The editorial in Sunday's Palm Beach Post led: "Rush Limbaugh's attorney keeps saying that his client is innocent. So why does he keep acting as though his client is guilty?"
The right Rev. Rush Limbaugh, spokesman and spiritual mentor for the religious right and towering presence in the Values Community, may even face a drug charge one of these days.
Florida justice moves slow, especially when it's being stymied by Limbaugh's Miami celebrity lawyer, Roy Black, the guy who got William Kennedy Smith off on a rape charge in Palm Beach back in the 90's.
Outside of South Florida, we don't hear much about this, because Black has been able to stall criminal investigation of the allegations that Big Pants bought OxyContin and Vicodin by "doctor shopping," the illegal deception of multiple doctors to write overlapping prescriptions.
Investigators seized the the Flatulent Fulminator's medical records with search warrants in 2003, but they've remained sealed because Limbaugh appealed, arguing that the case threatened his privacy rights. He lost at the Circuit and appellate court levels, and the Florida Supreme Court declined to hear the case.
But appeals by the wealthy blabber magnate, who lives in a mansion with 15 bathrooms, successfully stalled the investigation for more than 18 months.
Regular people have been complaining these 18 months that if you're not a big, fat idiot with a big, fat ass; a big, fat radio show; a big fat bank account; and a lot of big fat get busted when you get busted.
The Palm Beach Post writes:
Despite what the talk-show host has claimed, as he tries to shift attention from himself, [the prosecutor's] office seeks neither to embarrass Mr. Limbaugh nor to score political points. The investigation led to Mr. Limbaugh. After his housekeeper told The National Enquirer that she gave Mr. Limbaugh large quantities of pills, the host underwent treatment for addiction.
The cops seized the records after reading in the papers that Limbaugh received about 2,000 painkillers, prescribed by four doctors in six months, at a pharmacy near his Palm Beach mansion.
Though he hasn't been charged with a crime, he's proclaimed his innocence--even while simultaneously acknowledging his addiction. He took a very public five month leave from his weekdaily show for rehab in 2003.
Rev. Limbaugh, a crossing attendant in the busy intersection of church and state, screeds interminably on the radio against drug users, and drug dealers and advocates harsh punishments. He's been a hawk in the war on drugs.
Though a harsh family values advocate, and Bible-believing Christian, he recently left his third wife for beautiful CNN anchor Daryn Kagan. You gotta hand it to him--she's quite a catch for a guy with the sex appeal (and a lot of the other attributes) of Major Hoople. Fap!
Loyal fans--usually hold 'em-accountable-advocates--are characteristically permissive when it comes to the Maha Rushee. During his rehab they decried the liberal glee at seeing the bombastic hypocrite go down so ignominiously. "Addiction's a disease," they said. "The pills were prescribed by a doctor."
Yeah, but he liked to get high just like any junkie downtown.
A designated liar for the Republican Party, Limbaugh is an unabashed Bush Administration flack willing to say the stuff the administration really thinks or wants you to think but won't say out loud.
Monday, he repeated baseless Internet rumors that the Downing Street memos were faked, is selling on his website "Club G'itmo" T-shirts that read "I Got My Free Koran and Prayer Rug at G'itmo," "Your Tropical Retreat from the Stress of Jihad," "My Mullah went to Club G'itmo and All I Got Was This Lousy T-Shirt," and "What Happens in G'itmo Stays in G'itmo."
Time will tell Limbaugh will get the same treatment as any other junkie; so far, he's been treated like one of those elitest Kennedy's he's so envious of.
That big fat liar should be in Gitmo! He's using his radio program to bully the justices in Florida and delay the inevitable - his jail sentence!
He rails on an on about how drug users should be executed or given life sentences, but then he gets caught and suddenly he goes silent on the topic. He always claims to be non-partisan, but we see right through his fat-filled lies! Remember how he tried to get Clinton impeached and prosecuted because some fake rape claims by some trailer trash Republikan made in super market tabloids??? Remember that fat boy???
I never listen to his program, it would make me sick I'm sure. I just want to see justice done. I won't sink to the base level of idiots like him that don't have a logical point to make, they just employ name calling and character assassination.
Blathering Michael - you keep giving 'em hell! Oh, and I still want to win that bet with my friend. He claims Air America isn't even in the top 10 in any markets, but he just listens to the lies of his KKK-VI nazis. Help me to shut him up and please post the ratings by Friday for all the places where AA is beating Fat Limbaugh and gang so I can stick it in his face!
Posted by: Bush Lies | June 22, 2005 at 07:37 AM
"I never listen to his program,"
Well that certainly gives one credibility on their comments.
Posted by: Lump | June 22, 2005 at 09:09 AM
This piece of shit would be in jail if he were anyone else. And all you need to know about republicans is that they worship this asshole drug addict with three or four wives and they give his racist comments about McNabb a pass too. That's all you need to know and you have the GOP figured out.
Posted by: Scott | June 22, 2005 at 09:18 AM
"This piece of shit would be in jail if he were anyone else."
Nice to see potty mouth back in business.
Posted by: Lump | June 22, 2005 at 11:33 AM
Potty Mouth? You must be talking about your pal What A Dick Cheney. "That guy sure is an asshole" or his other famous quote "Fuck you."
Doesn't seem to bother you lump when a republican uses harsh language. I am merely following the example of the Vice President of the USA. If it's okay for him to cuss, surely it's okay for me too.
I know, I know, I just hurt your hypocrite alarm. You are trying to figure out a way to justify giving a free pass to republicans for the same thing you attack Democrats for. Must be tough living such a lie.
Posted by: Rush Limbaugh | June 22, 2005 at 01:52 PM
Daryn Kagan? i thought CNN was liberal biased media! could rush be crossing over from the darkside? wonder how much the bush admin is paying rush these day's? i'm for hire, i'd say anything for a buck.
Posted by: Timmy | June 22, 2005 at 02:41 PM
"Nice to see potty mouth back in business."
Actually the quote was not for you, but since you jumped in, that'll make 2 of you with no social redeeming qualities. There are actually a few who post good discourse on this blog and I as a good citizen enjoy reading it. Even the owner of it has some pretty good stuff once in a while till he falls of the seat. But foul mouth trash talking persons like yourself bring nothing to the table. I'm almost embarrassed for you and and the other potty mouth who posts.
Posted by: Lump | June 22, 2005 at 04:14 PM
It's okay Lump. I am embarrassed for you too!
Posted by: Rush Limbaugh | June 22, 2005 at 05:15 PM
"Nice to see potty mouth back in business."
Which means that Lump can't defend "missouri fats" at this particular moment....
Posted by: chris | June 22, 2005 at 07:47 PM
i can explain it, Lumpy...with no potty mouth. Seeing someone being a hypocrite is something neither a Repub or a Dem likes...this transcends party line. I have republican relatives who quit listening to Mr. Limbaugh when they discovered this mess, acknowledging his years of scoffing and slamming those who share his addiction. Even those who dont care for his show would be more likely to cut him some slack had he admitted that he was now sitting on the other side of the fence and apologize for being so narrowminded about adiction. He didnt do that, and his continued denial is not going to help his reputation or his health in the long term.
Posted by: sparky | June 22, 2005 at 08:35 PM
I'm just surprised he's using a lawyer that he castigated back during the William Kennedy Smith trial. Money might explain Black's participation, but doesn't Limbaugh have to face himself in the morning?
Posted by: go team venture | June 22, 2005 at 09:56 PM
Michael....I love reading your blog along with all of your commenting pals.
I believe Brian Maloney's Radio Equalizer has been 100% honest reporting Arbitron ratings...yes, many conservative stations have lost some numbers, but ALL of them are dramatically higher than any of Air America numbers. Someone needs some remedial math classes....Now, I can hardly wait for some clever potty mouthed repartee.
Posted by: Duane | June 23, 2005 at 12:33 AM
Duane: I've sworn off bad language...remember? I do, however, question anyone over 6 yrs. old who uses the term "potty mouth" though...But I admire anyone who uses the word 'repartee,' which gives this blog some class for once.
I've written that AAR is in its infancy and the number of its affiliates is only 6o spomething, whereas,conservative outlets number in the hundreds...we're where con-talk was in 1991.
Posted by: blathering Michael | June 23, 2005 at 01:19 AM
"Which means that Lump can't defend "missouri fats" at this particular moment...."
I've never even mentioned the man or anything about him. Rather funny how the mention of his name sends some of you to the life boats or the Kool Aid.
"But I admire anyone who uses the word 'repartee,' which gives this blog some class for once."
You better splain it to the others so they can understand. Anyway, I have to leave town and earn an honest living for a few days. Enjoy yourselves.
Posted by: Lump | June 23, 2005 at 06:23 AM ol' Lumpy doesnt want to respond to a message that doesnt use "potty mouth"...heh...ok Lumpy.
Posted by: sparky | June 23, 2005 at 10:55 AM