound of his voice and doesn't give a crap about the callers. Other than that, he's great.Dori should have ben reduced to one hour. Only KIRO would tolerate the high school voiced poltroon, so he'd have to take it. Can you imagine him on the air in Chicago or even L.A.?hahahahahahaa can you say provincial?
Posted by: Tommy008 | April 26, 2006 at 05:34 PM
Posted by: StybleLvr | April 26, 2006 at 05:42 PM
Good analysis, TomF. I'd put Prell in the afternoon drive slot, but I'm guessing that ain't gonna happen. I'm very happy to see Dave back in the mornings and I am eager to hear how Ron handles the noon hour.
I'll be turning on my little MyFi for XM radio for the rest of the day at beginning at 1:00 p.m. There is absolutely nothing or no one on KIRO from 1:00 that is of interest to me.
Yes, radio is a-changin'...
Posted by: Cyn | April 26, 2006 at 05:44 PM
Putting Leykis on from 4-7 would be brilliant programmng. I 'd love to see the expressions on the faces of the uptight, stick-up-the-butt feminist women in this town as they turn on Leykis at 5:30 after turning off the non-threatening, wimpy Ross at 9:30 a.m. as they drove into he company parking lot. Sure, Leykis can be an ass, but the kind of extreme pc atmosphere of this town is asinine as well, although people who have never ventured outside of this burg think it's normal for the U.S. It's not.Since the show would be delayed an hour and only 3 out of 4 hours would be carried,the prudes at Entercom could be placated by having a monitor listening to each hour live from the network feed. Any offensive hour could be deleted and replaced by putting the next hour on live. The "Styble Problem" coud be easily solved by putting the entire Leykis show on uncensored from 1-5 a.m. Also KIRO could save a few bucks.
Posted by: Tommy008 | April 26, 2006 at 06:32 PM
Shut the hell up Tommy!!!!
There is no "problem" YOU IDIOT!!!
Posted by: StybleLvr | April 26, 2006 at 06:44 PM
The best move out of all of today's KIRO shuffle (well, maybe the next best, after moving Dave back to mornings) was giving Ron Reagon a one-hour shift.
By giving Reagan a daily slot, KIRO held just enough of a carrot in front of him to successfully bring him on the team. This earns them the clout of having a US President's son as Chief Political Analyst. By keeping him on the air for just an hour, they've made sure the inexperienced talker won't run out of breath.
Kudos, KIRO. Kudos.
Posted by: toryrogan | April 26, 2006 at 07:10 PM
OMFG, Hubert remembers "the days of Justice, Yeend and French" probably also remember Burma Shave signs!
Posted by: Fremont | April 26, 2006 at 07:16 PM
hey i remember Burma Shave signs....but I was very very young....
Posted by: sparky | April 26, 2006 at 07:19 PM
If Reagan can keep the thing goin' for an hour then I suspect Dori's days are numbered...
Posted by: Rick | April 26, 2006 at 07:26 PM
Dave Ross in the morning, then Ron Reagan. Makes it easy for me, I can forget Kiro after 1 pm.
The hard part is that I discovered Tom Hartmann from 9 to noon. I used to arrange my mornings around Dave Ross. Now I have been enticed by someone else. The question is, do I want local or National. Guess I will have to take it day by day. Ron & Don? Puhleeze! I think even Dorri might be a leetle bit smarter than them.
That is not saying much. But Dorri and Ron & Don aren' saying much either. (that is interesting, I mean.)
Posted by: JoAnne | April 26, 2006 at 07:38 PM
Ron & Don on KIRO would be in great shape right now if Seattle didn't already know them as Ron & Don from The Buzz.
Their show since they got back into town has actually been fairly enertaining, thought provoking and, I dare say, listenable.
Posted by: MorganB | April 26, 2006 at 07:45 PM
I have a feeling that the pressure of following a national act like Reagan may be just enough motivation for Dori to snap out of the funk he's been in for the last few years.
I'd look for these changes to have some serious implications and possibly improvements for 710's entire lineup (save NY Vinnie).
Posted by: toryrogan | April 26, 2006 at 07:52 PM
Too late, Thom Hartman's the best morning man in town. Sorry Dave. Dori, hope you are gone soon.
Posted by: Ron | April 26, 2006 at 08:21 PM
"If Reagan can keep the thing goin' for an hour then I suspect Dori's days are numbered..."
Music to my ears! Thanks.
Agree that since commiting to Thom Hartmann, returning to Dave is a long shot for me. But, the good news is that I can listen to Al without worrying about what Dave is doing!
I wonder if Ron is an hour guy because that's all he wanted? Wouldn't it be nice if KIRO returned to a centrist-left station and left all the poopy-cock to KTTH or whatever station wants 'em? A whole day of listenable radio might get me back.
Posted by: joanie | April 26, 2006 at 09:19 PM
I haven't listened to KIRO other than quick traffic checks, in months after they moved Ross, fired Webb, fired Hart on the weekend, and Pate quit. I used to really like Dori, and he was pretty funny, but over the last couple of years he has adopted three on air personas: 1) Bitter white born again Christian victim know it all guy 2) Tired 40 something scared of aging never lived outside of Seattle weekend warrior guy and 3) Whiny "I hate any taxes" and "ooh, I need the press that Tim Eyman is getting" little man syndrome guy. Dori is done. I think he is next to get the axe. Poor Suzanne, having to be married to such an arrogant bore. Maybe he can just do more of the endless dog food, invisible fence, gutter helmet promos and go away.
Posted by: TacticalNuke | April 26, 2006 at 09:37 PM
It's too bad they didn't go back to news in the afternoon drive.
Posted by: toryrogan | April 26, 2006 at 09:46 PM
I remember KIRO as a thinking, mature, higher level station much like a public radio station growing up here. Now, I live in London and travel to Seattle to visit my aging parents 4 to 6 times a year. I am shocked at the lightweight shows like John Prococino, Dori has become bitter, arrogant and cynical, and Ron and Don at night are complete morons. One of them tries to be serious, the other yells at some fictitional producer Gary, and uses the phrase, "and why wouldn't they/he/she/we/it/them" ad nauseum. KIRO has definately lost its credibility in my book. Dori is famous for adamantly supporting a "free market". Well, the free market seems to be knocking at his and all of KIRO's on air hosts doors.
Posted by: samiam | April 26, 2006 at 09:50 PM
I would agree with Tactical Nuke. Dori seems to have fallen into the "pop" evangelical Christian as victim trap and can't get up. He seems to let that come over the air more and more these days. It's an epidemic, false Christianity, from our President on down to innocent school children. We need a return to True loving Christianity, a REAL culture that values all life not just certain lives, TRUE compassion not just word, action. Are you listening Dori?
Posted by: BurienBev | April 26, 2006 at 10:00 PM
Ron & Don means Ken Beck's still running things.
KIRO's doomed!
Posted by: sclub | April 26, 2006 at 11:44 PM
Ron Reagan as Chief What?????
By this standard they should hire someone named marconi as their chief engineer.
Reagan Jr is a nice fellow, but his political insights are ... well ... naive. It might be more appropriate to have as a society gossip columnist or arts critic.
Maybe he can take lessons from Dave Ross.
Posted by: Stephen Schwartz | April 27, 2006 at 12:19 AM
KIRO changing the lineup again??? Management has no clue.
I do admit that I still listen to KIRO quite abit when driving for my job.
I'm wondering if we will get taped hours of Ron and Don on Friday's when they want to leave early like they do now on 9 to 1.
Bryan Stybble? NO NO NO When he is on I turn KIRO OFF OFF OFF. I enjoy Frank on the overnite much more than Bryan because of local issues he discusses.
Are we gonna see the return of Robin and Maynard 9 to 1 AM? or Bryan Stybble then? PLEASE NO!!!!!
Put Frank Shirers in the 9 to 1. and put Tom Leykis on the 1 to 5 AM.
Oh yes, and Michael Bevins traffic reports SUCK!!!!! I 5, 405 and the Floating bridges all running SMOOOOOOOOOOTHLY, sounds like a fucking recording! When I'm sitting in a 40 min back up in Everett asshole.
Posted by: Michael Muller | April 27, 2006 at 01:52 AM
Dave Ross is great whatever time he's on, but Dori is annoying and if I'm in the car when he's on I always change to KJR. Procaccino was fun to listen to with Ron Reagan, but I really miss Allan Prell and "Little Orphan Annie" as they were entertaining. Why do so many people dislike NY Vinnie? I love his voice and accent. Ron and Don? So-so. Never heard them on the Buzz, so this was my intro to them; it's good to be updated about Katrina's devastation in New Orleans cuz we're so far from there and it's easy to forget. Oh yeah, guess that means Carl Jeffers won't be KIRO's political analyst? I LIKE him! Dang. Every time I get used to someone they get rid of them.
Posted by: Brianne | April 27, 2006 at 07:32 AM
I like the revised lineup a lot more than what they had on. My main problem with KIRO is they have been so overloaded to the left that the reason for listening to most of the shows has become pointless.
I know a lot of the geniuses that post messages on this blog are part of the 'I Hate Dori Brigade', but he's one of the only hosts on KIRO that doesn't totally kiss the ass of the left wing whackos that run Seattle and King Co.
Most of the comments I read about him in this blog are just garbage from people who have nothing better to do with their lives than sit in front of their computers, drink Lattes and eat energy bars...
Please excuse me, I must go to work now...
Posted by: Joe | April 27, 2006 at 08:25 AM
In my humble garbage opinion, anyone who thinks KIRO leans left must be to the right of James Dobson.....
Posted by: sparky | April 27, 2006 at 08:56 AM
or this one....
Posted by: sparky | April 27, 2006 at 09:21 AM
hey Tactical Nuke- but Dori gives us the inside scoop on his vacation hotel room screwup. Remeber when the manager at the Palm Springs hotel kept telling him
the Dori Monson family room wasn't ready yet. Dori probably called himself to make reservations and the desk clerk thought it was some pimply faced high school nerd phone prankster pretending to be a grownup with a family, and the guy just laughed it off after he hung up.
that's why there was no room for the amaonson's when they arrived.
Posted by: Tommy008 | April 27, 2006 at 09:39 AM
Joe has made this comment before. It can't be called an argument becuase he offers up no specifics.
He wouldn't recognize "center" if it kicked him in the ass . . . sorry, Joe. You are as propagandized as anyone I've read.
Posted by: joanie | April 27, 2006 at 09:49 AM
My guess is that Dori has already been told privately by grim-faced KIRO suits that once his contract is up, he'll really have to take Smart and Final up on their job offer as a greeter at their Kent store- the one that Monson was laughing about at the station all last month.
Posted by: Tommy008 | April 27, 2006 at 09:59 AM
I have a feeling that the pressure of following a national act like Reagan may be just enough motivation for Dori to snap out of the funk he's been in for the last few years.
I'd look for these changes to have some serious implications and possibly improvements for 710's entire lineup (save NY Vinnie).
Posted by: RedRachel | April 27, 2006 at 10:12 AM
Brianne asked why people dislike NY Vinnie. It's not that he's a nasty guy at all (cf. Monson). I'm sure he's more than decent. Any dad who dotes on his daughter the way he does can't be all bad. But there are three reasons why I think he is not much of a broadcaster:
** No consistent point of view, and no appetite for show prep. He seems to decide on topics and invent a point of view out of thin air, in real time, while you're listening. He will throw out wild lines out of nowhere to try to jump-start the phones (Last month: "Am I the only radio guy in town willing to say the Huskies are going to end up in the Final Four?") then retract or forget them instantly and veer on to something else. He's not compiling a set of brand attributes for himself other than desperation. When Vinnie was trying to do news/politics and things like taxes, Iraq, Harriet Miers, etc., WAY outside his comfort zone, there was no more painful talk radio in town.
** Presentational mechanics. Too many broken, fragmentary sentences. Too many uhhhs and ummms. Too many fresh thoughts while the current sentence is in progress, leading to aural jump-cuts. It's not thoughtful talking much of the time; it's put mouth in gear, hope brain will catch up. I find it choppy and annoying to listen to.
** His physical condition. He can't get enough air to broadcast smoothly. He sounds like he's fighting for breath. You look at him on Q13 in the evenings and he looks cartoonishly, scarily large -- I guess we won't be hearing any more of those LA Weight Loss voicers -- and in serious discomfort. I'm in no way anti-fat people, I've had to fight to control my weight all my life myself (and I'm a former on-air person). But breath control is a requirement for a professional broadcaster and when you're worried that Vinnie's going to have a stroke at the mike, it overshadows whatever he's actually saying.
Because he loves his kid so much it would be great if he weren't boxed up before she reaches adulthood... guys in his shape usually don't live to see old age. The poor dude. Stop with the pizzas and plan your programs better.
Posted by: TomF | April 27, 2006 at 10:15 AM
It's nice that Proco is still on the air after being informed his services will no longer be required, that's pretty rare.
Posted by: Andrew | April 27, 2006 at 10:38 AM
Thanks, TomF, for the informative comments on NY Vinnie. It's refreshing to read something that's grammatically correct, well thought out and spelled correctly, as well. You didn't change my mind about Vinnie, and I haven't seen him on TV, but it's good to know why you and probably others prefer other hosts.
In my opinion, Dori is too passionate and excitable, and his hatred or at the least dislike of King County exec and council is extremely annoying. That's unprofessional.
Posted by: Brianne | April 27, 2006 at 11:01 AM
John Prociocino is learning the hard way that hard way that America is sick and tired of hearing liberal trash. He's just the latest leftist mouth piece to bite the dust. That's the reason is at the bottom of the ratings. Nobody aggrees with him or his philosophies. I wouldn't be suprised if KIRO replaced their whole lineup with some level heads. America is sick and tired of the trashing, bashing media. Their time has past, America has moved on long ago and Seattle is finally figuring out that verbally assalting the leaders of our goverment isn't going to result in anything more than the loss of their jobs. We're sick and tired of it and we want more than liberal spin.
Posted by: RedRachel | April 27, 2006 at 11:03 AM