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December 27, 2005


Sailor Republica

So Turi Ryder will probably take over the helm temporarily?

If she does, I hope they keep her. I heard her for the longest time when she was in the Minneapolis market. She's interesting, to say the least.


I've heard Turi a couple times, and she seems all together. The one show that stands out was a show on adoption and foster care...both are issues close to my heart, and she handled the topic very well.

Who knows what got into Mike. He was a shining light at one point, but got very angry towards the end...unenjoyable to listen to.


Look for Mike Webb to fall off the wagon and degenerate into alcoholism. His public humiliation for fraud and the disgrace of getting fired will be too much to bear.


what I want to know is, what idiot PM decided it was a good idea to let all the "talent" go on vacation at the same time?

Grow a pair and deny some vacations. KIRO is unlistenable trash right now, which means my day sucks.

I think I would rather listen to the automated Wolf countdown than any of the backup blowhards on KIRO.


Michael sez, "Both stations have taken dives in the ratings, which has been especially hard for KIRO, long a leader in the market, with arguably the best radio newsroom in the country."

How bout best in the NW? Not even close to KGO 810 in SF.


You should be proud of your readership, Michael...you were scooped by two people last night on this story :-)

I hope Mike Webb goes on to have a happier life..


When did KGO move to the NW?

Oh relax, Lump. Im just teasing you.

KIRO's news is fabulous for people who live in the metro area.


Sparky sez, "KIRO's news is fabulous for people who live in the metro area."

Sparky, I couldn't agree more with you. KIRO is my choice for local radio news and road reports trying to navigate the traffic messes and of course listening to Dori is icing on the cake. . .


When I saw the "R.I.P" along with Mike's name this morning after bringing up blatherWatch, I felt genuinely sad for Mike. He has been his own worst enemy and his anger caused his downfall. I hope Mike does not fall off the wagon as someone suggested. I also felt sad for us. Another liberal voice is gone from the radio. I don't like what is left.

I want to like Turi, but I find her more than irritating. This morning at 9:03 or so, she launched into a three to five-minute ugly, mocking tirade about the blue-color Alaska airline baggage handlers. Several callers chastised her and while she initially was very defensive and bristling, she eventually backed off. The whole thing left a bad taste in my mouth. I didn't catch her show on adoption and foster care so I can't comment other than to applaud anyone who takes the time to talk about children in foster care.

This last week on KIRO has been exceptionally dismal radio. The only host worth listening to is Dave Ross. While I prefer to tune in early mornings to catch the up to date traffic for the commute, I find Greg and Jane lame and unlistenable. After listening to nothing but NPR for many years, KIRO was the first AM talk radio I had ever faithfully listened to. They had me hooked for a good while. I've now purchased another antenna and accessories so I easily can bring my satellite receiver to work. I don't much like schlepping the radio to work, but it's small and it's well worth it.

By the way, fantastic writing and blogging, Michael. Sharp. Funny. Keeps me coming back to this little spot on the web.

Frank Shiers' #1 fan EVAH EVAH

Damn you, Skagit Valley Herald! *shakes fist* Sneaky tulip growing bastards! ;)

Anyhoo, this blog is like the obits with all the firing Entercom is doin' -- I think they enjoy this WAY too much. FWIW -- they blew out the KNDD morning show for Adam Carolla (yay! for reals)..may not matter to you talk types, but it seems they're kicking everybody to the curb.


I don't understand why KIRO can't find decent radio personalities. Is our market unatractive to real talent?

I liked John Procaccino at first because he seems very genuine and friendly, totaly unlike Frank Shiers, but he doesn't have strong enough opinions so he neither challenges my opinion nor gives me reasons to feel more confident about the opinions I've already formed. I just get nothing.

Dori Monson is liked a mixed blessing, he gives people a challenging opinion by taking hard stances on the other hand he acts like the fact that he's on the radio makes him the default winner of every debate. He admits to mistakes as often as George Bush and uses cheap radio devices for backing out of any corner he gets into. He refers to his show as "the big show" which must mean he needs to lose some weight.


Thanks, Cyn, for conveying my thoughts so well. I will miss Mike. He wasn't perfect by a long stretch but he was passionate. We bleeding heart liberals need more of that. I will miss his late-night show, warts and all.

Also, I don't care for Turi. There is something about her delivery that I find irritating. Unlistenable. Erin Hart isn't perfect either, but I prefer her over Turi. I think she brings intellect, intelligence and some great guests to the table.


"I don't understand why KIRO can't find decent radio personalities. Is our market unatractive to real talent?"

Nope, I don't think it is Seattle at all. I think it has everything to do with Entercom. Sure, a few radio personalities do manage to self-destruct, but they are in the minority. KIRO has had a number of more than decent radio personalities. All gone now. Go figure.


My wife and I were coming back from celebrating a late Christmas with family last night in Bellingham and heard Trudy for the first time and figured Mike Webb was axed. Her misguided attacks on George Bush ticked me off so much, I got a speeding ticket on Bond Road in Poulsbo at 11:15pm. (First traffic ticket in 24 years) I agree, talk radio in the Seattle market s-s-s-s-s-sucks this week.

Chad Stanley

It's such a brutal, Nixonian way to go down. It's one thing to get axed by the numbers, but it's another when your reputation is sullied with no public means of repair.

Again, I'm no fan of Mike but like the furniture I'm used to having him around. Now he'll only exist as a ghostly cyber apparition - as unexplained and mysterious as Brian Maloney.


To: asdfsadffsda

"what I want to know is, what idiot PM decided it was a good idea to let all the "talent" go on vacation at the same time?"

1) There are rather narrow windows between the rating periods that "count." The PM has to juggle the rather large amount of vacation time his/her major talent has in his/her contract...and they're most likely to have contracted for being off on the major holidays and the week between Christmas and New Year's.

2) It's pretty much assumed in the radio industry that folks are out doing other things this week...shopping...skiing...dealing with the kids being out of school...so it's considered down-time.

3) And, it also IS an opportunity to check out the "second string" talent to see if anyone is worth a shot. It's always good to have talent waiting in the wings, 'cuz you never know when someone is going to p$ss-off GEICO....

A lot of "talent" got their big breaks filling in: Sean Hannity, Michael Medved, Jay Leno.... ;)


I can appreciate an argument from both sides of the political spectrum, as long as it's cogent, and has merit. That makes for a good debate. I can't remember the last time Mike Webb brought that to the airwaves. It has been nothing but a diatribe of hate, enuendo, and frankly nothing credible.

Jeff S

Glad to see Mike out on his ear! He never gave opposing callers a chance to voice their opinion without cutting them off or calling them names.


KIRO is the reason I became addicted to news radio and Mike Webb played a very small part in that, but a part nonetheless. It's sad to see someone take themselves down.... and then make it worse. I think Webb's "capital L" stands for LOST at this point. I hope he finds his way again, but he could start by pointing the finger at himself instead of everyone else but himself.


Blather Watch must be loving this. Everytime a host gets fired we all rush to get the scoop. Sure you don't have a little payolla going on with Entercom to help boost your hits?


Turi sucks - not as bad as Styble, but definitely more than Shires - and that's saying something.


To audioslave:
(Love your moniker by the way!)

I agree that Mike was aggressive and rude but I actually liked that a little. I get so sick of all the pc when it comes to handling the stupidity on the conservative side, I get some satisfaction hearing him just refuse to listen. I'm wondering how he felt about Parrish's admission that Mike wasn't always his "cup of tea." But, I agree with Parrish when he said on his blog:

"That said, if some combination of Webb’s legal troubles and his already-declining ratings costs Webb his job, it will be a real loss for local Seattle media. There are plenty of more-or-less-liberal print commentators in Seattle, but KIRO-AM and KUOW have the only local radio equivalents. Of these, Webb is the only one who brings the sort of consistent fire to his convictions (sorry, bad pun) standard among conservative talkers -- NOT necessarily the same thing as being abusive -- and Seattle radio needs more of it, not less. "

I do miss Mike Webb.


Mike's last entry in his blog sounds a little too final--almost like an obit or something between the lines.

His show was different, in that it was his point of view, right or wrong and the last couple of years he became, angrier.

If Kiro is cleaning house, then it would seem likely that other line-up changes will occur this week or next. Ross moving back to mornings or leaving? Pate and others gone?


Eek. Yeah, Webb got to be awfully hard to listen to in the last few years, but he was a liberal voice on a powerful radio station, and it's not good to lose that.

I just wish he could have represented us lefties a little better than he did.


I also wonder why he speaks as if he can't or won't get another radio gig.


To Andrews question:

The word "credibility" comes to mind. He will surface again, possibly in another city, at another time in the future.


Local radio talk show host Mike Webb fired

By Christine Clarridge

Seattle Times staff reporter


* Archive: Radio talk-show host faces insurance-fraud charges

Liberal radio talk-show host Mike Webb has been fired from his job at KIRO radio after he was charged earlier this month with making a fraudulent insurance claim....

The charge against Webb was reported by Michael Hood on his Web log, http://blatherwatch.blogs.com/ where Webb's termination is a current topic.


I've been a long-time listener to Mike Webb's show. I remember when he entered at KIRO. It was due to another chicken-shit firing at that station by its milktoast PD, Tom Klendening. That's when Bill Gallant disappeared from 710's nighttime hot talk spot.

What blows my mind is that KIRO was so stupid as to fire a guy who has delivered the best rating share to that daypart since they botched the renewal of the Mariners contract. You'd have thought it was a decision made out of that Jack Daniels bottle the previous PD kept in her lower right hand drawer there. IMPORTANT NOTE: Mike Webb has not been convicted of anything at this point. He has been accused. Did Premiere Radio Networks can Rush Limbaugh when he clearly had committed multiple felony acts by obtaining, conspiring to obtain, and consuming his Hillbilly Heroin? Did Entercom yank his show off the air for those crimes? No.

Why doesn't everyone back off the hysteria over Webb's presumed guilt, and wait for the facts to come out from both sides. I'm sure Webb would like to rant about this, but if he's doing what most lawyers tell their clients, he's keeping that big mouth of his shut. Seems kinda smart to me.

I love the way the vultures circle in this business. Everyone hungry for Mike's gig. Sadly, there is NOBODY in the Seattle market better suited for that gig than Mike himself. I personally hope that he sues those jelly-spined imbesols at KIRO for his slot back.

The real crime is that Seattle radio audiences still have to put up with the inane, oft-boring, always-run-for-a-commercial-break-when-confronted-by-a-listener-smarter-than-himself Dori Monson. I thought they should have put him in jail after the second time I heard one of those stupid "Fireside Chats" with his daughter about Bill Clinton's dalliances with an intern and a cigar.

I think Webb's anger and overall style are exactly what's been missing from GREAT talk radio. That passion of communicating the audience's background conversation in their mind and giving people something to relate to.

Walter Sabo is one of the brightest minds in talk radio. Talk radio owes its existence to people like Sabo. And, I can't tell you how many times I have concurred with his dictates that you must be: Passionate. Real. Stick to Your Opinion. And, most important of all: EDGY.

If any of you heard that piece-of-crap talk show that KIRO's PD hosted in his most recent past-life at Jones Radio Network, you'd know why the PD was checked out when it came to defending one of his greatest assets... because he doesn't have a backbone. He's just another Corporate Radio Guy trying to save his own neck.

SHAME ON YOU, KIRO!! Grow some balls and stand behind your talent. (Oh, wait!! This is the station who put that talentless Mahoney freak on the air... What a waste of 50,000 watts).


I've been a long-time listener to Mike Webb's show. I remember when he entered at KIRO. It was due to another chicken-shit firing at that station by its milktoast PD, Tom Klendening. That's when Bill Gallant disappeared from 710's nighttime hot talk spot.

What blows my mind is that KIRO was so stupid as to fire a guy who has delivered the best rating share to that daypart since they botched the renewal of the Mariners contract. You'd have thought it was a decision made out of that Jack Daniels bottle the previous PD kept in her lower right hand drawer there. IMPORTANT NOTE: Mike Webb has not been convicted of anything at this point. He has been accused. Did Premiere Radio Networks can Rush Limbaugh when he clearly had committed multiple felony acts by obtaining, conspiring to obtain, and consuming his Hillbilly Heroin? Did Entercom yank his show off the air for those crimes? No.

Why doesn't everyone back off the hysteria over Webb's presumed guilt, and wait for the facts to come out from both sides. I'm sure Webb would like to rant about this, but if he's doing what most lawyers tell their clients, he's keeping that big mouth of his shut. Seems kinda smart to me.

I love the way the vultures circle in this business. Everyone hungry for Mike's gig. Sadly, there is NOBODY in the Seattle market better suited for that gig than Mike himself. I personally hope that he sues those jelly-spined imbesols at KIRO for his slot back.

The real crime is that Seattle radio audiences still have to put up with the inane, oft-boring, always-run-for-a-commercial-break-when-confronted-by-a-listener-smarter-than-himself Dori Monson. I thought they should have put him in jail after the second time I heard one of those stupid "Fireside Chats" with his daughter about Bill Clinton's dalliances with an intern and a cigar.

I think Webb's anger and overall style are exactly what's been missing from GREAT talk radio. That passion of communicating the audience's background conversation in their mind and giving people something to relate to.

Walter Sabo is one of the brightest minds in talk radio. Talk radio owes its existence to people like Sabo. And, I can't tell you how many times I have concurred with his dictates that you must be: Passionate. Real. Stick to Your Opinion. And, most important of all: EDGY.

If any of you heard that piece-of-crap talk show that KIRO's PD hosted in his most recent past-life at Jones Radio Network, you'd know why the PD was checked out when it came to defending one of his greatest assets... because he doesn't have a backbone. He's just another Corporate Radio Guy trying to save his own neck.

SHAME ON YOU, KIRO!! Grow some balls and stand behind your talent. (Oh, wait!! This is the station who put that talentless Mahoney freak on the air... What a waste of 50,000 watts).


Gee, the same comment twice, under 2 different names. Walt Sabo's a moron, by the way, he's an FM programmer who hates political talk. Stick to your board op gig.

Horace Greeley

Don't you love the irony?

The guy who labeled almost everyone who dared to disagree with him as an arrogant liar goes out as, well -- how about that? -- an arrogant liar.

Innocent until proven guilty, of course, I'm willing to give him that. (That's more slack than he was inclined to give to anyone who didn't toe HIS particular line, however sick or twisted.)

But if the court system does pin the scarlet letter on him, he's going to have to wear it for a long time. Considering the abuse he's heaped on so many others for so many years, I won't shed any tears.

Schadenfreude? Sure, I plead guilty.


kiro used to be a great station, since entercom has taken over, they have driven it into the ground along with most other entercom run stations. dave ross, is the best talk show host in town and the only thing kiro has left going for it since they blew it with the m's. i enjoyed mike's show and will just tune to am-1090 from now on. good job on entercom in running a once great station into the ground.


The firing of Mike Webb is a terrible shame! I didn't always agree with Mike, and he often sounded angry and anti-religious. But I still liked him and his passion for liberal causes. And I actually enjoyed the old songs he played on air too!

Why couldn't KIRO have announced that Mike Webb was taking a leave of absence to handle his legal matter? If Mike was found guilty or plea bargained, they could have canned him for good. But if he was found not guilty, they could have then welcomed him back.

It is so obvious that KIRO radio is going right down the toilet. First they take off my favorite radio host- Allan Prell- A move they have not recovered from. And now we are subject to Turi Ryder and Frank Shiers sometimes twice in the same day! And poor New York Vinnie can hardly keep his train of thought when he's not talking about sports.

Like so many others, I'm tuning into AM 1090 more and more often. Thom Hartmann is great! So are Al Franken and Ed Schultz. One of these days my radio is just going to stay on 1090 all the time. There will be no reason to tune into KIRO again. At this point the only person I still enjoy is Erin Hart.

It's silly, but I am genuinely sad to see my favorite hosts go away. I really liked Allan Prell and Mike Webb. A thump on the head to KIRO for screwing up so badly!

Dr. Mortimer S. Weems D.D.S.

This is Dr. Weems. Perhaps you heard Webb read some of my emails to him on the air. I can't stand the hateful, arogant turd, and some of the time he would actually read what I wrote. On other occaisions, the coward would get a kick out of completely changing the words of my emails to a pro-Webb stance . Webb was an angry little punk, who couldn't hang with people who disagreed with him without getting belittling and abusive. Good Riddance Webb.


Mike Webb is guilty as shit. Insurance companies and Banks are meticulous record keepers. When Mike Webb claims that both Geico and WAMU screwed up his accounts...he lost all credibility. Webb is a pathological liar.


KIRO should go back to mostly news/very little talk. KOMO radio has had a few years to practice now but still does a lousy, cheesy job of "all news," so it wouldn't be hard to take back that space, even minus the M's.


I miss Mike Webb. It hasn't sunk in yet that I won't be able to tune in and hear his voice anymore.

I'll probably stop tuning into KIRO at all, just like I stopped tuning into 100.7FM years ago when they got rid of all the worthwhile hosts. I was amused to read that 100.7 is now a country muzak station. The same will probably happen to KIRO.

What a travesty to have the usual morons of corporate america destroy all the local "liberal" talk radio programs in a supposedly liberal city like Seattle.

I have to wonder if a UNION might come in handy to protect the talk hosts from unfair firing decisions. Oh but they voted to stand alone instead of with their fellow workers. Oh well. I guess they wanted to live and die at the whim of the corporate pod people.

I miss Howard Stern, Susan Powter, Adam Carolla and Dr Drew, Allan Prell, and now Mike Webb. What they all had in common was an ability to articulate the sense of outrage many of us feel at the rise to power of the right wing religious nuts who are determined to dismantle everything that made America a shining city on a hill. (eg the middle class, social safety nets for the elderly and infirm, programs to help workers, labor unions, equal opportunity for ALL, freedom for individuals to live as they see fit, the dream of owning a home, upward mobility, checks and balances to reign in corporate and government power over the people, separation of church and state, science and reason rather than superstition and fear mongering, etc etc etc)

Ken H.

I used to listen to Mike. But like most of the Democrat party and the left something happened in 2000.
Bush got elected and they stopped being for things and just were being against Bush.
Bush has been the major controlling force in left wing politics for years now. IF Bush smiles they frown, if Bush laughs they cry, if Bush scratches his head they scratch their butts.
Instead of focusing on problems like why there were errors in info about WMD and the real errors made in Iraq, they just want to hand victory to terrorists and abandon 24 million people trying to get thier lives and nation back.
Recenly on TV once senator called for more troops and immediate withrawl from Iraq in the same interview!! Just because Bush was saying "stay the course"

I remember Mike Screaming on the radio, Why aren't people listening to what we are saying about Bush?"

Answer was simple, the left started mindless screaming about Bush in November of 2000, so there is no way to tell what might be logical criticism and what is more screaming.

That said, I feel sorry for Mike. his shows on Music gave insight to a creative man, so trapped in anger and paranioa that he may be losing the ability of function in normal society.


It's all KIRO/E'com's fault. If they paid their hosts more money, then Webb could have afforded car insurance and Monson wouldn't have to rave about his new windows, amazing floors, gutters, invisible dog fences, and fresh flowers that add that extra touch during the holidays.

Chris M.

Mike's downfall is nothing more than a reflection of his arrogance, utter stupidity, and the lack of realization that certain things are wrong. When you make a conscious decision to go and purchase auto insurance the day after an accident, you do so knowing full well that you are actively doing something illegal and wrong. There is no excuse, or no way he can cover himself. The arrogance to do so anyway is typical of liberal thinking. If you believe there is no right and wrong, and that everything is justifiable in some way, then you can justify anything. "The hackers got to him." "He wasn't being paid enough money." "He was brash on the air." None of this has anything to do with the fact that he tried to buy insurance to cover an accident after it happened.


I'm almost inclined to believe he's innocent. I mean - dear god - who is so stupid and arrogant as to try to defraud an insurance company in such an obvious way over such a relatively trivial amount of money?

that's almost as nuts as claiming someone hacked into both your bank's computers and geico's in order to frame you for insurance fraud.


Mike Webb,

I know that you read this blog....you can't help yourself. So, after the rage subsides from the comments that speak truth and common sense, why don't you do the right thing and go seek some professional counseling to find out why you have morphed into such a troubled human being over the past couple of years. You truly do have talent and have something to offer, but not in your present state of mind. The progressive point of view is best expressed passionately, but with logical reasoning, a basis in facts, and instead of just attacking the other side's point of view, offer a BETTER ALTERNATIVE. Otherwise, it just comes across as NOISE.


Did I have to actually say I was being SARCASTIC when I said it was KIRO's fault for not paying him enough money! GEEZ!!


Mike Webb is obviously psychotic with his 'dog ate my homework' claims about hackers. My only question is why does his lawyer back him in this charade?


Because his lawyer is getting press and dough.....for doing his job.


The lawyer might have even thought it up.


If it was the lawyer's idea, then Webb has to start thinking about his own lawyer's motives: press and dough. Webb does not need press on this and will only be hurt by more press. His lawyer on the other hand will benefit from more press.


The lawyer's defense strategy might be to say that although Mike Webb had fraudulent documents on his computer he wasn't the one who made them and that they mysteriously arrived there without his knowing.

Some lady is fighting an RIAA lawsuit is claiming that even though she had copyrighted songs on her computer that she didn't knowingly download them. I don't know how that worked out for her but I can see it as being a plausible way out what with all that silly spyware and such!


I don't think the "fraudulent documents" were "on his computer." Everything that has been in print said WEBB produced a document (a hardcopy) that showed his online application was dated in May, and a bank statement (again a hard copy) that showed a payment in May. When they went to the original sources to verify these pieces of paper Webb was giving them, WAMU and GEICO records were different.


I have followed Mike Webb during his time at KVI when they were the oldies station back in the 1980's but as a talk show host the guy is a psycho and deserves to go to jail! I hope he rots in hell! Take that you son-of-a-bitch Mike!

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    • KUOW FM 94.9
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    • KVI am 570 KHz
      Visit the burnt-out husk of one of the seminal right-wing talkers in all the land. Here's where once trilled the reactionary tones of Rush Limbaugh, John Carlson, Kirby Wilbur, Mike Siegel, Peter Weissbach, Floyd Brown, Dinky Donkey, and Bryan Suits. Now it's Top 40 hits from the '60's & '70's aimed at that diminishing crowd who still remembers them and can still hear.
    • KTTH am 770 KHz
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    • KLFE AM 1590 kHz
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