take your answer off the air...

  • HorsesAss.Org: the straight poop on WA politics & the press
    progressive brilliance from the guy who pointed out Tim Eyman's nascent horse's-assedness
  • Talker's Magazine
    The quirky talk radio trade mag. Check the Talk Radio Research Project- it's not very scientific, but places on the top 15 talkers list (scroll down to Talk Radio Audiences By Size)) are as hotly contested as Emmys (and mean just about as much).
  • The Advocate
    No, not THAT Advocate... it's the Northwest Progressive Institute's Official Blog.
  • Media Matters
    Documentation of right-wing media in video, audio and text.
  • Orcinus
    home of David Neiwert, freelance investigative journalist and author who writes extensively about far-right hate groups
  • Hominid Views
    "People, politics, science, and whatnot" Darryl is a statistician who fights imperialism with empiricism, gives good links and wry commentary.
  • Jesus' General
    An 11 on the Manly Scale of Absolute Gender, a 12 on the Heavenly Scale of the 10 Commandments and a 6 on the earthly scale of the Immaculately Groomed.
  • Howie in Seattle
    Howie Martin is the Abe Linkin' of progressive Seattle.
  • Streaming Radio Guide
    Hellishly long (5795!) list of radio streaming, steaming on the Internets.
  • The Naked Loon
    News satire -- The Onion in the Seattle petunia patch.
  • Irrational Public Radio
    "informs, challenges, soothes and/or berates, and does so with a pleasing vocal cadence and unmatched enunciation. When you listen to IPR, integrity washes over you like lava, with the pleasing familiarity of a medium-roast coffee and a sensible muffin."
  • The Maddow Blog
    Here's the hyper-interactive La Raych of MSNBC. daily show-vids, freakishly geeky research, and classy graphics.
  • Northwest Broadcasters
    The AM, FM, TV and digital broadcasters of Northwest Washington, USA and Southwest British Columbia, Canada. From Kelso, WA to the northern tip of Vancouver Island, BC - call letters, formats, slogans, networks, technical data, and transmitter maps. Plus "recent" news.
  • News Corpse
    The Internet's chronicle of media decay.
  • The Moderate Voice
    The voice of reason in the age of Obama, and the politics of the far-middle.
  • News Hounds
    Dogged dogging of Fox News by a team who seems to watch every minute of the cable channel so you don't have to.
  • HistoryLink
    Fun to read and free encyclopedia of Washington State history. Founded by the late Walt Crowley, it's an indispensable tool and entertainment source for history wonks and surfers alike.

right-wing blogs we like

  • The Reagan Wing
    Hearin lies the real heart of Washington State Republicans. Doug Parris runs this red-meat social conservative group site which bars no holds when it comes to saying who they are and who they're not; what they believe and what they don't; who their friends are and where the rest of the Republicans can go. Well-written, and flaming.
  • Orbusmax
    inexhaustible Drudgery of NW conservative news
  • The Radio Equalizer
    prolific former Seattle KVI, KIRO talk host speaks authoritatively about radio.
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Member since 02/2005


« holiday oddems: mike webb's coming back! casualties of the war on xmas, fill-in duds, dried mucus from rev. moon | Main | mike webb, 1995-2005 R.I.P. »

December 27, 2005


John Mortensen

From: http://www.mikewebb.org/

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

I said "Hello". They said "Goodbye"
Thank You For Your Friendship during these past 35 years on the radio, especially the past 10, where we had a chance to really get to know one another and offer an alternative to the disgusting, corporate-driven nonsense masqerading as talk radio.

As a child in San Francisco, I enjoyed so much, turning on my little transistor radio - finding my true friends in the people who broadcast from the great stations KEWB, KYA, KFRC, KNBR and the legendary Gene Autry station, KSFO. It was always fun tuning the AM dial and DXing to WWL in New Orleans, always discovering.

When I finally entered the medium at the age of 14, I got to work at one of those legendary stations, hosting a show called "From the Campus", a little program they dumped in Sunday mornings at 3am. But it was a thrill for me. And then to become a beat reporter for the world's first alternative rock station, KMPX --- what an experience --- dodging rocks and billie clubs during Vietnam war protests.

Several news and music stations later and a trip to Seattle where I fell in love, enjoyed the management jobs but quite honestly, I felt more at home on the air than in my own house. There's just such a beautiful intimacy to it all, different than any other medium. I've been fortunate.

I could go on, but suffice it to say, that people come into our lives on time and they leave on time as well.

So Long,


¶ 7:58 PM


Beat ya by 34 minutes....LOL!!!


this is the first time I haved read your blog; you state that you are truly liberal...but it seems that the loss of Mr. Webb doesn't bother you much...you think he has flaws, and is driven by anger...what thinking liberal is not driven by righteous anger about the various social and political issues of the day?...yeah, I agree he could be insolent and angry, but I actually prefer that to a host who is oily smooth and not sincere...and let's face it, most hosts are that way...I think KIRO might completely change it's format in the next year or so...the sad truth is, talk radio needs an informed audience of careing citizens; in my 30 years of listening to talk radio, I have noticed the "intelligence curve" of the audience steadily declining...along with other social factors in our backsliding culture...so, let's allget ready for more of those "feel-good-Oldies, and hip-hop our way to the ultimate demise of the good old USA!


j.d. is typical Seattle
"progressive" thinking in full force. Excsue any infraction by a leftie as ot not tarnish the "progressive" mantle.
Webb was an intolerant, anti-intellectual with sub-par radio skills (in his later days, I understand that he may have been a talented youth). I liken jd's argument to the King County/Seattle election debacle: it is a mess in our own backyard but the "progressive" holds his nose and yells, "Ohio." Failure to hold individuals and institutions accountable for their misdeeds and (in Webb's case deceit) tarnishes "progressives" more than meeting he problems head-on.


team1040 wrote: . . . Failure to hold individuals and institutions accountable for their misdeeds . . .

Glad to hear it, 1040! This, of course, means you'll be voting Democrat at the federal level this year. Right?

attorney in Minneapolis

Sad to know that in just a misconduct work,all the hardship and sacrifices just to be an attorney has wasted,I hope this could be a lesson to everyone.

michael hood

thanks for the comment... this attorney was eventually disbarred in WA state... but not before he threatened this blog, and took his case before the state supreme court... scrool down these blog oposts for a chronology of his misbehavior. http://blatherwatch.blogs.com/talk_radio/bradley_marshall/

Michael Hood
listening to talk radio so you don't have to...

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    pacific nw talk stations

    • KIRO 710ESPN Seattle 710 KHz
      Games and sports-blabber
    • KIROFM 97.3
      Multi-format: news and nearly all local talk. This is where classic KIRO AM news talk radio went... hopefully, not to die. The home of Dave Ross & Luke Burbank, Dori Monson, Ron & Don, Frank Shiers, Bill Radke, Linda Thomas, Tony Miner and George Noory.
    • KUOW FM 94.9
      Seattle's foremost public radio news and talk.
    • KVI am 570 KHz
      Visit the burnt-out husk of one of the seminal right-wing talkers in all the land. Here's where once trilled the reactionary tones of Rush Limbaugh, John Carlson, Kirby Wilbur, Mike Siegel, Peter Weissbach, Floyd Brown, Dinky Donkey, and Bryan Suits. Now it's Top 40 hits from the '60's & '70's aimed at that diminishing crowd who still remembers them and can still hear.
    • KTTH am 770 KHz
      Right wing home of local, and a whole bunch of syndicated righties such as Glennn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Michael Medved, Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, Lars Larsony, and for an hour a day: live & local David Boze.
    • KPTK am 1090 KHz
      Syndicated liberal talk. Stephanie Miller, Thom Hartmann, Ed Schultz, Randi Rhodes, Norman Goldman fill in the large hole to the left on Northwest radio dial.
    • KLFE AM 1590 kHz
      Syndicated right-wing 2nd stringers like Mark Levin, Bill Bennett, Mike Gallagher, Dennis Prager, Dennis Miller and Hugh Hewitt inhabit this timid-voiced neighbor honker for your radio enjoyment (unless you're behind something large like Costco).
    • KOMOAM
      News, traffic, Ken Schram and John Carlson.
    • Washington State Radio Stations
      Comprehensive list of every danged AM & FM station on the dial.
    • KKOL am 1300 KHz
      Once a rabid right-wing talker, except for Lou Dobbs, it's all business....