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June 01, 2007



Duff, just reread it and it is 'draft' quality! Sorry.

I don't vote third party - even though I would like to see one - that are allowing democracy to wane. You're not exercising it anymore.

this part doesn't makes sense at all!

I mean: I don't vote third party if it jeopardizes a win on the left. I think third parties are necessary to keep a strong democracy. Their purpose is to keep the right honest and the left honest - both parties true to their constituencies.

By not allowing third parties and diverse voices into the system, democracy itself suffers and wanes. And either differences between the parties become fewer or the parties themselves become extremist.

I see the Dems as having become the mainstream Republicans and the Republicans having become extremists. That leaves me without a party. And until I get a party back, I not going to vote for the current group of Dems out of fear of the current group of Republicans every time. I've done it but I won't keep doing it. And people like Dwight Pelz are the reason I won't keep doing it. And I bet there will be more like me.

So, if a third party looks remotely viable, it could get my vote. Give divergent voices a chance in the party, I would be more willing to stay with the Dems. See some independence from the corporate elite and wall street and less dependence on getting reelected, I would stick with the Dems. But I see none of that currently.


Change Dems to Reps and Reps to Dems and you are thinking or expressing a lot of my feelings.
If the Democrat party were what it was thirty years ago, I would go back. If the Republican party were what it was twenty years ago, I would be happy.
Third and forth viable parties would be better. Getting the big bucks out of the game would be best.


Duff, I'm sorry you don't appreciate what I dug up, I thought it was good information for everyone. For your information, I also cross post at Red State, where they got all up in arms about it. Hey, the news has been re-blogged by several others since I posted it two days ago on my blog and this morning on DKos. So, I guess the story has legs.


Junkyard you mis-understood me...I thought it good; just wasted here where we are all generally Dem-leaning : ); I was serious about exposing it to the Conservative side with hopes that they would yet again realize there's no hope for them this time around. No offense intended my friend! : )


Geeze chucks: you and joanie may be closer than you think in your political thinking? :-)

Bla'm I just want to echo what joanie said: I think you have a real flair for words, I always enjoy your content and comments...and you're a good cook too?? :)...such a deal!


Joanie, I was reading your comments and going along just fine, making mental notes about what I wanted to say, then I got to this:

You sound like Good Germans. A bit dramatic? We'll see.

I don't care if you were talking to me or Michael or both of us. I have to desire to talk to people who use inflammatory language like that. No better than Limbaugh and his Feminazi crap. Good Germans my ass. Just someone who doesn't happen to agree with you.



robin: I too found it strange of joanie to say this?? Didn't seem to be like her when talking with/to someone that I thought might have been a soul mate in a way. I'm puzzled...may be joanie is having a bad hair day : )??


Nah Duffy,
We are miles apart. I think Gov't has gotten too big for the old britches. In spite of her occasional slam towards you, I think she is closer to you.
She is bull headed as all get out, but at least her "thoughts" are thought out.


And she had me kill my father. That one perplexes me. I love my dad and forgive him for being a life long D.


One more try here: I think we have a better chance of regaining our country if things get worse faster than if we keep trying to hang on to what's left. We are not the America we were pre-Reagan. And I think the longer we wait, the more tightly corporate control will be of our government. Perhaps now is the time to see how bad things can get or will get before the American people wake up.

The more control corporations take, the more ingrained becomes our dependence on them, the more they rape this country of its wealth, the harder it will be to take back our country.

I think a lot of you believe this country will survive Constitutionally no matter what. I don't agree. There's a lot of smart people out there comparing us with the Roman Empire. I for one have no certainty about our future. It is the people that make the difference. If they become apathetic, accepting of the status quo, not wanting to rock the boat or take chances to keep what they have, they will lose it. It is as simple as that.


Well, you know chucks it's all good - I've tried other blogs and I seem to be drawn to this one. A fine set of characters lies herein and all have interesting slants on politics...and life :)


Robin, it is a reference. If you don't like it, fine. Nobody is forcing you to like it or buy it.

You have very strong points of view as do I. This is a free blog for saying what you think. So we do. Perhaps the phrase bothers you because there is truth in it?


Wow! I'm the conversation now? Kind of fun listening in . . . and I didn't actually have you killing your father. I think you knew what I meant, chucks. Sometimes one must be brutal to make a point. Es corecto?

Duff has this problem of never knowing quite who to agree with . . .that's why I'm not quite sure about his politics. They sort of ebb and flow with the tide . . . just like his posts. Right Duff?


But, I agree with one thing, we're having fun.

And, Michael darlin' yourself, you know I have sweet thoughts for you! (Even if I do think you're all wet on this one!)

And Robin, hope you stick around but sometimes the rhetoric gets a little hot . . . we not chatting over the back fence here. No good neighbor policy as far as I'm concerned.


Duff has this problem of never knowing quite who to agree with . . .that's why I'm not quite sure about his politics. They sort of ebb and flow with the tide . . . just like his posts. Right Duff?

Well...who was it that said...always keep them guessing...ha : )


Colbert is hosting a panel on CSpan2 right now . . .repeat from a live feed earlier today.


Just to let you know, I posted versions of my two diatribes on Red State and they got all real mad and "BLAMMED" me then they "ERASED" me. So, going into the belly of the beast isn't always a fruitful endeavor.


well, you broke the cardinal rule...you presented...FACTS!!! Of course they zapped you :-)


A revealing piece on Hillary from NYTimes Magazine

blathering michael

You're always welcome around here, Junkyard- and we'll take any version of the facts- as long as we agree with 'em!


"Duff has this problem of never knowing quite who to agree with . . .that's why I'm not quite sure about his politics. They sort of ebb and flow with the tide . . . just like his posts. Right Duff?"

Well joanie, lets see how your tide is doing

Some quotes from Joanie in this thread.

"That is not my kind of Democratic party"

"I'm a Great Society Dem."

"I still consider myself an independent even though I generally vote on the Dem side"

"I don't vote third party - even though I would like to see one"

"So, if a third party looks remotely viable, it could get my vote."

"We do have a slim hold on power."

"Besides, we don't have a true majority."

"We could have them . . . if our party would go back to its roots"

"That leaves me without a party. And until I get a party back, I not going to vote for the current group of Dems out of fear"

"I would be more willing to stay with the Dems."

"I would stick with the Dems."

And what is this Joanie,

"If you want to muck around in resources that are twelve years old when discussing current topics"

and now you come back with this,

"if our party would go back to its roots - probably not the "Great Society" model but certainly the FDR model.

FDR, is that like 65-80 years ago.

Looks like you have alot of conflicts going on within yourself. Better get help soon or you will wakeup one morning next to a grocery cart full of cans.


There you go again, taking things out of context. You know, Steven, you only get confused when you do that.

And yes, FDR was a long time ago. It is called "history" Steven. Some of us know and learn from it; some of you don't.

BTW, you looking forward to The Decider declaring martial law now that he's made himself the official dictator?


Steven, I will give you some satisfaction here.

The left is not the right. We are not herded like sheep. I am conflicted. Not only do we disagree amongst ourselves; some of us disagree within ourselves. (You wouldn't understand that.)

I am not a Democrat. I am liberal/progressive. (Same thing to me.) I believe in the New Deal and the Great Society and think America has benefited from both generations of liberal socialism.

The Democrats are culpable in our set backs socially. But, they are still better than the current crop of Republicans - you.

So, it is with reluctance I vote Dem but I reserve the right to say a pox on both their houses and vote green or any other third party I wish if I choose. A point will come when I won't feel guilty if the Dems lose because they don't represent me anyway. And if keeping a timid group of corporate-dependent politicians in office is my only choice to keep this country in the hands of people who at least tip their hats to the left, then let the country be ruled by the Republicans.

There is a point at which I won't be intimidated or bribed. If most Americans want to live under fascism, so be it.


Michael, you gotta get the robot back!


"It is called "history" Steven.

Isn't that what i said a thread or two ago and you said what, I'm ass-backwards or something. are you saying you are ass-backwards then too.


You should teach a masters course on selective reading, Steve-0, it appears to be your strong suit.

Sadly we have very little choice in the party we seem to be in bed with for obvious reasons that would be repetitious to mention. The choice is between a manageable future and one of fucking fairy tales that we hear endlessly from the right. Their nearly monolithic authoritarian daddy-pants wannabees are the worst thing that has happened to this country in ages. Sure there may be some empty suits in the Democratic party, but it sure beats a gaggle of Neanderthals who pride themselves on being uneducated and thump their chests to show their bona fides.


I see you made it back, will you ever answer those tough questions I asked of you in the other thread or were you just acting like one of those,

"Neanderthals who pride themselves on being uneducated and thump their chests to show their bona fides."

Capt, you need to quit describing yourself.


"BTW, you looking forward to The Decider declaring martial law now that he's made himself the official dictator?"

Joanie, you know better now don't you. Unless you read this on that "Think Progressive" site or heard it on AA 2.0 (Namely Randi)lets see some sources. And speaking of FDR, what was that he did during WWII to them Japaneese Americans. Was that part of the New Deal and being a Great Society?


Oh, Steven, you're hopeless. It's hard not to like someone whose thinking is as impossibly convoluted as yours.

Trying to make sense of any conversation with you is like Alice trying to make sense of Wonderland where everything is ass-backwards and upside-down.

In other words, you amuse me. :)


You really ought to define "that other thread" or "those questions" if you want an answer. The truth is that you don't because I'll clean your clock again. You seem to have this insipid ability to ignore every single question posed to you then accuse somebody else of the same. Then when somebody slams you with an appropriate description (uneducated Neanderthal) all you can do is copy 20 year old Pee Wee Herman defenses: "I know you are but what am I." Pathetic.

If you want to sit at the adult table, learn to debate issues and quit hiding behind minutia. It won't be pretty but you MAY get educated for a change...simpleton.


So Joanie, no sources there, just some made up stuff?

And in the future, when you think of names to call me, don't look down first ok.

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