~~Loyal reader Rich noticed it- "When I load 710kiro.com in Firefox on one particular computer, I see the attached image for a 10th of a second. Did some more poking around. Look- there's no question the image is real: looks like it loads just before the flash file does. The header on the image is dated Jan 25th - so maybe this is an idea they had, but decided against." Wow. A picture of Dave with the 7-10 pm underneath it found like a picture of The Virgin in a slice of pizza. Did the Entercom geniuses really consider putting Our Dave in the 7-10p slot? Wouldn't put it past 'em-maybe he and New York Vinnie competed and Vinnie just beat him out of the job...view the Image of Mystery here.
~~Theresa Joy, Theresa Joy, Theresa Joy. She's all we hear about in our mailbox about KTTH these days...she apparently does the news for Buttman and Bows (m-f, 5-9a) and apparently she's a tempering influence on the mad puppies of 770. Who is she anyway? Is she really Carleen Johnson?
~~We gotta apologize to Rabbi Lapin. O we of little faith- his new show will indeed start on Sunday, Mar. 26th from 1- 4p PST on KSFO San Francisco, 560 on the AM dial. We had thought maybe he was lying. If you miss him (as we do) since he left the Seattle market, the show will be carried live on the Internet click on “listen now.” Wonder if "Baghdad by the Bay" is ready for the rabid rabbi?
~~You know that talk host schtupping the producer we've been reporting about for months? Bofem married and all? (they're not at KIRO, btw) Well, get this: she (the producer) caught him (the talk host) going to a motel (their motel!) with his own wife. The whole thing is off, we hear. Motel? wife? that's against basic adultery ethics, isn't it?
~~Boyoboy, do we love Talkcheck Starting in January Seňor Talkcheck started making digital recordings of Carlson, Kirby, The Commentators, Bryan Suits, and Dori. His idea is to be a Media Matters for local talk radio. He had a big score which hit national blogs with his audio of McCain on Carlson last week being surprised by a caller asking him about his senior aide Terry Nelson's dirty tricking past. He again hit pay dirt by catching Carlson in a little obfuscation when he claimed falsely that there was a spike in NW crime because of more Mexican laborers. There has, in fact, been no such crime increase; and there is no causal relationship between immigration and crime. Talkcheck needs your help listening- he implores us all, Have you heard something outrageous? Drop me a line and I'll go find the details and make a post. With audio if needed.
~~One question about Bryan Suits. Why?
~~Wow. KIRO blogs! they're our favorite thing about KIRO right now. Yes, producers Tina Nole, Ann Wog, and news producer/reporter Dan Restione are blogging their asses off over on KIRO's spanking new website. We, of course, need to critique them for you, because we are The Critic of Everything, Especially Talk Radio. We like Tina's blog the best- she has a great heart and liberal mind. (She went to Evergreen, she admits in a post). It always feels like there's a chance she'll spill something really personal or that will get her in trouble (we love stuff like that) Ann Wog' blog is breezy and smart, and she likes her celebrities. Hers is personal, but less intimate than Tina's. More controlled, but good-natured and funny. Restione rarely asks a questione, uses a lot of biblical references and is, how you say- a little verbose? But for all the verbosity, pomposity, bombasity and pufferosity, he details some pretty interesting stuff about the newsroom (and Damnation Alley) never missing an opportunity, however, to self-reference or glad hand the bosses a little- but golly hooters, if Gregg with 2 gg's were our boss, we might do the same. (Dan knows BlatherWatch, btw, but doesn't know he does).We love the blogs- they're all well-written and if you'd wanna get a little inside poop at KIRO sans any of the controversy we're always bitching about, go there at once...we'll meet you there.
~~We'd like to read a blog written by some KIRO management. Can you picture Tom Clendening or Jerry McKenna up late at night in their underwear spilling their guts out at a keyboard to the voracious reality-hungry blogoshere? Me neither, but wouldn't that be great copy? Yeah, you're right- no it wouldn't.
What if Kiro and KTTH became one station What would the line up be : Ok here we go!
from 5:am to 9:00 Greg and Jane .
From From 9:00 to 1:00. the David and Dan Show .
From ,1:00 to 4:00 Dave Ross.
From 4:00 to 7:00 The Ron and Don show.
from 7:00 to 10:00 the lionel show.
from 10:00 to 1:00am Turi Ryder Show ( hooty hoo ! she is a BABE!)
FRom 1:00am to 5:00am Its the Scary Gary Show ! & The Wonder Chimp!up and down left and right in your face!!! with nightly interviews , DUDES with Mullets!
Also Chicks over 50 with tatoos
and as always cheap poker tricks after 2:00am ! Its a good line up Hay Tom at Kiro this ones on the house !!
Posted by: Brian Lacey wa | March 30, 2006 at 03:55 AM
The Adventures of Backwoods Boze and The Cocky Little Twerp The twins reached new lows yesterday when they had on a woman with an initiative designed to put Horse's Ass Tim Eyman behind bars. The potential ballot item would outlaw Eyman's asinine brand of state initiatives and make them felony strikes in Washington's three strike law. The thought of H.A. Eyman sharing a cell with Mike Webb truly brings joy to my heart. This wonderful lady, although perhaps not the most articulate of humans, was subjected to ridicule and laughter by the duo, especially from Dan Buttman, who mocked her with his chuckling, smirking condescension. By the way, he's offering berths on a Hawaii cruise with him , his wife and couple of brats. I wouldn't get stuck on a cruise with Dan Buttman if it was discounted to $59.95.
Posted by: Tommy008 | March 30, 2006 at 05:39 AM
And...surprise! Tommy kicks things off.
Everyone remember: the ONLY criteria for (talk) radio success or failure, are ratings that translate into SALES. A 4.0 share in ANY market means a profit. Period. This means Toppenish and this means New York.
Content? Who cares. This ain't BBC and it ain't KUOW.
And speaking of KUOW...why doesn't BlatherMikey list KUOW on the right hand column as a "Pacific NW Talk Station?"
Do they have a license to bore me at 10am that Prell didn't?
(Unless it's a hard hitting in-studio with Steve Shur(sic) and "Xchtlatxl" the Peruvian mestizo chief who's in Seattle to display his tapestries)
As always..GREAT RADIO Kuow!! Pledge is in the mail.
p.s. has anyone noticed that UOW and PLU are co-locating their begging weeks on the same calendar? There's nowhere to turn. Very clever.
Posted by: Scrilla | March 30, 2006 at 07:39 AM
I, personally, would like Dave 7-10 but probably most wouldn't. Interesting . . .
Posted by: joanie | March 30, 2006 at 07:58 AM
My line-up in any order: Jaco, Ross, Hartmann, Franken; Hart and Webb on weekends. Also, could include Stephanie Miller and Mike Malloy - I like Air America.
Posted by: joanie | March 30, 2006 at 08:55 AM
It is interesting that listening to the pledge drives on KPLU and KUOW is more interesting than either S&B or Kirby this morning.
Posted by: JDB | March 30, 2006 at 10:52 AM
that initiative woman isn't serious, is she?
Posted by: lukobe | March 30, 2006 at 10:56 AM
I think it's funny that they have professional beggers take to the airwaves for the occasion. Talk about a shit job! Traveling from city to city, begging and begging some more.
Posted by: Andrew | March 30, 2006 at 11:15 AM
Ways to make Talk Radio more fun:
1) Whenever Medved says "Focus like a lazer beam," he gets hit by an actual lazer beam. (You would think that one of his producers would have told him that this was old when he first started using it over and over again).
2) Whenever Sean Hannity talks over someone, his chair recieves a jolt of 10,000 volts.
3) Whenever Sean Hannity tells a lie, he must run around his building (which should reduced his show to 10 minutes on air a day).
4) Whenever Rush Limbaugh goes off on Oral Sex, he is shot with a dart full of trazadone for making us think of him getting a hummer.
5) John Carlson and Ken Shram must do the Commentators fully in the nude.
6) Kirby Wilbur must take a shot of helium before stating a GOP talking point.
7) Sytman and Boze must take a shot of the liquor of their choice everytime they say something bad about a democrat.
8) Everytime All Things Considered reports on something only someone with way to much education could care about, everyone drinks.
9) Dori Monson must live in a house entirely made out of Gutterhelment Gutters for one year. (The Cadilac of Gutters).
10) Everytime any radio station treats Tim Eyeman as something other than a complete loon, they must take a blow to the head from a 10lbs weight hung above their heads in the studio.
Just a few thoughts.
Posted by: JDB | March 30, 2006 at 02:52 PM
Ken Schram in the nude??
Otherwise excellent suggestions :-)
Posted by: sparky | March 30, 2006 at 04:26 PM
I think Sean Hannity would have to do his show from the street!
Posted by: joanie | March 30, 2006 at 04:36 PM
Trazodone wouldn't touch Blob-o-pills Limbaugh....maybe a double rush of LSD.
Posted by: Fremont | March 30, 2006 at 05:23 PM
I really don't have anything to write today. KIRO is just that bad.
Posted by: The Anti KIRO | March 30, 2006 at 06:09 PM
AntiK: I nominate this to be the official Blatherwatch affirmation:
Posted by: joanie | March 30, 2006 at 06:29 PM
oh come on Joanie, not you too.
Posted by: lukobe | March 30, 2006 at 06:31 PM
Just wanted to comment on the new Koodo Mobility adds with Theresa Joy... they are great!! Its good to see the beautiful young talent in a commical role. The adds for Koodo are so catchy!! I love the 80's workout theme!! 20 minute workout spoof... genious!! Im telling you these commercials are even better the SNL skits done by Drew Barrymore... plus it seems like the Koodo plan is actually really good ... low commitment , free text... Ill be 'air texting' for free now!! This is a very good thing!! Great Great!
Posted by: Levin | March 27, 2008 at 08:13 PM